Ismail Serageldin


From Ankara to Istanbul

26/09/2012 | Istanbul

Flying from Ankara to Istanbul, Sergeldin then visited some of the major educational and cultural institutions of this city. He was welcomed at Koç University by Umran Inan, President of the university, its professors, and Tuba Akbayturk, Director of Koç University Suna Kıraç Library. After visiting two more of Istanbul’s private universities, Maltepe University and Bahçeşehir University, and signing a Memorandum of Understanding between the BA and the latter, Serageldin then went on to the Süleymaniye Library, Topkapi Museum, and to the Turkish Culture Foundation, where he met with, Guler Koknar, its chairman. Serageldin also met with Huseyin Avni Governor of Istanbul, and Tansu Ciller, former Prime Minister of Turkey.



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