Ismail Serageldin


University of Latvia Awards Serageldin Honorary Doctorate

28/09/2017 | Riga


In a ceremony held in the Great Hall of the University of Latvia (UL) Serageldin was awarded an  honorary doctorate degree in recognition of his  “profound and enduring contribution to fostering scholarly and cultural cooperation among nations and to strengthening the role of academic libraries in modern societies”.  Serageldin was also invited to give a guest lecture as part of the UL Presidential Lecture Series “Readings by World Leaders”. The lecture, which was held under the patronage the President of Latvia, Raimonds Vejonis, was entitled  “A Real Future Despite Fake News”.


It is worth mentioning here that Serageldin holds 37 honorary doctorates from universities around the world. 





























UL Rector Indriķis Muižnieks presents Honorary Doctorate to Serageldin



Acceptance and Thank you 

Left to right: Vaira Vīķe-Freiberga, Former President of Latvia, Serageldin, UL Rector, Indriķis Muižnieks

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