Ismail Serageldin


Reissuing Essays on Islam

03/04/2013 | Alexandria

Upon the request of many of his friends and former colleagues Dr. Serageldin has been asked to reissue the essays he had written on Islam, 20—30 years back and that are out of print. Their request is based on the fact that the subjects in these essays are STILL VERY RELEVANT TODAY. We are posting the essays on his websites and in the meantime we are compiling them into a publication which will be out soon.

These two addresses will be posted in the Speeches Section:

  • Islam Tide
  • Liberating the Muslim Mind

And the following titles in the Publications Section:

  • Mirrors and Windows
  • Faith and the Environment
  • Islam and Democracy
  • The Justly Balanced Society
  • Islam, Science and Values

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