Ismail Serageldin


The American Constitution in Cairo Salon

10/06/2010 | Cairo
The weekly Cairo Salon TV Show, presented by Ismail Serageldin, devotes two episodes to the American Constitution. The first part is aired on Channel One on Friday, 11 June 2010, at 8:30 pm.

Interview with Serageldin in IM Magazine

05/06/2010 | Sweden
During Serageldin’s visit to Sweden for the 5th Global YES Summit, he was interviewed by Mariana Tavares for IM Magazine. He spoke about the rebirth of the ancient Library of Alexandria, and its role as a bridge between past and present. The interview also broached other topics – imagination, vision, and development.

The Openings and Opportunities for the Jobs of Tomorrow

02/06/2010 | Leksand, Sweden
The 5th Global YES (Youth Entrepreneurship and Sustainability) Summit - Rework the World, was this year held in partnership with the Tällberg Foundation, and LSU, The National Council of Swedish Youth Organization. The Summit gathered 2000 entrepreneurs and decision makers from all over the world and focused on 100 carefully selected ventures from around the globe, which could provide the jobs of tomorrow.

Creating the Concept of Shared Value

26/05/2010 | London
At the second Creating Shared Value Forum, Nestlé and the International Business Leaders’ Forum, with the participation of the UN Office for Partnerships, brought together international leading experts in the areas of nutrition, water and rural development to discuss the challenges facing the world in these areas, and the role of business in solving them.

Discussing Summer Activities with Youth Network

25/05/2010 | Cairo
As a board member of the Suzanne Mubarak Women's International Peace Movement (SMWIPM), Serageldin was invited to join the board for a meeting called for by HE Suzanne Mubarak, First Lady of Egypt and Chairman of SMWIPM. The purpose of the meeting, which was held on 25th May at the SMWIPM site, was to meet with some of the members of International Youth Network and to discuss the agenda for their upcoming summer activities.

Pursuing Solutions to the Challenges of Carrying Capacity

16/05/2010 | Amman
The 2010 annual Meeting of the WANA Forum, which convened this year under the framework of Pursuing Supranational Solutions to the Challenges of Carrying Capacity, was inaugurated by HRH Prince El Hassan bin Talal of Jordan, WANA Forum Chairman, and Yohei Sasakawa, Chairman of The Nippon Foundation, and opened with an overview by Ismail Serageldin on Transcending Regional Carrying Capacity.

BioVisionAlexandria 2010 Comes to a Close

15/04/2010 | Alexandria
BioVisionAlexandria 2010 Conference came to a close on Thursday, 15 April 2010. Titled “New Life Sciences: Future Prospects”, BVA 2010 was organized by the BA Center for Special Studies and Programs (CSSP), with around 1980 participants from different scientific fields and backgrounds.

Cairo Salon Discusses the Culture of the Mashreq and Maghreb

15/04/2010 | Alexandria
The weekly Cairo Salon TV show, presented by Serageldin, dedicates a special episode to the issue of the culture of the Mashreq and Maghreb (eastern and western Arab countries). The episode will be aired on Friday, 16 April 2010, at 20:30 hrs, on Egyptian TV Channel One.

BioVisionAlexandria 2010 Opens at the BA

12/04/2010 | Alexandria
In the packed Great Hall of the Library of Alexandria, Serageldin welcomed all the guests and participants to the opening session of the BioVisionAlexandria 2010. He went on to introduce the eminent speakers of the inaugural meeting: Philippe Desmarescaux, the Founder of BioVisionLyon and Chairman of World Life Sciences Forum; Koji Omi, Founder and Chairman of the Science and Technology in Society (STS) Forum...

Mrs. Mubarak Throws a Reception for BioVisionAlexandria 2010 Speakers

11/04/2010 | Alexandria
HE Mrs. Suzanne Mubarak, Egyptian First Lady and Chair of the BA Board of Trustees, throws a reception on Sunday, 11 April 2010, for the Nobel Laureates and eminent speakers in the BioVisionAlexandria 2010 Conference, held at the BA from 12 to 15 April 2010.

Reshaping the Future of Agriculture

28/03/2010 | Montpellier
At a High Level Dialogue on ‘Reshaping Agricultural Research for Development’ to be held on the first day of the Global Conference on Agricultural Research for Development (GCARD), Serageldin will moderate a panel discussion on ‘Reshaping agricultural research systems to meet the needs of the poor’.

Intelligence and Brilliance in Cairo Salon

25/03/2010 | Alexandria
The weekly Cairo Salon TV show, presented by Serageldin dedicates a special episode to the issue of Intelligence and Brilliance. The episode will be aired on Friday, 26 March 2010, at 20:30 hrs, on Egyptian TV Channel One.

A Book about Half a Million Books

25/03/2010 | Paris
In November 2009 the Bibliothèque nationale de France BnF), in partnership with the Cultural Council of the Union for the Mediterranean (UPM) and the SNCF (French National Railways), donated half a million books to the BA.

Meeting with the Members of the Francophone Digital Network

25/03/2010 | Paris
In a meeting of the Réseau Francophone Numérique (RFN) - Francophone Digital Network - held at the Bibliotheque Nationale de France (BnF), Serageldin will join the directors of 15 RFN member libraries from around the world, to discuss a number of issues on the RFN agenda.

A Keynote Speech at the Fulbright Commission

15/03/2010 | Cairo
Invited by the Fulbright Commission in Egypt to be the sole keynote speaker at the Commission’s regional conference on science and technology in North Africa and the Middle East, Serageldin will give a presentation on “Promoting Greater Engagement in Science and Technology”. The commission’s invitation to Serageldin comes with high esteem of his tireless role in nourishing and disseminating knowledge in Egypt.

Serageldin On Air

03/03/2010 | Cairo
Serageldin talks about The Future of Arab Reform on tonight’s program of On Air, which is presented by Gamal Enayat and transmitted by the Orbit network on El Safwa channel at 8 pm (Cairo time).

Serageldin Awarded Lifetime Africa Achievement Prize

24/02/2010 | Alexandria
A distinguished delegation from Ghana arrived today in Serageldin’s office, as directed by HRM Otumfo Osei Tutu II, King of Ashanti, the biggest tribe in Ghana, to announce to Serageldin that he has been chosen for the Lifetime Africa Achievement Prize 2010.

Addressing the Priorities and Concerns of US-Muslim Relations

22/02/2010 | New Haven
In his speech addressed to the Muslim world in Cairo on 4 June 2009, President Obama highlighted the urgent need for communication and genuine dialogue between Muslims and the US in order to develop a sense of mutual trust between the two. He spoke of “change” or “a new beginning”.

Innovative Ideas on Water Issues

16/02/2010 | Alberta, Canada
As a renowned expert on water issues, Serageldin is invited by the Alberta Water Research Institute (AWRI) to give three talks on The Impact of Climate Change on Water Issues, as part of their Celebrating Fresh Ideas speakers’ series.

A Full Theatre at the Supreme Council of Culture

07/02/2010 | Cairo
The theatre hall of the Supreme Council of Culture was completely full, on the evening of the 7th of February, as many prominent personalities as well as a great number of young people attended Serageldin’s lecture entitled The Seven Pillars of the Knowledge Revolution.

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