Ismail Serageldin


Serageldin Chairs STS Plenary on Food, Nutrition and Population

04/10/2010 | Kyoto
Always a valuable member of the Science and Technology in Society (STS) forum Annual Meetings, Serageldin this year chaired a plenary session on Food, Nutrition and Population. At special adjunct sessions, Serageldin also lent effective contribution as rapporteur to the plenary meetings held on Adaptation to the Natural and Social Impacts of Regional Climate Change.

Serageldin at the Gothenburg Book Fair

23/09/2010 | Gothenburg
At the Gothenburg Book Fair, which this year focused on Africa, Serageldin gave a lecture presenting the role of the Bibliotheca Alexandrina in reviving the essence of its ancient counterpart by acting as a modern day centre for scholarship, culture and free speech, and as a platform for dialogue between cultures and peoples.

On the New Knowledge Revolution

21/09/2010 | Washington DC
The National Science Foundation (NSF) advisory committee for International Science and Engineering, of which Serageldin is a member, convened this week for a two-day meeting. At the end of the conference, Serageldin gave a distinguished lecture to the NSF members and the public on The Seven Pillars of the New Knowledge Revolution...

Serageldin Nominated Professor in Collège de France

09/09/2010 | Paris
The President of the Republic of France, Nicolas Sarkozy, issued a decree on 7 September 2010, appointing Serageldin in Collège de France, as Professor to the International Chair Savoirs contre pauvreté (Knowledge Against Poverty), for the academic year 2010-2011.

On the Threats and Opportunities of Water Security

04/09/2010 | Stockholm
Serageldin was invited to be the first speaker at the 1st Global Water Partnership (GWP) Annual Lecture at the closing session of the 2010 Consulting Partners Meeting of the GWP, held on the theme of Exploring the Role of Water Security in Regional Economic Development.

On the Evolution of Censorship

13/08/2010 | Gothenburg
At the World Library and Information Congress: 76th IFLA General Conference and Assembly, in a session tackling the transition from classical censorship to restriction of freedom of access on the Internet, Serageldin gave a keynote speech about the evolution of censorship in a digital age.

Towards Eliminating Hunger and Poverty

07/08/2010 | Chennai, India
The Chennai international conference on Eliminating Hunger and Poverty: Priorities in Global Agricultural Research and Development Agenda in an Era of Climate Change and Rising Food Prices, organized at the M. S. Swaminathan Research Foundation (MSSRF), met this week to discuss challenges confronting agriculture in addressing poverty, hunger and malnutrition.

Swaminathan Award for Environmental Protection Goes to Serageldin

07/08/2010 | Chennai, India
The Dr. M. S. Swaminathan Award for Environment Protection 2010 was presented to Ismail Serageldin, for his outstanding contribution to the cause of environment protection.

Serageldin Chairman of the Executive Council of the WDL

06/08/2010 | Washington, DC
Serageldin has been elected, from among 89 distinguished partners, as Chairman of the Executive Council of the World Digital Library (WDL).

A Talk with Serageldin on the Air

26/07/2010 | Cairo
The daily television program “Egypt Today” will interview Serageldin on the air, at 10:00 pm today, Monday 26 July 2010, on Egypt’s Channel Two.

Serageldin Signs Collaboration Agreement with the Cyprus Institute

24/07/2010 | Paphos, Cyprus
As a member of the Board of Trustees of the Cyprus Research and Educational Foundation (CREF), Serageldin attended the meeting held at the Paphos Campus of The Cyprus Institute (CYL). During the meeting, a ceremony was held for the signing of a collaboration agreement between the CYL and the Bibliotheca Alexandrina.

A Message from the Friends of Ismail Serageldin

05/07/2010 | Alexandria
The July 2, 2010, edition of the New York Times featured an article on Serageldin entitled “A Voice in Egypt for an Arab Age of Reason” by Michael Slackman.

“Interact with Today’s World” at the BA

02/07/2010 | Alexandria
Organized by the IEEE Alex Student Branch for the fourth successive year, under the auspices of the BA International School of Information Science (ISIS), and with the sponsorship of prominent companies in the ICT field, "Interact with Today’s World" was held at the BA from 2 to 4 July 2010.

Institute of Psychiatry Invites Serageldin to Give Annual Okasha Lecture

01/07/2010 | Cairo
In the attendance of 150 senior psychiatrists, intellectuals and media from Egypt and the Arab World, Serageldin gave a lecture entitled The Seven Pillars of the Knowledge Revolution. The lecture was given in response to an invitation by Prof. Ahmed Okasha, Founder and Director, WHO Collaborating Center for Research and Training in Mental Health, Institute of Psychiatry, Ain Shams University, to give the “16th annual Okasha lecture 2010”.

Serageldin Opens Planetarium Society Conference

27/06/2010 | Alexandria
With the participation of around 350 scientists representing 35 different countries and 700 planetariums, the 20th International Planetarium Society Conference (IPS 2010), Back to Alexandria, the Cradle of Astronomy, opened today at the Bibliotheca Alexandrina with a captivating presentation by Serageldin entitled Fifty Centuries of Science in Egypt.

SMWIPM Board Meeting

26/06/2010 | Cairo
As a member of the board, Serageldin was invited to the meeting of the Suzanne Mubarak Women's International Peace Movement, which was chaired by H.E. Mrs. Suzanne Mubarak on Saturday 26th June at 11:00 am at the Air Force House.

Ibn Khaldoun in Cairo Salon

23/06/2010 | Cairo
In his weekly television program Cairo Salon, Serageldin devotes the coming episode to the famous Arab Scholar Ibn Khaldoun. The show will be aired on Channel One on Friday, 25 June 2010, at 8:30 pm

A Meeting with the Partners of the World Digital Library

22/06/2010 | Washington DC
Serageldin today joins the partners of the World Digital Library (WDL) for the Inaugural Annual Partner Meeting. During the two-day meeting the partners will review the recent developments and discuss the future challenges of the WDL project. The meeting is opened by James H. Billington, The Librarian of Congress; Abdul Waheed Khan, Assistant Director-General for Communication and Information, UNESCO; and Ismail Serageldin.

Towards Enhanced US-Muslim Collaborations

16/06/2010 | Alexandria
Following a preparatory workshop held at the Divinity School of Yale University in February 2010, the international conference Initiatives in Education, Science and Culture Towards Enhanced US- Muslim Countries Collaborations opened today at the BA with delegations of writers, politicians, journalists, moderate clergy and youth, from the US, Canada, and Islamic countries.

The Jury Meets with the Experts Committee

15/06/2010 | Paris
Once again, Serageldin meets with the Jury Committee members of the Fondation Chirac to select this year’s winner of the Fondation Chirac Prize for the Prevention of Conflicts. During the meeting, an international Committee of Experts, after having identified potential conflict zones and compiled all the various peace efforts, submits to the Prize Jury a list of individuals or institutions who have contributed to creating dialogue between opposition.

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