Ismail Serageldin


2000 11 July

Serageldin Leaves the World Bank

It has actually happened! Ismail Serageldin has left the World Bank. Notice of his retirement has been posted on the World Bank news.

2000 10 July

By Popular Demand: Serageldin’s Farewell Address at the World Bank

Although it is over six weeks since he gave the address, there has been a steady stream of requests to see the text of the farewell address of Ismail Serageldin delivered at a heartfelt moment in the 12th floor gallery of the World bank on July 10th, 2000.

2000 4 July

Thousands Gather in Berlin for Urban 21

Berlin became the meeting place for all concerned with urban matters, as thousands came to attend the meetings on the future of cities. After opening speeches by UN secretary-General Koffi Annan and German Chancellor Schroeder, the meeting heard from mayors from all over the world and listened to the report of the World Commission on the Urban future, of which Ismail Serageldin was a member.

2000 27 June

CGIAR Chairman’s Farewell Comments

Dresden, Germany

I must confess to a certain sense of anticipation as I go out to meet my future. These are encouraging times for those of us who believe that the yesterdays of the human story can inspire great tomorrows. They are challenging times, for all of us who are committed to building new lives for the wretched of the earth, using science and technology as the instruments of change.

2000 18 June

The Third Great Global Revolution

A Commencement Address Delivered at The American University, Cairo, Egypt

It is indeed a great honor to stand before you at this special moment of renewal and transition… Perennial as the grass, graduations celebrate achievement and promote transition. Speeches today must both help and challenge you as you embark on your new journey of life.

I have had the occasion to address a number of these gatherings in past years, and some overarching themes recur in what I have to say. But today is different. Today is special for me and for all of you..

2000 3 June

Education, Science and Values: Producers and Consumers in the New Knowledge Economy

Address to the Association of Egyptian-American Scholars, Toronto, Canada

I am honored to have been invited here tonight to share with the Association of Egyptian-American Scholars the dreams of an Egyptian renaissance. Our dreams. More importantly the dreams that animate each and every one of the millions that identify themselves as Egyptian and Arab, for Egypt contributes mightily to the whole Arab world, and the world at large.


Promethean Science: Agricultural Biotechnology, the Environment, and the Poor

 Ismail Serageldin, Gabrielle Persley    Download

Social Capital: A Multifaceted Perspective

 Partha Dasgupta, Ismail Serageldin (Co-editors)    Download
1999 26 November

Women in Science: Time to Recognize the Obvious

An Address Delivered at the UN Information Office to the Meeting of The Women in Science International League, London, UK

It is a great pleasure to address this group about the issues confronted by women in the practice of science.

Allow me to structure my remarks around three main themes:

1999 25 March

Allocution du Dr. Ismail Serageldin à l’occasion de la remise des insignes de Docteur Honoris Causa par le Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers

Paris, France

Je suis comblé par l’honneur que vous me faites aujourd’hui. Comme Robert Solow, mon illustre collègue à qui cet honneur a été décerné avant moi, je ressens un plaisir exceptionnel à recevoir ce doctorat particulier en raison de son origine : le Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers. Tout comme lui, je voudrais vous expliquer pourquoi.


Themes for the Third Millennium: The Challenge for Rural Sociology in an Urbanizing World. Keynote address to the Ninth World Congress of Rural Sociology in Bucharest, Romania

 Ismail Serageldin    Download

Biotechnology and Biosafety

 Wanda Collins, Ismail Serageldin (Co-editors)    Download

Culture in Sustainable Development: Investing in Cultural and Natural Endowments. Proceedings of Conference on Sustainable Development, September 1998

 Ismail Serageldin, Joan Martin-Brown (Co-editors)    Download

Very Special Places: The Architecture and Economics of Intervening in Historic Cities.

 Ismail Serageldin    Download
1998 13 November

Solidarity and the New World Order

40th Anniversary of Misereo, Aachen, Germany

I am honored to be with you today, to celebrate the 40th anniversary of Misereor, to celebrate the spirit of generosity and of commitment that characterizes the best of the human spirit. It is the spirit that should guide us as we deal with the challenges of the new millennium.

1998 30 March

Investing in Culture: A View from the World Bank

Remarks Delivered at UNESCO Symposium on Culture and Development, Stockholm, Sweden

I bring you greetings from Mr. James D. Wolfensohn, President of The World bank, a man of culture and champion of development, who has moved the Bank more on these issues in two years that it has ever been. I hope that in these brief remarks, I can do justice to the breadth of his vision, and to the commitment of my colleagues on the issues of mainstreaming our concern for culture in our drive for poverty reduction, empowerment and inclusion.

1998 25 January

Strategic Water Resources Management: Towards the Millennium

Commencement Address at The American University in Cairo

In the debate on managing the world’s finite natural resources, few issues have achieved the pre-eminence that water has. As an issue, water pervades society. It is critical for long-term economic development; for human health and social welfare, especially of the poor; and for environmental sustainability.


Partnerships for Global Ecosystem Management: Science, Economics and Law. Proceedings of the Fifth Annual World Bank Conference on ESSD

 Ismail Serageldin, Joan Martin-Brown (Co-editors)    Download

The Modernity of Shakespeare. Cairo, Egypt, and Washington, D.C.: Cairo University (Center for the Global South) and American University

 Ismail Serageldin    Download

Whenever themes intertwine in any work of art, it should not surprise us that, in the process of their unravelling, some strands are simply discarded while others assume a disproportionate girth and relevance. The influences in that selection, a kind of survival of the fittest, is what is often ignored, mostly because too close an examination may reveal uncomfortable motivations that lie outside the original work of art, and tell us more about the environment, history, politics, economic givens, culture, etc.—of selection and emphasis— than about the work itself, or the artist.


The Formation of a Global Developmental Agenda - Extract from Boutros Boutros-Ghali Amicorum Discipulorumque Liber

 Ismail Serageldin    Download

Culture and Development

 Ismail serageldin    Download
1997 9 June

Remarks Delivered at the 33rd Annual Meeting of the Association for International Agriculture and Rural Development (AIARD)

33rd Annual Meeting of the Association for International Agriculture and Rural Development (AIARD), Washington, DC

It is a privilege to be with you today and to share my views on the rural development imperative.

We live in a world of plenty, of dazzling scientific advances and technological breakthroughs. Adventures in cyberspace are at hand. Yet, our times are marred by conflict, violence, debilitating economic uncertainties and tragic poverty.

1997 19 February

The Transition from War to Peace: A Regional Workshop

Opening Remarks Delivered at Carter Center

As I join in welcoming you to this workshop, I am most honored to stand beside the foremost peacemaker of our time, President Carter, who has taught us to "wage peace" and eschew war.

Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God. (Matthew 5.9)

Mr. President,

The UN charter called for the abolition of the scourge of war, but the machinery of the UN, of the international agencies, was designed to deal with wars between states, but now, most wars tend to be within states. Indeed conflicts exist in about 40 countries worldwide today, many now lasting 10-20 years. As we all know the conflict in Guatemala had been going on for over 30 years.

1997 7 February

The Challenge of Today and Tomorrow: Mobilizing Science to Serve the Poor

Lal Bahadur Shastri Memorial Lecture

I am deeply touched by this opportunity to deliver the Lal Bahadur Shastri Memorial Lecture. Like my twenty-three predecessors, I consider it a special privilege to join you in paying tribute to the memory of a world-renowned figure who is affectionately remembered as India’s "gentle leader." He was a leader of great compassion. He was, at the same time, unrelenting in his commitment to building peace and prosperity.

1997 2 February

Statement at Microcredit Summit

Microcredit Summit

Consider the paradox of our times. We live in a world of plenty, of dazzling technology and enormous prosperity. Capital markets transact over $1.2 trillion a day, enough to buy and sell the entire US economy in a week. Globalization brings unrivaled opportunity to the nimble, the educated, and the powerful.

1997 16 January

Our Past is Our Future: Investing in Our Cultural Heritage

The protection of our cultural heritage is an essential part of protecting a sense of identity, a sense of who we are, that underlines that the present is a link from a well defined past to a future crafted by our actions, guided by our aspirations and our innate abilities, individually and collectively. This cultural heritage covers many things: literature, visual art, music buildings, customs, ritual and the objects of everyday use. This essay will focus the built environment and specifically historic cities.


The Architecture of Empowerment : People, Shelter and Livable Cities

 Ismail Serageldin (Editor)    Download

Servicing Innovative Financing of Environmentally Sustainable Development (Environmentally Sustainable Development Proceedings Series, No. 11)

 Ismail Serageldin (Editor)    Download

Rural Well-Being From Vision to Action - Proceedings of the Fourth Annual World Bank Conference on Environmentally Sustainable Development

 Ismail Serageldin and David Steed (Co-editors)    Download
1996 26 August

Setting the New Agenda for Agricultural Research

The world is facing a crisis. We must promote sustainable agriculture for food security in the developing world. We must rise to the triple challenge of poverty reduction, food security and sound natural resource management. These challenges must be met in a political environment which is a dangerous mix of complacency, fiscal constraints, aid fatigue and fundamental disagreements about the magnitude of the problem and the appropriate paths to its solution.

1996 22 July

Themes for the Third Millennium: The Challenge for Rural Sociology in an Urbanizing World

The 9th World Congress of Rural Sociology : "Rural Potentials for a Global Tomorrow", Bucharest, Romania

The start of the new millennium is an important occasion for humanity to reflect. Milestones are occasions to take stock and to peer into the future. They are an occasion for renewal.

1996 10 January

Liberating the Muslim Mind: Towards a Muslim Renaissance

Consider the paradox of our times. We live in a world of plenty, of dazzling scientific advances and technological breakthroughs. Adventures in cyberspace are at hand. The Cold War is over, and with that we were offered the hope of global stability. Yet, our times are marred by conflict, violence, debilitating economic uncertainties and tragic poverty.


The New Abolitionists

 Earth Times    Download

The spate of articles about China’s food needs, the increases in the price of wheat, and the concerns of population growth in the poor countries of the world, have converged to shake the world's unwarranted complacency towards the issue of food security. This makes the upcoming food security summit particularly timely. It is indeed important that the world reassess the prospects for achieving food security for all, and abolish the scandal of hunger in a world of plenty, as we enter the third millennium.


Architecture of the Contemporary Mosque

 Ismail Serageldin, James Steele (Co-editors)    Download

Effective Financing of Environmentally Sustainable Development : Proceedings of the Third Annual World Bank Conference on Environmentally Sustainable)

 Ismail Serageldin, Alfredo Sfeir-Younis (Co-editors)    Download

Ethics and Spiritual Values : Promoting Environmentally Sustainable Development (Environmentally Sustainable Development Proceedings Series, No 12)

 Ismail Serageldin, Richard Barrett (Co-editors)    Download

Sustainability and the Wealth of Nations : First Steps in an Ongoing Journey (Environmentally Sustainable Development Studies and Monographs Series

 Ismail Serageldin    Download

The Self and the Other : Sustainability and Self-Empowerment (Environmentally Sustainable Development Proceedings Series, No 13)

 Ismail Serageldin, Afaf Mahfouz (Co-editors)  

Architecture Beyond Architecture : Creativity and Social Transformations in Islamic Cultures the 1995 Aga Khan Award for Architecture

 Cynthia C. Davidson with Ismail Serageldin (Co-editors)    Download

The CGIAR at Twenty-Five: Into the Future - Policy Statements

 Ismail Serageldin    Download
1995 20 November

Conference on Hunger and Poverty: Popular Coalition for Action

Salle de la Madeleine, Brussels, Belgium

I am honored to deliver this message on behalf of Mr. James D. Wolfensohn, President of the World Bank, who deeply regrets not being with us today. Two years ago, many of us met in Washington at the International Conference on Overcoming Global Hunger, where we reaffirmed our commitment to the abolition of hunger in our lifetime.

1995 21 October

Liberating the Arab Mind: Essential Tasks for the Arab Renaissance

Keynote Speech Delivered at the 28th AAUG Annual Conference, Washington, D.C.

I am honored to have been invited here tonight to share with you dreams of an Arab renaissance. Our dreams. More importantly the dreams that animate each and every one of the millions that identify themselves as Arab.

1995 21 October

There is a Tide

28th AAUG Annual Conference, Washington, D.C

Thank you for giving me the occasion to say these few words. I will not use my time to deliver reams of statistics and technical discussions. Indonesia, the largest Muslim country in the World, must undertake a profound renaissance in the status of Muslim societies around the world. It must play a role in leading the renaissance of the Muslim World as we approach the third millennium of our common era.

1995 13 August

Strategic Water Resources Management: Themes for a New Millenium

Fifth Stockholm Water Symposium, Stockholm, Sweden

In the debate on managing the world’s finite natural resources, few issues have achieved the pre-eminence that water has. As an issue, water pervades society. It is critical for long-term economic development; for human health and social welfare, especially of the poor; and for environmental sustainability.


The Business of Sustainable Cities : Public-Private Partnerships for Creative Technical and Institutional Solutions (Environmentally Sustainable Development)

 Ismail Serageldin (Editor)  

Enabling Sustainable Community Development (Environmentally Sustainable Development Proceedings Series, No 8)

 Ismail Serageldin, Michael A. Cohen, and JosefLeitmann (Editors)    Download

The Human Face of the Urban Environment : A Report to the Development Community (Environmentally Sustainable Development Proceedings, No 5)

 Ismail Serageldin, Michael A. Cohen (Co-editors)    Download

Nurturing Development : Aid and Cooperation in Today's Changing World (Directions in Development)

 Ismail Serageldin    Download

Toward Sustainable Management of Water Resources. Directions in Development series

 Ismail Serageldin    Download

Overcoming Global Hunger : Proceedings of a Conference on Actions to Reduce Hunger Worldwide, Hosted by the World Bank and Held at the American Unive

 Ismail Serageldin, Pierre Landell-Mills (Co-editors)  

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