Ismail Serageldin


Discussing China’s New Role in International Relations

22/06/2017 | Beijing

As Co-Chair of Nizami Ganjavi  International Center (NGIC), Serageldin opened, together with Vaira Vike-Freiberga, Co-Chair of NGIC, President of Latvia 1999-2007, the  “XII High-Level Meeting”  entitled “China’s New Role In International Relations: The Prospects Of One Belt One Road Initiative”. Since its establishment four years ago, the NGIC has organized many successful meetings hosted in 20 different countries. These high profile events have brought together more than 100 current and former heads of State and Government, and hundreds of leaders from the public sector, private sector, Nobel Laureates, and civil society.


In a series of sessions held over two days, panelists of political experience and expertise explored and discussed several topics: The Future of International Relations: China in the Era of Globalization; China’s Role in Global Economic System; China as a Contributor to Global Security: Organizations, Interests, Values;  China in the Age of Connectivity: Understanding the Belt One, Road Initiative; China as a Contributor to Global Governance.


The NGIC is a cultural center disseminating the heritage of Nizami Ganjavi, the famous Azeri poet and philosopher who promoted social reforms and values of dialogue, tolerance and peace nine centuries ago.

To read the full speech click here.




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