Ismail Serageldin


Issues Magazine Features an Article by Serageldin

13/07/2009 | Dallas

An article by Serageldin entitled Abolishing Hunger is featured in the Summer 2009 edition of Issues in Science and Technology. This 25th Anniversary issue of the magazine presents a lead article by U.S. President Barack Obama , and also an article by Koji Omi, member of the Japanese House of Representatives and founder of the Science and Technology in Society (STS) forum . Omi and Serageldin are the only non-American contributors, Serageldin also being the only one from a developing country.

Serageldin’s editorial focuses on the imperative to eradicate hunger, which is the first of the Millennium Development Goals. “It is inconceivable that there should be close to a billion persons going hungry in a world as productive and interconnected as ours”, writes Serageldin; “We must become the ‘new abolitionists.’ We must, with the same zeal and moral outrage, attack the complacency that would turn a blind eye to this silent holocaust, which claims some 40,000 hunger-related deaths every day.” In his article, Serageldin expertly outlines the actions and progress needed in order to achieve global food security.

Issues in Science and Technology is published in the U.S. by the National Academy of Sciences, National Academy of Engineering, Institute of Medicine and The University of Texas at Dallas. It is a forum for discussion of public policy related to science, engineering, and medicine.

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