Ismail Serageldin


Innovative Ideas on Water Issues

16/02/2010 | Alberta, Canada

As a renowned expert on water issues, Serageldin is invited by the Alberta Water Research Institute (AWRI) to give three talks on The Impact of Climate Change on Water Issues, as part of their Celebrating Fresh Ideas speakers’ series. The presentations will be attended by representatives from industry, government, media, and members of the Calgary Chamber of Commerce.

At the Cameron Library of the University of Alberta, Serageldin will give an additional talk to an audience of the Library Community about the Library of Alexandria, its history, its collections, and about the new building and facility.

During Serageldin’s visit, meetings will also be held with senior Officials from the Government of Alberta and the University of Alberta, and with the business community from the banks and oil industry.

The visit to Alberta coincides with the 2010 Winter Olympics in the neighboring province of British Columbia, however, due to his forever busy schedule, Serageldin had to decline the kind invitation of the AWRI to attend a few of the Olympic events.

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