Ismail Serageldin


Serageldin Elected Board Member of STS Forum

27/10/2015 | Kyoto
Founder and Chairman of The Science and Technology in Society (STS) forum, Koji Omi, informed Ismail Serageldin that he has been elected as a new board member of STS for two years starting January 1, 2016.

A Speech on Mental Health in a Changing World

17/10/2015 | Cairo
Invited to be a distinguished guest speaker at the 20th World Congress of the World Federation for Mental Health held in Cairo on 16-19 October,2015, Serageldin addressed an international audience of professionals, representatives from universities, public and private hospitals, NGOs, public institutions, state mental health agencies, with a keynote speech entitled “Seeking Balance: Mental Health in a Changing World”. The theme of the conference was “Mental Health in times of crisis”.

A Message from Ismail Serageldin

12/10/2015 | Alexandria
As Honorary President of Religions for Peace, I bear this message to you concerning one of the greatest challenges that the believers of the world’s religions and all men and women of good will face today: protecting the earth and its climate.

Serageldin Chairs ICEF Session on Technology Transfer

07/10/2015 | Kyoto
At the second Annual Conference of Innovation for Cool Earth Forum (ICEF), held in Tokyo just after the Science and Technology in Society (STS) forum in Kyoto, Serageldin chaired a session titled “Technology Transfer to Developing Countries and Investment Promotion”.

Examining the Impact of ICT on Society

05/10/2015 | Kyoto
At the Science and Technology in Society (STS) forum Plenary Session on the topic of “Society Changed by ICT – Security and Privacy”, Serageldin was Chair Speaker in a dialogue among political leaders, scientists and industrialists.

Discussions on Disaster Risk Reduction

03/10/2015 | Kyoto
Discussions on climate change adaptation and disaster risk reduction were held at the 7th Regional Action on Climate Change (RACC ) meeting held in Kyoto preceding the Science and Technology in Society (STS) Forum meetings.

Council Meets to Discuss Future Role of UAE Federation Library

13/09/2015 | Abu Dhabi
Serageldin joined the first meeting of the Science Consultants Council held in Abu Dhabi this week.

Building an Arab Knowledge Society

10/09/2015 | New York
As Co-Chair of the Advisory Board of the Global Knowledge Initiative, Serageldin was invited to a brainstorming meeting of the Arab Knowledge Initiative.

Celebrating the 13th Anniversary of the BA at the British Library

07/09/2015 | London
As part of the celebrations of the 13th anniversary of the opening of the new Bibliotheca Alexandrina (BA) Serageldin visits London to give a series of talks.

UN Permanent Representatives Visit BA

01/09/2015 | Alexandria
Following the UN Permanent Representatives Retreat held in Alamein on 31 August, the BA hosted 50 UN delegates, as part of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs meetings organized to promote Egypt’s nomination for the membership of the UN Security Council.

Keynote speech by Serageldin at UN Permanent Representatives Retreat

31/08/2015 | Alamein
At the UN Permanent Representatives Retreat held in Alamein under the theme “Towards Enabling Multilateralism: Partnerships for Enhancing the Contribution and Participation of All Member States in the Work of the United Nations”, Serageldin delivered opening remarks entitled “Towards An Enabling Multilateralism: Rethinking the Current World Order”.

Obituary: Mrs. Nevine Madkour, wife of Dr. Ismail Serageldin

23/08/2015 | Alexandria
It is with extreme sadness that I inform all our friends and acquaintances of the death of Mrs. Nevine Madkour, wife of Dr. Ismail Serageldin.

Presenting the BA to the Minnesotans

07/08/2015 | Minneapolis
Minnesota Friends of the Bibliotheca Alexandrina held a dinner gathering in honor of Ismail Serageldin. On this occasion Serageldin gave a presentation on “The Bibliotheca Alexandrina, Past, Present and Future”.

President of Azerbaijan Awards Order of Friendship to Serageldin

28/06/2015 | Baku
President Ilham Aliyev invited Ismail Serageldin and Vaira Vike-Freiberga, Co-chairs of the Nizami Ganjavi International Center (NGIC) as his personal guests to the Closing Ceremony of the First European Games held in Baku this month.

BA Establishes Six New Embassies of Knowledge

18/06/2015 | Alexandria
In the presence of the El-Sayed Abdel-Khalek, Minister of Higher Education; Ashraf Hatem, the Secretary General of the Supreme Council of Universities; and Yasser Al-Shayeb, Director of the Embassies of Knowledge initiative, Serageldin signed agreements with the Presidents of the Universities of Zagazig, Mansoura, Banha, Fayoum, Aswan and Suez, to establish Embassies of Knowledge aiming at disseminating culture and knowledge to university students throughout Egypt.

A Debate on Democratic Security at the Council of Europe

01/06/2015 | Strasbourg
Invited by the Council of Europe to inaugurate a new series of debates devoted to the concept of democratic security, Serageldin presented his vision of democratic security and its components in a presentation on ‘Counteracting radicalisation and extremism – promoting mutual knowledge, understanding, tolerance and respect for diversity’.

AUB Confers Honorary Doctorate to Serageldin

29/05/2015 | Beirut
In an award ceremony held during the 146th commencement exercises for 535 graduate students of the American University of Beirut (AUB), Ismail Serageldin was awarded an Honorary Doctorate of Humane Letters for his “enduring contributions to the arts, humanitarian and environmental causes, and conservation of the cultural heritage.”

A Memorandum of Understanding Signed with MACAT

21/05/2015 | Alexandria
Serageldin signed a Memorandum of Understanding between MACAT International Limited, represented by its founding Director, Egyptian philanthropist Salah Khalil, and the Bibliotheca Alexandrina, to collaborate in the field of translation of seminal books, design of training and educational materials, organization of joint seminars, conferences, lectures, training programs, exhibitions, publications, educational and cultural films and other material.

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