Ismail Serageldin


Serageldin Appointed as Alliance of Civilizations Ambassador

10/11/2008 | Alexandria
On behalf of United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, President Jorge Sampaio, UNSG High Representative of the Alliance of Civilizations (and former president of Portugal), informed Serageldin of his appointment as Alliance of Civilizations Ambassador. Established in 2005, at the initiative of the Governments of Spain and Turkey, under the auspices of the United Nations, the Alliance aims to improve understanding across cultures and religions and to counter the influence of extremism and its threat to world peace.

TWAS Meetings and Celebrations in Mexico

09/11/2008 | Mexico
Serageldin is attending the 25th Anniversary Celebration of The Academy of Sciences in the Developing World (TWAS), as TWAS Vice President for the Arab World. A series of Jubilee Lectures will be given by eminent scientists and Nobel Laureates at the celebration meetings.

A Candid Exchange of Japan-Arab Views

04/11/2008 | Riyadh
As head of the Egyptian delegation of the Japan-Arab Dialogue Forum, Serageldin will once again join the members of the forum for their 6th annual meeting. The first Japan-Arab Dialogue Forum was held in Tokyo in September 2003, and annually brings together delegations from Egypt, Saudi Arabia and Japan for a candid exchange of views.

Strengthening Dialogue in the West Asia and North Africa Region

15/10/2008 | Amman
Serageldin joined the members of the international senior advisory board of West Asia North Africa (WANA) for their first board meeting. The WANA process has been launched by His Royal Highness Prince El Hassan bin Talal of Jordan, with the support of the Nippon Foundation, in order to stimulate and strengthen regional dialogue in the West Asia and North Africa region.

Serageldin Signs Cooperation Agreement with Shoman Foundation in Amman

14/10/2008 | Amman
Serageldin signed a cooperation agreement between the BA and the Abdul Hameed Shoman Foundation, to support and enhance scientific research and creativity in the Arab World. Founded in 1978 by Arab Bank, the foundation supports scientific research, cultural dialogue and open access to knowledge.

Biofuels . . . A Double Threat

06/10/2008 | Kyoto
At the Fifth Annual Meeting of the Science and Technology in Society (STS) forum, Serageldin chaired a plenary session discussing Biofuels and their Potential Effect on Food Production and the Environment. This years meeting was held under the themes Harmony with Nature and How is Information and Communication Technology Affecting Humankind?.

Serageldin Signs Cooperation Agreement with United Nations University

04/10/2008 | Tokyo
In a symposium held at the United Nations University , the Japan consortium on the Library of Alexandria was launched with the aim to promote multicultural communication and coexistence. On this occasion, Serageldin delivered a keynote speech entitled From Papyrus to PDF: The Rebirth of the Library of Alexandria.

Serageldin Accompanies First Lady of Egypt to YES Summit in Azerbaijan

24/09/2008 | Baku
Following YES Alexandria 2002, YES Mexico 2004 and YES Kenya 2006, the Youth Employment Summit (YES) was this time held in Baku, Azerbaijan under the joint patronage of Mrs. Suzanne Mubarak, First Lady of Egypt, and Mrs. Mehriban Aliyeva, First Lady of Azerbaijan.

Addressing the Challenges and Opportunities of Globalization

21/09/2008 | New York
Serageldin is one of 120 delegates participating in the Global Creative Leadership Summit taking place over a three day period. The delegates include heads of State, Nobel Prize winners, global CEO’s and technology experts. The Summit addresses the challenges and opportunities of globalization and explores ways for greater cultural understanding and tolerance.

Reaching Hands Across the Mediterranean

17/09/2008 | Athens
Serageldin will be attending a board meeting of the Center for Hellenistic Studies to discuss its forthcoming inauguration. As of November 2008, the Library of Alexandria will host a Center for Hellenistic Studies which will teach history, philosophy, literature and fine arts and will collaborate with the University of Alexandria to confer master’s and doctoral degrees.

Radio Interview with Serageldin at Wellcome Trust

09/09/2008 | London
A radio interview was held with Serageldin at Wellcome Trust on the topic of a major digitization project encompassing the Trust’s unique collection of archives, manuscripts, rare books and visual materials relating to both ancient and modern Egypt. A joint proposal had earlier this year been reached by Serageldin and Wellcome Trust for this important project. A range of meetings and discussions were held during Serageldin’s visit, as well as viewings of original items of the digitization project.

Serageldin Interviewed for a Documentary on Human Rights

03/09/2008 | Alexandria
The Mediterraid Association held an interview with Serageldin on the occasion of the 60th Anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights on 18 December 2008. The interview will be used in a documentary to be screened in Brussels in celebration of this occasion. In the interview, Serageldin discussed the role of culture in supporting and consolidating human rights, in addition to the history of the Ancient Library of Alexandria, its revival, and its role as beacon for culture and a forum for dialogue and understanding between people.

Japan’s Expected Role in Human Development in the Middle East

27/08/2008 | Dubai
Invited by Mr. Jiro Nemoto, Chairman of the Japan Cooperation Forum for the Middle East (JCCME), to give a keynote speech at the 33rd Annual Conference on Economic and Human Development Cooperation for the Middle East and North Africa Region, Serageldin spoke about Japan’s expected role in human development in the Middle East.

Serageldin Receives “Champion of Youth” Award

11/08/2008 | Quebec
At the opening ceremony of the 4th World Youth Congress, Serageldin was presented with the Champion of Youth Award, in recognition of the outstanding role he has continually played in helping youth achieve their potential and goals, and for his commitment and successful efforts at putting youth at the forefront of many agendas and activities.

Laval University Awards Honorary Doctorate to Serageldin

10/08/2008 | Quebec
In the opening ceremony of the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA) - World Congress on Information and Libraries, and in the presence of 4000 librarians from all over the world, the Rector of Laval University presented Serageldin with the Honorary Doctorate bestowed to him by the prestigious University.

Serageldin Opens World Digital Library Meeting

10/08/2008 | Quebec
Serageldin opened the World Digital Library Partners and Stakeholders Meeting, with a welcoming address to the new and prospective partners of the organization. The meeting was convened to discuss recent developments and future plans and to welcome the newly joined partners. New and prospective partners will be from Mexico, China, Japan, Taiwan, Qatar, Serbia, Sweden, Slovakia and Israel.

“Science” Magazine Features an Editorial by Serageldin

08/08/2008 | Washington, DC
An article by Serageldin on Science in Muslim Countries has been featured in this month’s issue of Science Magazine. Following is an abstract of the article:

With more than a trillion dollars in cash and a population of over a billion people, the Muslim world should be poised for a remarkable scientific explosion.

From Ancient Novels to the Digital Revolution

21/07/2008 | Lisbon
Invited to address scholars, researchers and students at the opening ceremony of the fourth International Conference on the Ancient Novel (ICAN IV), Serageldin mesmerized the audience with a 30 minute presentation on the digital revolution, its impact on reading and its role in the New Library. The conference has organized a six day series of sessions, revolving around this year’s theme, Crossroads in the Ancient Novel: Spaces, Frontiers, Intersections.

President Sampaio Invites Serageldin to Address the "Cercle d'Amis de l'Alliance"

21/07/2008 | Lisbon
Serageldin is invited today by Former President Sampaio of Portugal to address a group of Portuguese opinion makers and scholars at a meeting of the Cercle d’Amis de l’Alliance. He will speak of democracy, freedom and reform in the Arab World.

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