Ismail Serageldin


Database of “Beacon for Freedom of Expression” to Be Translated into Arabic

22/04/2008 | Alexandria
As board member of the Beacon for Freedom of Expression, Serageldin hosted a meeting of the board at the BA. In his inaugural address he called on the audience to battle for freedom of expression, and live in harmony regardless of income, beliefs or political ideas. The Beacon for Freedom of Expression project is dedicated to and in honor of the Library of Alexandria.

Forum Discussions on How Biofuel Subsidies Drive Food-Price Inflation

17/04/2008 | Alexandria
Serageldin hosted a forum organized by the Global Subsidiaries Initiative (GSI) and the InterPress News Agency, entitled Fuelling Hunger in the Middle East. The forum brought together senior media representatives from throughout the Middle East with international trade negotiators and policy-makers from Europe and North America, to examine the key drivers of escalating food cost around the world.

A Clarion Call

16/04/2008 | Alexandria
At the closing session of Fourth BioVisionAlexandria, Serageldin addressed his audience with a fervent and urgent call for action: “I issue a clarion call for us to indeed stop pining for the promises of tomorrow and start changing the practices of today”. Serageldin pointed out that the meeting had specifically focused on the need for action “ in the domains of food and hunger; public health and private medicine; environment and economy”.

BioVisionAlexandria 2008 Under Theme “From Promises to Practice”

13/04/2008 | Alexandria
Serageldin inaugurated the Fourth BioVisionAlexandria , From Promises to Practice. BioVision Alexandria alternates every second year with the World Life Sciences Forum, BioVision, Lyon. This year three Nobel laureates attended. At the inaugural session there were a number of eminent speakers: Philippe Desmarescaux, Chairman, World Life Sciences Forum; Koji Omi, Former Japanese Minister of State for Science and Technology Policy (Japan)....

Golden Anniversary Celebration of Al-Arabi Magazine

06/04/2008 | Alexandria
Serageldin hosted a celebration of the 50th anniversary of the Kuwaiti magazine Al-Arabi. Together with HE Sheik Sabah Al-Khalid Al-Sabah, Kuwaiti Minister of Information, Serageldin inaugurated a round-table discussion on the future of Al-Arabi. Arab literary and media figures participated in the discussion. The Kuwaiti Minister of Information thanked Serageldin for hosting the celebration, and expressed appreciation of the role of the BA in issuing a special publication, Al-Arabi- Diwan of Arab Culture Catalogue, on this occasion.

Feed, Food and Fuel Discussed at Barley Genetics Syposium

06/04/2008 | Alexandria
Hosting the 10th International Barley Genetics Symposium at the BA, Serageldin discussed Feed, Food and Fuel in his address, pointing out that they have come to present major challenges in agriculture . He emphasized the need for genetic research to meet these challenges. The Symposium was jointly organized by the BA and the International Center for Agricultural Research in Dry Areas (INCARDA)...

The Linked Futures of North and South Regions of the Mediterranean

04/04/2008 | Paris
In The Mediterranean Facing the Stakes of the 21st Century meeting, held by the Institute of Prospective Economics of the Greater Mediterranean (IPEMed) , where international political personalities gathered to discuss the issue of Mediterranean integration, Serageldin called for dialogue and cooperation between the North and South regions. He focused on three domains where such cooperation is essential: 1...

A Call for Arab Participation in Technological Advances

31/03/2008 | Riyadh
In a lecture entitled Technological Advances in the World, delivered at the Faisal Center for Research and Islamic Studies, Serageldin spoke of the tremendous advances taking place daily in science and technology, and called on the Arab world to participate in these immense leaps in development, as producers rather than as users. He was welcomed in Riyadh by HRH Prince Turki Bin Abdul Aziz and Prince Salman Bin Abdul Aziz, Governor of Riyadh.

A Call for Education and Innovation Among Youth

24/03/2008 | Cairo
In a speech at AUC about youth, entrepreneurship and the developing world, Ismail Serageldin argued that Egyptian youth have the potential to place the country on the global technology roadmap. “Can we do it? Yes we can!” Serageldin said. “Our youth may look weak and vulnerable, but working together we will surprise you. Working together, we’ll put Egypt back on top of the world.”

Serageldin Speaks on Modernization and Cultural Identity in Islam

14/03/2008 | London
Ismail Serageldin explored architectural and artistic expressions, past and present, in the Muslim world in his lecture on ‘Modernization and Cultural Identity in Islam’ at the Institute of Ismaili Studies. Beginning with an overview of the fractured state of the contemporary global landscape...

BA and TIG Join Together to Empower Youth and Promote Cross-Cultural Dialogue

03/03/2008 | Alexandria
The BA signed an important Memorandum of Understanding, forming a partnership with TakingITGlobal (TIG) in Canada, to engage youth from Canada and the MENA region in cross-cultural dialogue as well as support youth-led development, through the “Youth for Change” program. The “Youth for Change” pilot project will focus on no less than 6 priority countries from the Arab World, to achieve its objectives through several project components.

Cairo University Honors Serageldin

23/02/2008 | Cairo
Cairo University is honoring Serageldin as part of its centennial celebration. Serageldin holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Engineering from Cairo University. The University will present a short documentary on Serageldin and a welcome speech by the University President will then follow. Also during the celebration, Serageldin will speak about his days as a student at Cairo University and his vision for the future of the University.

President of Azerbaijan Receives Serageldin in Baku

27/12/2007 | Baku
H.E. President lham Aliyev, President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, received Ismail Serageldin in his office at the Presidential palace in Baku. The meeting discussed the development of relations in the spheres of science and education between Azerbaijan and Egypt as well as the forthcoming Youth Employment Summit that is to be held in Azerbaijan in 2008.

Serageldin Awarded Two Honorary Doctorates from Azerbaijan

27/12/2007 | Baku
During his first visit to Azerbaijan, Ismail Serageldin received two Honorary Doctorates in recognition of his outstanding contribution to the development of society and for special achievements in science and education. The two universities from which Serageldin received the Honorary Doctorates are Khazar University and Azerbaijan State Economic University.

Serageldin Meets with the First Lady of Azerbaijan

26/12/2007 | Baku
Ismail Serageldin met with H.E. Mrs. Mehriban Aliyeva, First Lady of Azerbaijan and President of the Heydar Aliyev Foundation, to discuss the Youth Employment Summit (YES) that is to be held in Azerbaijan in 2008. Mrs. Aliyeva expressed her support to YES and wished the conference every success.

BA Hosts First Mo Ibrahim Prize Ceremony

26/11/2007 | Alexandria
President Joaquim Chissano, the former President of Mozambique, has accepted the inaugural Ibrahim Prize for Achievement in African Leadership from Kofi Annan, the former Secretary General of the United Nations, at a ceremony at the Bibliotheca Alexandrina. At the opening of the ceremony, Serageldin welcomed the guests to Alexandria and the Bibliotheca Alexandrina and lauded Mo Ibrahim’s efforts in promoting good governance and leadership in Sub-Saharan Africa.

Serageldin Chairs Fifth Session of the Japan-Arab Dialogue Forum

19/11/2007 | Alexandria
The delegations of Japan, Saudi Arabia and Egypt convened for the fifth session of the Japan-Arab Dialogue Forum and have reviewed three topics: the political situation, avenues for economic cooperation and the promotion of the Japan-Arab cultural dialogue. On each of these topics, the parties reviewed possibilities and candidly shared views and analyses, hopes and concerns.

Copyright Talk at Carnegie Mellon

02/11/2007 | Pittsburg
At the third International Conference on Universal Digital Library (ICUDL), Ismail Serageldin delivered a lucid presentation on intellectual property rights in the digital age and why copyright laws must change. The presentation was very well received and generated a lot of questions from the audience.

NSF Advisory Committee Meeting

27/10/2007 | Washington DC
The advisory committee for International Science and Engineering of which Serageldin is a member convened for a one-day meeting at the National Science Foundation.

Celebrating Five Dynamic Years at the BA

23/10/2007 | Alexandria
President and Mrs. Mubarak attended a celebration to mark the fifth anniversary of the Bibliotheca Alexandrina. At the outset of the celebration, President Mubarak gave a speech in which he reflected on the role of the BA as a focal point for dialogue. The celebration witnessed placing the 555.555th book on the library shelves.

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