Ismail Serageldin


Lectures at LoC on the Future of Egypt and the Future of Libraries

08/03/2013 | Washington DC
Serageldin gave three lectures at the Library of Congress (LoC) this week. On 6 March he spoke before a packed auditorium on “The Arab World and the Future of Egypt”. Large audiences returned to the LoC on 8 March for two more lectures by Serageldin on the topics: “The Loss and Rebirth of the Library of Alexandria” and “The Knowledge Revolution and the Future of Libraries”.

A Talk at the World Bank on Egypt’s Revolution and the BA

07/03/2013 | Washington DC
Egypt’s revolution and the Library of Alexandria were the subject of a talk given by Serageldin at the World Bank. For the benefit of audiences in different locations, the talk was broadcast to country offices and a great number of questions were addressed to Serageldin through this live connection.

A Fruitful Meeting at the Austrian National Library

05/02/2013 | Vienna
During his short stay in Austria, Serageldin visited the Austrian National Library, where he met with Elisabeth M. Edhofer, Head of Development and International Relations. The meeting discussions revolved around plans for future cooperation and exchange between the two institutions.

World Water Scenarios in Laxenburg

04/02/2013 | Laxenburg, Austria
As a world renowned authority on water issues, Serageldin was invited to the launch meeting for the Water Futures and Solutions Scenarios Project held at the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA). Senior representatives from government and non-government organizations, business and academia gathered at IIASA to discuss this new initiative which was started through a partnership of IIASA, UNESCO, the Ministry of Land, Transport and Maritime Affairs of the Republic of Korea, the World Water Council, and the International Water Association.

Sessions on Culture, History and Politics at Davos

23/01/2013 | Davos
At the Annual Meeting of the World Economic Forum, held under the theme “Resilient Dynamism”, Serageldin joined world leaders from politics and business, media and academia, technology pioneers, spiritual and cultural leaders, to share insights on critical issues, and to collaborate on the risks and opportunities that lie ahead of the global community.

A Keynote Lecture at KAUST

21/01/2013 | Thuwal, Saudi Arabia
Serageldin gives a keynote presentation today at the King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST) in Thuwal Saudi Arabia. Entitled “Building a Global Knowledge Society”, the lecture describes the major social and technological forces that are fostering and challenging the creation of a global knowledge society.

Standing Ovation at the Library of Congress

06/12/2012 | Washington DC
At the first International Summit of the Book, Serageldin gave a keynote speech entitled The Book, Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow , which received a standing ovation from a huge gathering of leaders in academia, libraries and technology. Organized and hosted by the prestigious Library of Congress, the event was also open to the public, and was the inaugural summit of a global dialogue that will be held annually to debate and discuss the powerful role of the book in information transmittal.

WDL Executive Council Meeting Presided by Serageldin

05/12/2012 | Washington DC
Following the annual partner meeting of World Digital Library (WDL) held at the Library of Congress on 5 December, Serageldin chaired the meeting of the Executive Council of the WDL, which convened the next day to review progress made within the past year, and to discuss priorities for the coming year.

Serageldin Main Curator of Nizami Exhibition in Washington DC

03/12/2012 | Washington DC
In joint collaboration between the Library of Alexandria, the Nizami Ganjavi International Center, and the Karabakh Foundation, an exhibition of the original manuscripts of Nizami Ganjavi was held in Washington DC under the title "Nizami Ganjavi: Legacy of a 12th-Century Poet from Azerbaijan". About 50 original manuscripts and rare miniatures were on display at the Josephine Butler Parks Center, on 3 December, 2012.

Examining the Role and Responsibilities of Higher Education

28/11/2012 | San Juan, Puerto Rico
In the plenary session of the 14th General Conference of the International Association of Universities (IAU), Serageldin gives a speech today, focusing on “Are Higher Education Institutions addressing and contributing to the challenges facing humanity?”. The theme of this quadrennial Conference, which is held in partnership with the Inter American University of Puerto Rico in San Juan, is “Higher Education and the Global Agenda: Alternative Paths to the Future”.

Peacemakers Award Ceremony

22/11/2012 | Paris
In a grand ceremony held at Musée du quai Branly in Paris, Serageldin got together once again this year, with the International Jury of the Chirac Foundation to award the winners of the conflict prevention prizes. The jury, composed of distinguished personalities who have worked for peace and dialogue, had convened in September 2012 to select winners of two prizes: the Chirac Foundation Prize and the Special Jury Prize.

Center for Hellenistic Studies to Pursue Further Success

20/11/2012 | Athens
As head of the Board of Directors of the Alexandria Center for Hellenistic Studies, Serageldin chaired a meeting of the Board held in Athens this week. Based on the success achieved by the Center in the past five years, a new Memorandum of Understanding was signed by Serageldin, as Director of the Bibliotheca Alexandrina, and Marianna V. Vardinoyannis, President of the Vardinoyannis Foundation, to continue with the Alexandria Center for Hellenistic Studies at the Bibliotheca Alexandrina for a further five years.

A Talk at WIPO on Innovation and Food Security

12/11/2012 | Geneva
Addressing an audience comprising a mixture of diplomats, NGOs and think tankers, Serageldin will give a presentation on “Intellectual Property, Food Security and Rural Development: Collaboration and Partnership”. The seminar takes place at the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) headquarters in Geneva, on 16 November, at 13:30 pm, as part of a new series of seminars that focuses on “Global Challenges” – health, climate change, and food security.

APS Induction Ceremony

07/11/2012 | Philadelphia
In recognition of his extraordinary accomplishments in fields of intellectual endeavor and public service, Serageldin was voted, last April, into membership of the American Philosophical Society (APS). He was nominated and elected by his peers in the Society, which has 1022 members of eminent scholars from a wide variety of disciplines.

Second High Level Panel Meeting in Johannesburg

02/11/2012 | Johannesburg
Following the first meeting of the African Union (AU) High Level Panel on Science, Technology and Innovation held at the BA last August, the panel convened once again in Johannesburg for further review and deliberation. Serageldin co-chaired the meeting together with Calestous Juma, Professor of the Practice of International Development at Harvard University.

A Talk on the BA at the National Library in Singapore

11/10/2012 | Singapore
Invited to give a talk at the National Library of Singapore, Serageldin spoke of the Rebirth of the Library of Alexandria and the Future of Libraries. His talk also included a personal account of the experiences of the Library during the Egyptian revolution in January 2011, and of the new challenges facing the Library in the Arab Spring. The talk was followed by a lively question and answer session.

Serageldin Chairs Plenary Session at STS Annual Meeting

09/10/2012 | Kyoto
At the Ninth Annual Meeting of the Science and Technology in Society (STS) forum, Serageldin chaired the plenary session entitled How do we move forward to maintain sustainability for the future of humankind? Speakers at the session were Carlo Rubbia, Scientific Director IASS and Nobel Laureate for Physics; Jeremy Grantham, Co-founder GMO ; António Correia de Campos, Chairman of STOA, European Parliament; and Koji Omi, Founder and Chairman, STS forum.

Four Honorary Doctorates from Georgia and Azerbaijan

08/10/2012 | Georgia and Azerbaijan
The University of Georgia and Ilia State University in Georgia awarded Serageldin two honorary doctorates in recognition of his academic and scientific contributions. Having received much media attention, Serageldin was interviewed by Georgia State Television about possible cooperation means between the BA and cultural institutions in Georgia.

Eventful Visit to Baku

01/10/2012 | Baku
In Baku, Azerbaijan, his last stop in the region, Serageldin visited Baku State University (BSU), where he signed Memorandum of Understanding between the Library of Alexandria and BSU, and gave a joint lecture on Mutual Understanding and Dialogue between Civilizations, with Vaira Vike-Freiberga, former President of Latvia, and Roza Otunbayeva, former President of Kyrgyzstan.

MoU with Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

30/09/2012 | Ganja
Ismail Serageldin has signed a Memorandum of Understanding between the Bibliotheca Alexandrina and the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences. The two institutions have agreed to cooperate with each other in areas of mutual interest such as support of research, training programs, scientific exchanges, fellowships, seminars and workshops.

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