Ismail Serageldin


Serageldin on CNN

21/12/2009 | Alexandria

The Cable News Network (CNN) airs a special episode about the BA, a beacon for knowledge and culture in the Arab world, and a worldwide landmark of civilization. The TV program entitled Inside the Middle East interviewed Serageldin for an episode to be aired on 6 January 2010.

Serageldin spoke about the BA’s services, research centers, museums, and exhibitions, and named some of the cultural, artistic, scientific and literary events held at the BA throughout the year. Serageldin also highlighted the BA’s pioneering role in the digital age, thanks to its Internet Archive, Digital Lab and UNL Center.

The BA Director also pointed out the contributions of the scholars of the Ancient Library of Alexandria in all fields of science, and added that the new Library of Alexandria is dedicated to recapture this spirit.

The program will be aired at the following times (GMT):
Wednesday, 6 January at 9:30 and 17:30
Saturday, 9 January at 9:30, 18:00 and 21:30
Sunday, 10 January at 6:30 and 18:30

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