Ismail Serageldin


Serageldin Hosts Helsinki Process Roundtable at the BA

14/04/2007 | Alexandria
Religions for Peace Honorary President, Ismail Serageldin, hosted a roundtable meeting of the Helsinki Process at the BA. More than twenty participants, from religious organizations, governments, academia, and development agencies, worked together in the Roundtable.

Brainstorming on “Hate as a Contagious Disease"

05/04/2007 | New York
The Elie Wiesel Foundation for Humanity convened a meeting on “Hate as a Contagious Disease”. The meeting was hosted by Dr. Vartan Gregorian, President of the Carnegie Corporation. In his opening remarks, Professor Wiesel said that “Hate is ultimately self-destructive…while memory can be a shield against hatred, memory can also be used to fuel hatred and to justify violence.”

BA Hosts GFAR Meeting

01/04/2007 | Alexandria
Ismail Serageldin hosted the participatory retreat of the Global Forum on Agricultural Research (GFAR) at the Bibliotheca Alexandrina. The meeting discussed ways to formulate the central theme, direction and priorities through a business plan for the coming three years. Serageldin stressed on the vital role of GFAR in mobilizing agricultural research globally for development.

President Khatami Speaks on the Dialogue of Civilizations at the BA

27/03/2007 | Alexandria
Former Iranian President – Mohamed Khatami – came to the Library of Alexandria to speak about the Dialogue of Civilizations. President Khatami started off his speech by speaking about the value of books, science, and rationality. On the role of the Library of Alexandria as a modern knowledge center, Khatami spoke fondly of the efforts to revive the Library of Alexandria, as a center of knowledge, research and information for the whole world.

Serageldin Speaks at the Belgium Senate

16/03/2007 | Brussels
At the invitation of the European Movement International, Ismail Serageldin gave a speech to the Belgium Senate on the “Alliance of Civilization”. The event was co-hosted by the European Movement International via its Vice-President, Mr. Charles-Ferdinand Nothomb in partnership with the Belgium Senate and its President Mrs. Anne-Marie Lizin.

A Record Attendance at BioVision 2007

14/03/2007 | Lyon
Serageldin joined a record number of world leaders in science, society and industry, who gathered in Lyon for the BioVision conference to debate the role and contribution of life sciences to achieving the Millennium Development Goals (MDSs). The conference was attended by 2,285 delegates (1,639 in 2005) representing 75 countries.

Charles Correa Presents the Language of Architecture at the BA

08/03/2007 | Alexandria
Ismail Serageldin welcomed good friend and world renowned architect, planner, activist, theoretician and a fundamental figure in the world-wide panorama of the contemporary architecture to the BA where he delivered a lecture on the language of architecture. Throughout the lecture, Correa covered a wide range of his works...

Serageldin Welcomes Superstar Hussein Fahmy to the BA

07/03/2007 | Alexandria
Film star and former UN Goodwill Ambassador came to the BA to speak about the role of the arts in community development. The talk was organized and hosted by the BA Friends Association. During his talk, Hussein Fahmy highlighted the importance of art in reflecting the reality of people and their aspirations in developing their community.

World Bank African Development Indicators Launched at the BA

06/03/2007 | Alexandria
At a seminar at the BA, the World Bank African Development Indicators were launched by the World Bank Public Information Center. Serageldin chaired the session during which the report was presented Mr. Jorge Saba Arbache.

Women and Human Rights Take Center Stage at the Fourth Arab Reform Conference

03/03/2007 | Alexandria
The BA organized and hosted the fourth conference on Arab reform issues with a special focus on women and human rights. Ismail Serageldin chaired both the opening and closing sessions of the conference in addition to a session on the role of social capital in reform.

A Magisterial Series of Lectures on American History and Contemporary Reality

22/02/2007 | Alexandria
In answer to the recurring requests by the students of the Alexandria University, Ismail Serageldin delivered a series of five lectures on American history and contemporary reality over the course of two days! Serageldin gave a lucid account of the epic transformation of a handful of colonial settlements into the world’s undisputed superpower forges a nation and a national character.

CREF Board of Trustees Meeting Brings Serageldin to Cyprus

11/02/2007 | Nicosia
Ismail Serageldin attended the Board of Trustees meeting of the Cyprus Research and Educational Foundation (CREF) of which he is a board member. The meeting was chaired by H.E. President of the Republic Mr. Tassos Papadopoulos at the Presidential Palace.

Tenth BA Management Retreat

06/02/2007 | Cairo
Ismail Serageldin gathered all the BA senior and junior managers for a two-day management retreat in Cairo, in which he delivered a number of presentations that ranged from staff attitude surveys to the Millennium Development Goals!

Serageldin Meets with the New Head of Japan’s Delegation to the JA Dialogue

19/01/2007 | Tokyo
Ismail Serageldin visited Tokyo to meet with H.E. Mr. Taro Nakayama, the new Head of Japan’s delegation to the Japan Arab dialogue forum. Serageldin and Mr. Nakayama overviewed the agenda of the fifth meeting of the forum and discussed the proposed conference on Japan Arab relations scheduled to take place in November 2007 in Alexandria.

Serageldin in Trieste for TWAS Steering Committee Meeting

17/01/2007 | Trieste
Ismail Serageldin attended the first meeting of the TWAS Steering Committee. Members of the steering committee convened to overview the latest objectives and activities of the Academy.

Serageldin Welcomes Robert Putnam to the BA

16/01/2007 | Alexandria
Renowned Harvard Professor of Political Sciences, Robert Putnam delivered a talk at the Bibliotheca Alexandrina on community involvement in America. The talk was moderated by Ismail Serageldin and was very well received by the audience.

Meeting on Biotechnology and Human Security

13/12/2006 | New York
Ismail Serageldin was invited to a meeting hosted by the Secretary-General Kofi Annan with leading figures from life science, industry, government, international institutions and civil society at the United Nations Headquarters in New York.

Reinventing Egyptian Education

06/12/2006 | Cairo

Serageldin Presents Science in Egypt from Imhotep to Zewail

04/12/2006 | Alexandria
Ismail Serageldin delivered a lucid presentation on science in Egypt at the opening session of the InterAcademy Panel conference themed ''The Unity of Science'' hosted at the Bibliotheca Alexandrina.

An Evening to Remember

17/11/2006 | Alexandria
Gathered among many friends and family, Nevine and Ismail Serageldin celebrated their 40th Wedding anniversary with a dinner and reception. In a memorable speech, Ismail Serageldin said that forty years of marriage have gone by in a blink of an eye.

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