Ismail Serageldin


Serageldin Appointed Advisor to Egyptian Prime Minister

16/11/2014 | Cairo
Egyptian PM Ibrahim Mehleb has appointed Ismail Serageldin as his advisor in matters concerning culture, science, and museums.

As per his request, Serageldin will not be receiving any payment or allowances.

A talk to MIT Egyptian Student Association

04/11/2014 | Boston
Serageldin will give a talk today to the MIT Egyptian Student Association (ESA). The Lecture, entitled "The Library of Alexandria: Rebirth and Revolution", will be held in classroom 34-101, EG&G Education Center, MIT, at 6:30 pm, and will be followed by questions from the audience.

Serageldin Chairs WDL Executive Council Meeting

29/10/2014 | Rome
As Chairman of the Executive Council of the World Digital Library (WDL), Serageldin convened with the members of the Council for a meeting held in Rome on 29 October 2014.

Insights on Digitization at the International Summit of the Book

13/10/2014 | Paris
The third annual meeting of the International Summit of the Book this year convened in Paris at the Grand auditorium, Quai François Mauriac. Organized by the Bibliothèque nationale de France (BnF) in partnership with the Centre national du livre (CNL), the conference laid emphasis on the role of translation as the source of a European way of thinking and on digitisation as a new memorial space

Innovative Approaches in Addressing Climate Change

08/10/2014 | Tokyo
Hundreds of policymakers, business leaders, and researchers from all over the world participated in The First Annual Conference of Innovation for Cool Earth Forum (ICEF) which was held on the Prime Minister of Japan, Shinzo Abe’s proposal to establish a new international conference to discuss global cooperation to address climate change.

Serageldin Chairs STS Plenary Session on ICT Impact

06/10/2014 | Kyoto
At the annual meeting of the Science and Technology in Society (STS) forum (, Serageldin chaired a plenary session entitled “Dialogue among Political Leaders, Scientists and Industrialists (Society Changed by ICT – Security and Privacy –)”. The discussion focused on how the ICT revolution, with both the big data that it produces and handles, and the social connectivity it provides, is transforming social and economic relations on a global scale.

Serageldin Shares Insights with JST Advisory Committee

03/10/2014 | Kyoto
At the invitation of Dr. Michiharu Nakamura, President of Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST) , Serageldin participates today in the JST Advisory Committee Meeting. JST is a major funding agency in Japan under the authority of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology.

Chirac Foundation selects winners of a new Peace Prize

01/10/2014 | Paris
Jacques Chirac, Former President of France, invited Serageldin to sit on the Jury selecting the winner(s) of the Chirac Foundation Culture for Peace Prize. Since the inauguration of the Chirac Foundation in 2008, Serageldin has been a member of its Honorary Committee and has served on the jury of the Chirac Foundation Prize for Conflict Prevention, which rewards women and men committed to fighting on a daily basis so that tensions do not escalate into serious conflicts.

On Rebuilding a New World Order

05/09/2014 | Andorra
In the attendance of many former presidents and prime ministers, Serageldin delivered the opening statement at the preparatory meeting for the third Nizami Ganjavi International Center(NGIC)/ Club de Madrid (CdM) Baku Forum on the theme Rebuilding Trust in Wider Europe – A High Level NGIC/CdM Initiative.

Discussions on Internet Public Policy at the IGF

02/09/2014 | Istanbul
At the Ninth Annual Meeting of the Internet Governance Forum (IGF) held from 2 to 5 September in Istanbul, Serageldin joined fellow panelists from Australia, Europe, USA, Africa, the Middle East and representatives of International Organizations, in a workshop session entitled “One World, Diverse Content and Flexible Access”.

A Lecture at Martin Bodmer Foundation

23/08/2014 | Geneva
The Martin Bodmer Foundation invited serageldin to give a lecture at their exhibition entitled Alexandria the Divine held from 5 April to 31 August 2014. He was specifically asked to give the same highly applauded lecture he had given at the University of Geneva in celebration of its 450th anniversary, in March 2009.

A Panel Discussion on Digitization at CDNL

19/08/2014 | Lyon
At the Conference of Directors of National Libraries (CDNL) held during the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA) Congress, and hosted by the National Library of France, Serageldin joined fellow panelistsin a discussion on Digitization as a tool for national and international cooperation.

Embracing the Challenge, Inventing the Future

18/08/2014 | Lyon
The International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA)’s Section on Education and Training (SET) 40th Anniversary Summit opened with Serageldin’s keynote speech entitled “Building Tomorrow’s Library Today: The New Library of Alexandria”...

The Future Roles and Challenges of Museums

03/07/2014 | Barcelona
In the closing session of the international conference cycle "Ciutadella Park: The First Science Park in Barcelona", organized by the Natural History Museum of Barcelona and the Barcelona Zoo Foundation, Serageldin gave a keynote speech entitled ‘It’s Natural: Know the World, Know Yourself’.

On the Art of Living

02/07/2014 | Alexandria
Serageldin contributed a short essay to the book, 'The Art of Living: a Practical Guide to Being Alive' compiled by Claire Elizabeth Terry, President, The Art of Living. The collection features contributions by the Dalai Lama, Mikhail Gorbachev, Mario Vargas Llosa, Muhammad Yunus, Deepak Chopra,Federico Mayor Zaragoza, Desmond Tutu, and many other international figures.

Friends of the BA in the US Hold Book Fundraiser

31/05/2014 | Alexandria, Virginia
Friends of the Bibliotheca Alexandrina – Washington DC, Maryland, Virginia (DC- MD-VA), a part of the Baltimore-Luxor-Alexandria Sister Cities Committee , held an event under the theme « Celebrate Egypt » to raise funds for books dedicated to Egypt’s children. The garden party was hosted on the banks of the Potomac River at the home of...

Serageldin opens NGIC & Club de Madrid Forum

29/04/2014 | Baku, Azerbaijan
As Co-Chair of the Nizami Ganjavi International Center (NGIC), Serageldin was Master of Ceremony at the NGIC and Club de Madrid’s II Global Shared Societies Forum “Post 2015 Agenda And Shared Societies”. In a session on “Shared Societies as a Driver in Conflict Resolution”, Serageldin shared his insights...

BA Annual BoT Meeting headed by President of Egypt

05/04/2014 | Cairo
As Co-Chair of the Nizami Ganjavi International Center (NGIC), Serageldin was Master of Ceremony at the NGIC and Club de Madrid’s II Global Shared Societies Forum “Post 2015 Agenda And Shared Societies”. In a session on “Shared Societies as a Driver in Conflict Resolution”, Serageldin shared his insights...

Horizons on Egyptian Television

03/04/2014 | Alexandria
"Horizons”, a television science series of 25 minute episodes, developed and presented by Serageldin and produced by the Bibliotheca Alexandrina, will be aired on Channel One of Egypt’s national TV...

Serageldin Attends Review Panel Meeting of ICSU

27/03/2014 | Singapore
Serageldin is invited to attend the third meeting of the Review Panel of the International Council for Science (ICSU) . The Panel is chosen by a Selection Committee of former officers of ICSU and is composed of 12 highly eminent persons, who are invited to review the mandate of ICSU.

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