Ismail Serageldin


2003 1 September

Serageldin Chairs Special Meeting for Establishing Genetic Platform for Food Security for the Developing Countries

Wageningen was the venue for a meeting of the representatives of a consortium of research institutions and universities seeking to establish an open access platform for the utilization of the new life sciences for the 22 basic crops on which the CGIAR works. The consortium comprises a large number of CGIAR centers, spearheaded by IRRI, CIMMYT, and IPGRI.

2003 26 August

Biotechnology on a North-south Gradient


Dr. Serageldin delivered this presentation entitled “Biotechnology on a North-south Gradient” in Basel.

2003 26 August

Biotechnology on a North-South Gradient


Dr. Serageldin delivered this presentation entitled “Biotechnology on a North-South Gradient” in Basel.

2003 26 August

Serageldin Delivers Keynote Address at 25th Anniversary Meeting of the European Federation of Biotechnology (EFB) in Basel

At the 25th anniversary meeting of the EFB, Ismail Serageldin delivered a rousing keynote speech under the title of Biotechnology on a North-South gradient. Serageldin emphasized that while biotechnology did not constitute a magic bullet for the woes of the developing world, it was one more tool in the toolkit that scientists needed to harness the best in Science d technology to tackle the problems of the poor and the environment in the developing countries.

2003 19 August

Water: The Basis for Life a Vision for a Water Secure World

Alexandria, Egypt

Dr. Serageldin delivered this presentation entitled “Water: The Basis for Life A Vision for a Water Secure World” at the Library of Alexandria.

2003 15 August

New Design and Resumption of News Items after a Year of Absence

After a year in which we did not add any news to the website, we are happy to announce that the website is active once more. Ismail Serageldin had such a busy year with the launch of the Bibliotheca Alexandrina and its formal inauguration on 16 October 2002, that we did not receive any material from him.

2003 21 April

The Life Sciences Revolution and Development: The Challenge Of Agriculture and Food Security

Egypt, Alexandria

Dr. Serageldin delivered this presentation entitled “Frontiers of the New Biology” at the Library of Alexandria.

2003 27 February

Science, Poverty And Hunger: Challenges for a Connected World


Dr. Serageldin delivered this presentation entitled “Science, Poverty And Hunger: Challenges for a Connected World”.

2003 18 February

Toxicology Specialists Told of Important Civic and Scientific Role

Serageldin today delivered the keynote address to the society of Toxicology. Rather than look just at the important work done in this field for environmental and human safety, Serageldin also highlighted some unusual risks associated with current research and the importance that scientists like the participants should engage in the discussions of the society at large on everything from ethics to legislation.

2003 10 February

Serageldin Decorated as Officer of Arts and Letters

Serageldin received today an important decoration by the French Government, he is now an officer of the order of Arts and Letters. This order, created by President De Gaulle at the recommendation of eminent intellectual and minister of culture Andre Malraux, is intended to parallel the more famous “Légion d’Honneur”.

2003 5 January

Agriculture and Food Security: The Challenge and the Response


Dr. Serageldin delivered this presentation entitled “Agriculture and Food Security: The Challenge and the Response” in Brussels.


Biotechnology and Sustainable Development: Voices of the South and North

 Ismail Serageldin, Gabrielle Persley (Co-editors)    Download

قضايا المياه في العالم ( رؤية لقضايا المياه والحياة و البيئة) ، تقرير المفوضية الدولية للمياه للقرن الحادي و العشرين

 إسماعيل سراج الدين    Download
2002 3 July

Summer Season Starts with a Bang!

The Bibliotheca Alexandrinas summer festival of the arts soon to be joined by an active book fair and cultural program of lectures started with excellent attendance. About 900 to a 1000 persons attended the open air concert of the works of Omar Khairat played by the BAs own orchestra under the baton of maestro Sherif Mohie Eldin.

2002 1 July

Blue Planet & Green Footprints: Articulating the Issues

Alexandria, Egypt

Dr. Serageldin delivered this presentation entitled “Blue Planet & Green Footprints: Articulating the Issues” at the Library of Alexandria.

2002 30 June

Serageldin Speaks out on Poverty

Addressing the closing session of a three-day event on Poverty and human dignity, Ismail Serageldin spoke eloquently of the responsibility of the better off to think of the poor and to combat poverty. The event, a true North/South dialogue organized by Cairo University and its European partners, held its opening and closing sessions at the Bibliotheca Alexandrina.

2002 30 June

From Poverty to Dignity: An International Challenge

Alexandria, Egypt

Dr. Serageldin delivered this presentation entitled “From Poverty to Dignity: An International Challenge” at the Library of Alexandria.

2002 24 June

High Level Meeting on Tourism Gathers in Alexandria

At the invitation of Mamdouh Beltagy, Egypts Minister of tourism, international figures spent two days in intensive discussion on tourism strategy, globally and regionally. Among the eminent participants were Mauricio Ricuppero of UNCTAD and Francisco Frangialli of the WTO. Ismail Serageldin addressed the group on the issues of tourism and the problem of public goods.

2002 29 May

Wageningen University Lecture Series Brings New Perspectives to Students

Distinguished Professor Ismail Serageldin has just completed a series of four public lectures in two days. The richly illustrated series took the students onto the different realms of development theory and practice, starting from the issues of water and agriculture and ending with issues of culture and development.

2002 11 May

Shakespeare Monograph in Arabic

The national translation project of Egypt has just issued a translation into Arabic of Serageldin's monograph on the Modernity of Shakespeare. Initial comments from the Egyptian intelligentsia register surprise that Serageldin could be publishing in so many fields, and at such a high level of scholarship in each of them.

2002 1 May

Agriculture and Food Security


Dr. Serageldin delivered this presentation entitled “Agriculture and Food Security” in Wageningen.

2002 1 May



Dr. Serageldin delivered this presentation entitled “Water” in Wageningen.

2002 24 April

Board of Trustees Meets at the New Library of Alexandria

The Board of Trustees of the Bibliotheca Alexandrina met with the Director and adopted the proposed statutes of the Library. They also inspected the many museums, galleries and halls and met with the representatives of the donors and friends. Mrs. Suzanne Mubarak, chair of the Board, thanked them all for their efforts and their continuing support for the Bibliotheca Alexandrina. The

2002 18 April

Internet Archive Launches Major Initiative with Bibliotheca Alexandrina

The Internet Archive of California, USA and the Bibliotheca Alexandrina (BA) of Alexandria, Egypt today announced a new partnership to promote the distribution of digital material to all researchers. Brewster Kahle, the founder and CEO of the Internet Archives made a most generous donation valued at $5 million ...

2002 14 April

Inauguration of the Bibliotheca Alexandrina Postponed

The President of Egypt today announced the postponement of the inauguration of the Bibliotheca Alexandrina (BA), the new Library of Alexandria, from its planned date of April 23, 2002 to a yet unspecified date. The president explained that given the dramatic circumstances in the region and the death of suffering of so many and the mourning and grief that were so generalized, it would be inappropriate for festivities and fireworks, for whatever reason.

2002 5 April

Science Publishes an Important Essay by Serageldin

Science magazine today published an essay by Ismail Serageldin who called for scientists to take up the cause of justice and the environment. He wrote eloquently of the need to abolish hunger and to reduce the growing divide between rich and poor.

2002 26 March

Egyptian Librarians Honor Serageldin as Librarian of Alexandria

The Egyptian libraries association conference, opened its proceedings with honors to a number of individuals, starting with their host, Ismail Serageldin , the new Librarian of Alexandria. This was the 6th National Conference for Librarians and Information Specialists, with the theme of the Bibliotheca Alexandrina, Window of Egypt on the World.

2002 23 March

Suez Canal History Comes to Life at Bibliotheca Alexandrina

The Conference and exhibition, was held by the Bibliotheca Alexandrina in cooperation with the Association of Ferdinand de Lesseps for the Suez Canal. The exhibition was about the opening of the Suez Canal in 1869, with facsimile pictures of that important event.

2002 19 March

Declaration of the Biovision - BA Partnership

At the conclusion of the international biotech conference Federico Mayor and Philippe Demarescaux of Biovision declared a new partnership with the Bibliotheca Alexandrina (BA) to hold alternating year events. Biovision, Europes largest forum for the life sciences, holds an international gathering every two years. The BA would therefore follow up on its event every two years on an alternating schedule.

2002 19 March

The Global Conservation Trust A Foundation for Food Security

Alexandria, Egypt

Dr. Serageldin delivered this presentation entitled “The Global Conservation Trust A Foundation for Food Security” at the Library of Alexandria.

2002 16 March

International Gathering Explores the Issues of Biotechnology

The conference Biotechnology and Sustainable Development: Voices of the South and North, under the auspices of Dr. Yousef Wali Deputy Prime Minister of Egypt, was well attended. Participation included many international figures of prominence such as the Secretary general of OECD, and Federico Mayor, Gordon Conway, Rudy Rabbinge, Marc van Montagu, and Magdy Madkour, Adel Beltagy, Jennifer Thompson, and Ismail Serageldin among other notables.

2002 4 March

Serageldin Chairs International Architectural Conference

The international conference Architecture and Heritage as a Paradigm for Knowledge and Development closed today with a major address by the Host and chairman Ismail Serageldin. The conference was organized by the Work Program on Architecture and Heritage for Region V for the UIA in collaboration with the Bibliotheca Alexandrina.

2002 3 March

Conservationists Appeal to Serageldin to Deliver their Message

A special meeting of concerned scholars was organized at the BA by the Alexandria Governorate, UNESCO and the Alexandria community to address the preservation of Alexandria's architectural heritage.

2002 15 February

Serageldin Receives Standing Ovation at AAAS Meeting

Ismail Serageldin brought an audience of about 1700 scientists to their feet after delivering a passionate address on the role of science in addressing the problems of world poverty and hunger. Serageldin's keynote address to the AAAS was heavily illustrated with forceful images that reinforced his message of humanity and hope.

2002 4 February

Public Health and Private Medicine: Looking Back and Looking Forward

Alexandria, Egypt

It is a very distinct pleasure to welcome you here, to the Library of Alexandria, reborn after an absence of 1600 years. The Bibliotheca Alexandrina’s ambition is to once more bring world-class learning, intellectual dialogue and scientific discourse to the very spot where the ancient Library of Alexandria once stood.

2002 20 January

Serageldin Delivers Major Address in Kuwait

AFESD HQ were the venue where Ismail Serageldin delivered his special address on the challenges of the global revolution and the need for the Arab world to make major changes to adapt to it. The hard-hitting address was very well received by the select audience who attended the event.

2002 15 January

Serageldin Speaks at Cairo Book Fair

Ismail Serageldin spoke twice today at the Cairo Book fair. First in a stunning slide-illustrated lecture on the Library of Alexandria old and new, and then in a panel on Globalization with Sayyed Yassin and George Khoury of DW. Both interventions were very well received.

2002 10 January

Serageldin Selected Man of the Year by the Kuwait Cultural Festival

The Qurein Cultural Festival of Kuwait selected Ismail Serageldin as man of the year. The National council for culture selected the Librarian of Alexandria for the breadth of his interests and achievements. He promised to deliver a special address in Kuwait.


Bibliotheca Alexandrina : The Rebirth of the Library of Alexandria

 Ismail Serageldin    Download

العمارة.. و المجتمع

 إسماعيل سراج الدين    Download

توفير الغذاء للفقراء: علم بروميثي

 إسماعيل سراج مع جابر يل ج برسلي    Download

حداثة شكسبير

 إسماعيل سراج الدين (مؤلف النسخة الأصلية الإنجليزية)- المشروع القومي للترجمة    Download

إحياء المدن التاريخية

 إسماعيل سراج الدين    Download
2001 1 December

Youth Employment Summit Consultation

The organizers of the Youth Employment Summit (YESS 2002) a large conference due to take place in Alexandria next September met at the Bibliotheca Alexandrina with about 50 NGO activists in Egypt to discuss the future plans for the Summit in Egypt.

2001 1 December

Meetings with International Associations of Friends Deemed a Success

Upon return from a tour of the UK, France and Greece, Serageldin expressed admiration for the efforts of the friends associations and their efforts on behalf of the BA. During the trip he gave a number of lectures including a special address at the House of Commons on Globalization after the WTO round in Doha.

2001 5 November

Drawing Lessons of Soft Opening, Serageldin Promises a Special Library for Children

Reflecting on the lessons learned from the soft opening, Serageldin announced today that there would be a special library set up for the very young (5-11 years old), a felt need not addressed by the young people library designed for the 12-18 year olds.

2001 30 October

Soft Opening of the Bibliotheca Alexandrina Attracts 200,000 Persons

Ismail Serageldin, Librarian of Alexandria declared himself very pleased with the results of the experimental opening of the Bibliotheca Alexandrina, which attracted about 6-7000 visitors every day.

2001 1 October

Soft Opening Starts with a Bang, Naguib Mahfouz Heads the List of Honorees

First Lady Suzanne Mubarak welcomed 1200 guests in a simple ceremony that marked the experimental or soft opening of the new library of Alexandria. She delivered awards to the many who have contributed to bringing the library to this stage and to the representatives of the many associations of friends that had come for the occasion.

2001 8 September

Library of Alexandria Host Many Intellectuals

On the eve of the new soft opening of the Bibliotheca Alexandrina, Ismail Serageldin hosted some 70 of Egypts leading intellectuals in for a dialogue on the future of the Library and what their thoughts were on what it should do for them and for Egypt.

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