The Special Conference to celebrate the 30th Anniversary of the International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD) of 1994 - -The Special Conference to celebrate the 30th Anniversary of the International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD) of 1994 20-2-2025
Back to Cairo - -
A Nice Touch at my Hotel in Madrid… - -
Very high-level discussions by eminent persons attending the ISIF meetings in Madrid… - -
The Imperial Springs International Forum (ISIF) Meeting in Madrid (10-13 December 2024) - -
Christmas Decorations in Madrid… - -
Madrid A Great City… - -
A short but productive visit to Alexandria - -
A major seminar at UN Habitat in Cairo On the Economic Measures of the Intangible Value of Cultural Heritage - -
Between Planes in Cairo - -
Scientists discover the largest coral (single structure) in the world - -
Closing The Conference - -
Some other glimpses of the UNAOC Global Forum in Portugal - -
Happy New Year 2025 - -
NGIC Team at a special meeting with the SG of the UN at the UNAOC Global Forum in Portugal... - -
Distinguished panels After the Opening Session of the Event - -
Opening Session of the Global Forum of the UN alliance of Civilizations (UNAOC) - -
Beautiful Portugal - -
the Global Forum of the UN Alliance of Civilizations (UNAOC) - -
Disaster in Valencia, Spain 29 October 2024 - -
Hurricane Helene hits the USA - -
A Few Glimpses of Baku - -
As COP29 ends, what was achieved? - -
We also made two special visits out of the COP29 venues - -
Media was very active: NGIC was present there too… - -
Our team visits our NGIC HQ in Baku - -
NGIC at Gender day - -
Many official lunches and dinners, but These were always involving detailed further discussions - -
Gender day is especially relevant: Past history and making history - -
COP29 was a great occasion to meet many old friends - -
NGIC was very active in all aspects of the program based on thematic days - -
Many activists in the Green Zone (we participated there too) - -
Delegations Negotiate, bur everywhere panel discussions and demonstrations - -
COP29 An amazing event of enormous scope - -
The People’s Republic of China was born 75 years ago… (1 October 1949) - -
Reflecting on the beautiful Guggenheim Museums - -
Once more in Alexandria and catching up with friends in Alexandria - -
Cairo Urban Week Starts 27 October to 3 November 2024 - -
Back to Alexandria - -
Swedish Friends of the Library of Alexandria Celebrate their 30th Anniversary - -
The Grand Egyptian Museum (GEM) - -
The Grand Egyptian Museum (GEM) is now Open to Receive Visitors - -
Catching up with Beloved Friends in Alexandria - -
Returning to Egypt From Japan - -
Onwards to Baku, Azerbaijan for COP29 - -
The World Urban Forum 12 Organized by UN Habitat in Held Cairo - -
Artificial Intelligence (AI)and The Nobel Prizes for 2024. - -
A very special Hotel in Japan. - -
Serageldin was very active at the ICEF meetings this year: 9-10 October 2024. - -
The ICEF meetings-Tokyo, a great second day: 10 October 2024. - -
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