Ismail Serageldin


BA Hosts Conference on 21st Century Democracy

11/12/2015 | Alexandria


The Library of Alexandria  held a major three day conference on “Democracy for the 21st Century”, in collaboration with the Nizami Ganjavi International Center (NGIC) and the Club de Madrid (CdM), to work with politicians, experts, and academicians to explore both the current situation worldwide, and to think about possible reform measures or new instruments to create more inclusive and just societies henceforth.  A great number of former presidents, former prime ministers, political leaders, professors and ambassadors from around the world  participated in the discussions.

Serageldin  chaired the opening session entitled “Why Are We Here?”, where he welcomed the large gathering of distinguished guests and introduced the topic of “Democracy in the 21st Century”. Serageldin was also speaker in the second session titled “Framing the Issues”  which explored the role of existing democracies from a historical, political and academic viewpoint; and, together with co-panelists in a session titled “The Way Forward”,  drew upon the conclusions of all previous discussions in an attempt to map a future plan. At the conclusion of the 15 sessions held over the three day event,  Serageldin delivered a summation of the  issues discussed and proposals arrived at by the participants. 




















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