Ismail Serageldin


“Science” Magazine Features an Editorial by Serageldin

08/08/2008 | Washington, DC

An article by Serageldin on Science in Muslim Countries has been featured in this month’s issue of Science Magazine. Following is an abstract of the article:

With more than a trillion dollars in cash and a population of over a billion people, the Muslim world should be poised for a remarkable scientific explosion. Yet despite some very high-profile projects in the Gulf, including the building of massive state-of-the-art facilities for research across all disciplines (and serious efforts elsewhere), the reality is that Muslim countries tend to spend less on scientific research itself, as distinct from buildings and equipment, as compared to other countries at the same income scale. Furthermore, even where funding for science has been available, the results in terms of output--research papers, citations, and patents--are disappointingly low. Why?

Science magazine is published by The American Association for the Advancement of Science, Triple A-S (AAAS), which is an international non-profit organization dedicated to advancing science around the world.


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