Ismail Serageldin


A Full Agenda in Washington DC and New York this Week

12/02/2017 | Washington DC
This week Serageldin travels to Washington DC and New York for several meetings, including the Science and Technology in Society (STS) Council and Board Meetings, and the International Committee Meeting for the American Academy of Arts and Sciences.

Serageldin meets with President of Greece

07/02/2017 | Athens
Serageldin chaired the board meeting of the Alexandria Center for Hellenistic Studies and signed a Memorandum of Understanding with The Vardinoyannis Foundation, headed by Marianna V. Vardinoyannis, whereby the two parties agreed to continue the activities of The Alexandria Center for Hellenistic Studies for a further five years.

BA Signs Memorandum of Cooperation with AfLIA

19/01/2017 | Alexandria
Serageldin has signed a memorandum of cooperation between the BA and the African Library and Information Association and Institution (AfLIA) in the context of strengthening professional relations between libraries in Africa and the BA and to facilitate their work in conducting research, capacity building in library and information sciences, and publishing.

Exploring Challenges of Democratic Security in a Time of Extremism

16/01/2017 | Cairo
A high level three day conference organized by the Bibliotheca Alexandrina (BA) together with the Nizami Ganjavi International Center (NGIC) was held in Cairo under the theme of “Democratic Security in a Time of Extremism and Violence”.

BA Holds Two-day Workshop on Gene Editing

05/01/2017 | Alexandria
A distinguished group of Egyptian scientists participated in the two-day workshop organized by the Bibliotheca Alexandrina (BA) on gene-editing and research methodology.

RAED Awards Serageldin Academic of Honor

20/12/2016 | Barcelona
Serageldin will today be received as Academic of Honor by the Royal European Academy of Doctors (RAED).

In commemoration of the 400th Anniversary of Cervantes

19/12/2016 | Barcelona
Serageldin today joins an academic debate at the Royal European Academy of Doctors (RAED), paying tribute to the eminent Spanish writer Cervantes on the occasion of his 400th anniversary

Fighting Violent Extremism

11/12/2016 | Gabala

BA Holds Workshop on Extremism at Birmingham University

28/11/2016 | Birmingham
The Bibliotheca Alexandrina (BA) is holding a workshop on “Models of Extremism” at Birmingham University on 28-29 November 2016. Serageldin will give the opening speech entitled “Extremism, Violence and Social Change”.

Discussing European Peace

23/11/2016 | Sarajevo
Under the auspices of Mr. Mladen Ivanic, member of the Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Nizami Ganjavi International Center (NGIC) held a conference in Sarajevo on 22-23 November entitled “The European Peace. What is the Recipe for a strong Union for All?”.

On the Impact of Technology on Society

16/11/2016 | Zurich
The Swiss Center of Electronics and Microtechnology (CSEM) invited Serageldin to give a keynote speech at their conference entitled “Business Day Innovating to Zero”.

Fifth Summit of the Book: “Words are all we have”

Taking inspiration from eminent Irish writer Samuel Beckett, the theme for this year’s International Summit of the Book was “Words are all we have, the Book: history, knowledge and technology, the Voyage”.

Sofia University Awards Honorary Doctorate to Serageldin

28/10/2016 | Sofia
In a ceremony held at the Aula Magna of Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski, Serageldin received the Academic Degree of “Doctor Honoris Causa of the Sofia University”.

A Keynote Speech on the Future Role of Libraries

14/10/2016 | Lisbon
Celebrating 20 years of the School Libraries Network (Rede de Bibliotecas Escolares ),RBE, which creates and supports school libraries throughout Portugal, the “Forum 20 anos RBE: a story with a future”, was held at the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation.

On the Value of Cultural Inheritance

11/10/2016 | Rome
In the city of Florence, in 1966, the flooding of the river Arno, killed 101 people and damaged or destroyed millions of masterpieces of art and rare books. Marking the 50th anniversary of this tragedy, the Academia Nazionale dei Lincei, held an international conference , under the title of “Florence 1966-2016 – Resilience of Art Cities to Natural Catastrophes: The Role of Academies”.

Discussing Climate Change Strategies

06/10/2016 | Tokyo
Invited by Japan Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry to participate in the third annual meeting of the Innovation for Cool Earth Forum (ICEF), Serageldin chaired a session on “Technology Transfer”.

Serageldin in Kyoto for STS Annual Meeting

02/10/2016 | Kyoto
The Science and Technology for Society (STS) forum annual meeting convened in Kyoto on 2 - 4 October 2016. The forum held concurrent sessions covering a wide range of topics: Earth science, Cities, ICT, Cooperation in science and technology, Science, Technology and Society, Engineering and innovation, Life sciences, Energy and environment.

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