Ismail Serageldin


Reaching Hands Across the Mediterranean

17/09/2008 | Athens

Serageldin will be attending a board meeting of the Center for Hellenistic Studies to discuss its forthcoming inauguration. As of November 2008, the Library of Alexandria will host a Center for Hellenistic Studies which will teach history, philosophy, literature and fine arts and will collaborate with the University of Alexandria to confer master’s and doctoral degrees. Students will have free access to the library’s facilities for research purposes. The Alexander S. Onassis Foundation and the Vardinoyannis Foundation in Greece will share the center's funding to promote the history of the Hellenistic era, during which the ancient library was founded. Serageldin pointed out, “This was a period when Greece and Egypt joined hands... We should once more reach hands across the Mediterranean to bring that period to life for a new generation of scholars".

Mrs. Marianna Vardinoyannis, President and founder of the Vardinoyannis Foundation is also a member of the BA Board of Trustees

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