Ismail Serageldin


Serageldin Calls for a Mediterranean of the 21st Century

22/02/2005 | Alexandria
At the closing of an event celebrating the history and culture of the Mediterranean cities, Serageldin gave a highly inspirational talk, during which he illustrated the pivotal role of the Mediterranean cities in empowering their communities towards the betterment of their societies.

On Air

12/02/2005 | Cairo
Ismail Serageldin appeared on national television as a special guest of the widely popular TV show El Beit Beitak. The hour long interview aired on Channel 2 of Egypts TV. During the interview, Serageldin expressed optimism as to the performance of the newly appointed government...

Einstein Lecture Series Begins

08/02/2005 | Alexandria
In light of the upcoming Einstein Symposium to be held at the Bibliotheca Alexandrina in June 2005, Ismail Serageldin today started the first of a series of lectures intended to introduce the topic and lead up to the big event in June.

Serageldin Ends Knowledge Society Symposium on a High Note

03/02/2005 | Cairo
Serageldin gave the concluding address to the Knowledge Society Symposium, in which he effectively summarized the proceedings of two full days in an eloquent 30-minute statement. He left the eminent participants inspired to pursue the challenges that they had been discussing over the course of a two-day international symposium on Building a Knowledge Society in the Arab World.

The Future of Sustainable Development in Rome

31/01/2005 | Rome
Ismail Serageldin and the members of the High Level Panel on Sustainable Development met together in Rome to assess the role of the Sustainable Development Department (SDD) within FAO and how it could be strengthened to enable FAO to better meet the challenges of promoting sustainable development in the policies and programs of its member states.

Serageldin Articulates Link Between Productivity and Governance

27/01/2005 | Davos
In a thoughtful article on Governance, Competitiveness and the Arab Future, Serageldin spelled out the case of the Arab World and illustrated the aspects and steps towards political, social, and cultural reforms while listing a number of recommendations that Arab governments must take to affect change. These include, among others, the establishment of credible macro-management of the economy...

Arab Reform Issues Stirred at Davos

27/01/2005 | Davos
Ismail Serageldin today addressed an eminent gathering of world leaders, politicians, scholars and economists, on the timely issue of reform in the Arab world. He focused his talk on the policy priorities of the Arab world, the mechanisms that enable the Arab world to transform ideas into action and the key obstacles that will face the reform agenda in the coming years.

STS Preparatory Meeting in Washington D.C.

18/01/2005 | Washington D.C.
Ismail Serageldin and forty-six founding members of the Science & Technology in Society Forum, convened together at the National Academy of Sciences, to exchange feedback on the outcome of the first forum which took place in November 2004, and to lay out the directions of the upcoming 2nd annual meeting of the STS forum scheduled to take place in Kyoto during the coming month of September.

BA Staff Meet with Mrs. Mubarak

13/01/2005 | Alexandria
Today a long awaited meeting took place: Mrs. Mubarak met in an informal for a one hour discussion with many of the management staff of the BA. The staff was delighted by her direct and candid manner, and her simplicity and charm created a wonderful atmosphere.

Serageldin Named Ambassador for the Hans Christian Andersen Bi-centennial

13/01/2005 | Alexandria
HRH Prince Joachim of Denmark named Ismail Serageldin ambassador for the 2005 bi-centennial celebrations for Hans Christian Andersen. In his acceptance remarks, Ismail Serageldin recalled Andersens literary achievements beyond the childrens tales and reflected on the difficulty of the genre and its enduring appeal.

Scientific Thinking at the Supreme Council for Culture

12/01/2005 | Cairo
Starting at 7:30 PM, Serageldin delivered a long and exceptionally rich lecture on Scientific Thinking which was followed by over 90 minutes of debate. It was part of a formidable show of endurance and concentration.

A Magisterial Lecture on Social Capital

12/01/2005 | Cairo
In an impressive show of erudition and technique, Serageldin delivered a long and exceptionally lucid lecture on Social capital. It was the keynote address for a special conference by the same title meeting at the Cairo Conference Center.

Tsunamis and the BA Staff

11/01/2005 | Alexandria
Responding to staff requests, Ismail Serageldin devoted the Tuesday morning lecture to the topic of the scientific basis for Tsunamis. He gratefully acknowledged the material provided by Ali Ardalan, Ron laporte and others, but presented the lecture in his own distinctive style. A lively discussion ensued

Serageldin Meets Young Egyptian Scientists

11/01/2005 | Alexandria
The BA was host to some promising scientific talent today. Organized by Dr. Mohamed Fahham of the CSSP center of the BA, it was the occasion to salute the new generation on the occasion of announcing the first set of awards by the BA for research grants...

Serageldin Heads Delegation to Third Meeting of the Japan Arab Dialogue

09/01/2005 | Riyadh,
Ismail Serageldin, Head of the Egyptian Delegation to the Japan Arab Dialogue involving Japan, Saudi Arabia and Egypt, declared himself satisfied by the outcome. The joint overview statement reaffirmed earlier agreements arrived at in Alexandria in March 2004.

An Eloquent Summation on the Role of Women and Peace

06/01/2005 | Cairo
At the closing of the outstanding international panel discussion organized by the Suzanne Mubarak International Women for Peace Movement, Ismail Serageldin delivered an impromptu summation of the activities that was widely appreciated.

An Intense Managerial Retreat

05/01/2005 | Cairo
At the end of a two-and-a-half day retreat for the BA managers, in which Serageldin delivered no less than six lectures and moderated the debate among the 120 participants, both staff and director declared themselves satisfied with the results.

Remembering the Many Who Contributed

23/12/2004 | Alexandria
Ismail Serageldin celebrated the Aga Khan award for architecture that the BA won in November with a special lecture on the AKAA, its origins, and its philosophy and the other winners of the 2004 Award.

An Eloquent Vision for Arab Reform

21/12/2004 | Cairo
Ismail Serageldin was the main speaker at the meeting of research institutes interested in Arab Reform. He delivered a luncheon address that was both short and moving, mixing poetry and economics, social and political considerations, he gave a boost to the cause of home-grown reform in the Arab world.

Summing up a Lively Consultation on Africa

16/12/2004 | Alexandria
Ismail Serageldin provided a moving and eloquent summation to the North African Consultation for the Commission on Africa, held at the Bibliotheca Alexandrina 14-16 December 2004. The text was widely requested and a copy is provided here.

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