Ismail Serageldin


Serageldin Co-chairs UNEP Meeting in Santa Barbara

19/11/2008 | Santa Barbara

Over the next three days, Serageldin will be co-chairing the third meeting of the International Panel for Sustainable Resource Management, of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), together with Ernst Ulrich Von Weizsäcker, Dean of Donald Bren School of Environmental Science and Management, University of California. The meeting will be held under the theme of Achieving Synergies for Resource Efficiency: a global perspective. The work plans scheduled for discussion will encompass issues related to biofuels, metals and water, and the decoupling of economic growth from environmental degradation. Each session will end with a set of recommendations to be summed up at the end of the meeting.

The Resource Panel was established in November 2007 with the aim of providing scientific assessment on the sustainable use of natural resources, and of advising governments and organizations on how to reduce the environmental impacts resulting from the use of resources over the full life cycle.

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