Ismail Serageldin


Radio Interview with Serageldin at Wellcome Trust

09/09/2008 | London

A radio interview was held with Serageldin at Wellcome Trust on the topic of a major digitization project encompassing the Trust’s unique collection of archives, manuscripts, rare books and visual materials relating to both ancient and modern Egypt. A joint proposal had earlier this year been reached by Serageldin and Wellcome Trust for this important project. A range of meetings and discussions were held during Serageldin’s visit, as well as viewings of original items of the digitization project. At a dinner held in Serageldin’s honor, he spoke about his vision and mission for the Library of Alexandria, about Egypt and the Middle East and about ways in which partnerships can be facilitated to increase trust and understanding between the world of the West and the world of Islam.

The Wellcome Trust is an independent charity funding research to improve human and animal health. The Wellcome Library houses collections of books, manuscripts, archives, films and pictures on the history of medicine from the earliest times to the present day.

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