Ismail Serageldin


A Professional Talk to NLB and LAS Teams

26/03/2014 | Singapore
On the topic of: “The Challenges of Libraries in a Digital and Technological Age” , Serageldin gave a professional talk to the teams of the National Library Board (NLB) and the Library Association of Singapore (LAS). Serageldin also gave a talk, open to the public, on the “The Future of Education”...

Learning from History in Islamic Education

25/03/2014 | Singapore
Addressing the Muslim community in Singapore, Serageldin gave a lecture entitled “The Role of History in Islamic Education” . Organized by The Islamic Religious Council of Singapore (MUIS), the MUIS lecture aims to provide key government and public sector leaders, as well as community and religious leaders, academics...

KIT Collection Reaches Alexandria Harbor

03/03/2014 | Alexandria
The Bibliotheca Alexandrina celebrates the arrival of almost 400,000 books and 20,000 journals, received from the Royal Tropical Institute—Koninklijk Instituut voor de Tropen (KIT) in Amsterdam. A Memorandum of Understanding was signed last October by Ismail Serageldin...

Serageldin Co-chairs NGIC Meeting in Athens

19/02/2014 | Athens
At the Acropolis Museum in Athens, Serageldin convened with the board members of the Nizami Ganjavi Ineternational Center (NGIC) and Club de Madrid in a preparatory meeting for the II Global Shared Societies Forum: Post 2015 Sustainable Development Agenda - Measuring Shared Societies to be held in Baku this coming April. Serageldin presented a proposal for an academic program for NGIC.

Serageldin’s Reflections on Third Anniversary of Egyptian Revolution

25/01/2014 | Alexandrina, Egypt
As Egypt celebrates the third anniversary of the Egyptian revolution, Serageldin reflects on “those three years of chaotic action, great moments, dashed dreams, big achievements, sacrifice and betrayal, and all the components of a human drama of the highest order.”

World Leaders and Former Leaders Convene at CGDC Annual Meeting

04/12/2013 | Vienna
Serageldin joined a gathering of eminent world leaders at the third 3rd Annual Meeting of the Center for Global Dialogue and Cooperation (CDGC) held under the title “Dialogue and Cooperation for Change”- Eurasian Interdependencies on Overcoming the Crisis.

Serageldin Signs MoU with Elsevier

03/12/2013 | Amsterdam
The Library of Alexandria and Elsevier, a world-leading provider of scientific, technical and medical information products and services, have signed a Memorandum of Understanding to provide 150 researchers working in least-developed and low-income countries across the globe with access to ScienceDirect, Elsevier’s online scientific research platform with 11 million full text articles, and Scopus, an abstract and citation database containing 21,000 peer-reviewed journals from 5,000 publishers.

On the Leading Role of the BA in UNL

02/12/2013 | Kuwait
Joining the board members of the Universal Networking Digital Language Foundations (UNDL), Serageldin attended the Board Meeting convened in Kuwait this week. At a meeting with the Board of Directors of the Arab Fund for Economic and Social Development (AFESD), Serageldin gave a presentation entitled “Who Benfitis from the UNL? The Leading Role of the Library of Alexandria”.

Honor of the Golden Lion Bestowed on Serageldin

24/11/2013 | Alexandria
On the occasion of the inauguration of the new Patriarchal Museum in Alexandria, Pope Theodoros II, Pope and Patriarch of Alexandria and All Africa bestowed on Serageldin the Honor of the Golden Lion which is conferred on personalities, who have made significant contributions to the Pope and Patriarch for the Alexandrian Greek Orthodox Church.

Serageldin Chairs WDL Annual Meeting

18/11/2013 | Washington DC
As Chairman of the Executive Council of the World Digital Library (WDL), Serageldin convened with the members of the Council for the 2013 Partner Meeting. The meeting opened with the welcome and introductory remarks of Serageldin and James Billiongton, Librarian of Congress.

A Shared Commitment to Education

14/11/2013 | London
At a dinner arranged by the Alexandria Trust at the Royal Society in London in his honor, Serageldin delivered remarks on “Education and the Future of the Arab World”. His talk first covered the events in Egypt and the ongoing turmoil following the Arab Spring; and he went on to speak passionately of the vital role of education in the future of the Arab World. The remarks were very well received by the distinguished audience.

Panel on the Importance of Biotechnology

13/11/2013 | Ghent
A longtime advocate of biotechnology, Serageldin was invited to a Forum on Global Agriculture and Forestry held by the Institute of Plant Biotechnology Outreach (IPBO) at the Vlaams Instituut of Biotechnology (VIB) in Ghent, Belgium, under the title “30 of Years Plant Biotechnology”. He participated in the panel discussion Intensive but sustainable agriculture for emerging and developing countries

A Presentation on Sustaining Sustainability

12/11/2013 | Brussels
At the Science and Technology Options Assessment (STOA) Annual Lecture 2013 held at the European Parliament in Brussels under the title “Sustaining sustainability: Making economics work for the global environment”, Serageldin gave a keynote speech on ''Environmentally and Socially Sustainable Development''.

Serageldin Chairs Workshop of Water Futures and Solutions

04/11/2013 | Paris
The first Scenario Focus Group workshop of the Water Futures and Solution (WFaS) Initiatives: World Water Scenarios, organized by the United Nations World Water Assessment Program hosted by UNESCO and by the International Institute for Applied System Analysis, was held in Paris on 4 to 6 November.

Keynote Address on How University Education Needs to Be Transformed

01/11/2013 | Beirut
The conference titled "Graduate and Postgraduate Programs in Education in Arab Universities: Quality and Added Value" co-organized by the Arab Educational Information Network - Shamaa and the Lebanese Association for Educational Studies (LAES) and hosted by the Lebanese American University, opened with a keynote address by Serageldin on “The Radical Challenges University Education will Face and How it Needs to be Transformed”.

The BA Saves the Collection of the Royal Tropical Institute

31/10/2013 | Amsterdam
A Memorandum of Understanding has been signed by Ismail Serageldin as Director of the Bibliotheca Alexandrina, and Derk Vermeer as President of the Royal Tropical Institute— Koninklijk Instituut voor de Tropen (KIT) in Amsterdam, whereby the majority of the KIT library collection, almost 400,000 books and 20,000 journals, will be reallocated at the BA.

Tenth Anniversary STS Forum

06/10/2013 | Kyoto
At the tenth anniversary meeting of of the Science and Technology in Society (STS) forum, Serageldin was keynote speaker at the plenary session on “Population and Resources”. The STS annual meeting is held on the first Sunday of October every year in Kyoto, Japan, and gathers top policymakers, business leaders, scientists, researchers, media leaders and Nobel laureates from all over the world, to address science and technology issues in the 21st century.

Candidates for Chirac Peacemakers Prize Presented to the Jury

03/10/2013 | Paris
Serageldin met with the jury committee members of the Chirac Foundation to select a winner for the Chirac Foundation Prize for the Prevention of Conflicts. Having already convened twice this year to identify individuals committed to dialogue and mediation in tension zones, the committee of experts of the Chirac Foundation presented to the jury the proposed candidates.

The Library Yesterday and Today at the BnF

02/10/2013 | Paris
At a celebration held by the Bibliothèque nationale de France (BnF), together with the Embassy of Egypt in Paris and the Friends of the Bibliotheca Alexandrina Association, to mark the 10th Anniversary of the Bibliotheca Alexandria (BA) Serageldin gave a talk entitled La bibliothèque hier et aujourd''hui.

A Talk on the Birth of a New Egypt at the American Club in Paris

02/10/2013 | Paris
At a luncheon held by the Paris American Club at the Cercle Inter Allié, Serageldin will today give a talk on "Egypt: Birth Pangs of a New Republic”. The Paris American Club brings together individuals and businesses for social gatherings and events, preserving a tradition begun by Benjamin Franklin’s “Sunday Dinners” in Paris in 1777.

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