Ismail Serageldin


2001 3 May

Egypts First Lady Announces New Directions for the Library of Alexandria

First Lady Suzanne Mubarak visited the Bibliotheca Alexandrina today and held a press conference at which she delivered a very important address that laid out the future path of the BA and announced the new governance structures of the BA.

2001 30 April

Serageldin Appointed to the Supreme Council for Culture

Ismail Serageldin was appointed to the Supreme Council for Culture in Egypt. This august body comprises 22 persons in their individual capacity and a number of eminent ex-officio members.

2001 22 April

Stellar Board to Guide the Library of Alexandria

It has just been learned that the new Library of Alexandria is to be guided in its actions by a Board of Trustees that is a veritable who's who of eminent personalities. The Board is to be chaired by Mrs. Suzanne Mubarak, Egypt's First Lady, who has been the driving force for this project for a very long time.

2001 11 April

Corals, and an Unusual Honor for Serageldin

This story should have been filed last December... but we just learned of all the details ... We have known for many years that Ismail Serageldin is a very avid scuba diver, and a strong supporter of coral reefs and actions to conserve them.

2001 9 April

Conference on Biotechnology in the Arid Zones Starts in Kuwait

A conference to discuss the applications of biotechnology in the arid zones started in Kuwait today. The conference was sponsored by the Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research (KISR) and included a large number of regional personalities.

2001 6 April

Herbie Hancock at the Bibliotheca Alexandrina

The legendary Herbie Hancock and the Thelonios Monk Institute Jazz Ambassadors came to the Conference Center of the Bibliotheca Alexandrina for a Jazz concert. The riffs were spectacular, and the audience filling the 1200 seat auditorium enjoyed every minute of it.

2001 4 April

Serageldin Starts Tenure with Meeting for All Staff

Ismail Serageldin started his tenure as DG of the Bibliotheca Alexandrina with an open meeting with all the staff from the Janitors to the Directors. The meeting lasted for almost three hours, with all the time taken up with questions and answers following the opening 20 minute presentation by the new Director General a.i.

2001 4 April

New Egyptian Association of the Friends of the Library of Alexandria Established

Alexandrian activists Dr. Adel AbuZahra, and Mr. Sayed El-Nahas, his wife Mahiba Abdel Salam, Professor Lutfi AbdelWahab, Mrs. Mona El-Nashar and other friends founded the Egyptian Association of the friends of the Library of Alexandria.

2001 29 March

Serageldin Named Director-General of the New Library of Alexandria

President Mubarak of Egypt issued a series of decrees today that appointed HE Mrs. Suzanne Mubarak to head the Council of Patrons and the Board of Trustees, and that named a distinguished group of Egyptians and non-Egyptians to the Board of Trustees of the Library complex, a huge cultural complex comprising several institutions...

2001 20 March

Presidential Decree Signed Spelling Out the Structures of the New Library of Alexandria

Presidential decree 76 for year 2001 was signed today. It spells out how the New Library of Alexandria is to be governed and managed. A high level Council of Patrons, including such luminaries a the President of France and the Queen of Spain, would meet once every three years or so.

2001 12 March

Law for New Library of Alexandria Passed

Law No.1 for 2001 was passed by Parliament on the 12th of March and creates a new juridical person attached directly to the Head of State and gives the President the authority to design its supervisory, administrative and financial regulations with enormous latitude to avoid bureaucratization.

2001 11 March

Library of Alexandria Rises by the Mediterranean

The beautiful design of the Library of Alexandria is taking shape on the edge of the water in the old harbor of Alexandria. The magnificent design is becoming reality and is attracting international attention from many quarters.

2001 9 March

Serageldin Named Distinguished University Professor at Wageningen University in the Netherlands and Delivers Foundation Day Lecture

Wageningen University, one of the world's leading research in Agriculture and related fields, today named four individuals to a newly created cadre of Distinguished University Professor.

2001 3 March

Scandinavian Committee of the Friends of the Library of the Alexandria Visit the Building

A group of members of the Scandinavia Committee of friends of the Library of Alexandria, led by Prof. Annica Dahlstrom, visited Alexandria. There they met with Ismail Serageldin and Dr. Mohsen Zahran, Director of the Library project.

2001 27 February

Architecture Debate

A lively debate characterized the meeting sponsored by the Architectural Committee of the Supreme Cultural Council of Egypt. The meeting was a formal seminar linked to an exhibition that had been presented at the "Hanager" exhibition hall in the Opera Complex in Cairo.

2001 27 February

Biology Now and Tomorrow

Cairo, Egypt

Dr. Serageldin delivered this presentation entitled “Biology Now and Tomorrow” in Cairo.

2001 7 February

Biovision Forum Attracts Thousands on Biotechnology Forum

For a few days, the city of Lyon became the biotech capital of the world. Some 2000 persons representing Industry, scientists and the civil society, as well as a number of eminent political figures from the President of France to the Commissioner of Health of the EC to the minister of research of China, all attended a densely packed program of thematic plenaries...

2001 28 January

The Newest on the Biotechnology Front

In an address on Biotechnology old and new, Ismail Serageldin sketched out to the students and faculty at the AUC the latest developments on the biotechnology front. He painted a vivid image of a world in remarkable transformation and where the new paradigms of biotechnology work especially in industry...

2001 23 January

Thousands of Youth Attend Model UN in the Hague

Thousands of young people from over 90 countries converged on the Hague for the week on simulation of the United Nations. The Hague International Model United Nations (THIMUN) is now the best known such effort in the world.

2001 21 January

German-Egyptian Dialogue Explores Cultural Identity and Globalization

A day long program of German-Egyptian dialogue was organized by the Mubarak Public Library in Cairo around the theme of cultural identity during globalization. A distinguished raft of intellectuals on both sides participated in the event. Ismail Serageldin was among the participants...

2001 8 January

Indian National Youth Employment Summit (YES) Consultation Takes Place in New Delhi

Poonam Ahluwalia YES summit Director and Ismail Serageldin led a brainstorming session of some 50 activists from NGOs. Government, Private sector and young entrepreneurs to define a work program for the next 18 months to promote Youth employment issues in India.

2001 7 January

India Science Congress Brings Together 4200 Scientists - Serageldin Chairs and Delivers Address at Final Session

The prestigious Indian Science Congress held its 88th session in New Delhi from January 3-7, 2001 at the new Campus of Pusa. The theme was food, nutrition and environmental security. Opened by the Prime Minister and involving 4200 scientists including over 90 foreign guests, the science congress had a stellar group of presenters and speakers.

2001 1 January

Serageldin Elected to the World Academy of Arts and Sciences

Minnesota -- Ismail Serageldin has been elected as a fellow of the World Academy of arts and sciences. The academy is dedicated to the advancement of the cause of arts and sciences and by statute can have no more than 500 members worldwide at any time and at present has only 450 members.


Historic Cities and Sacred Sites: Cultural Roots for Urban Futures

 Ismail Serageldin, Ephim Shluger, Joan Martin-Brown (Co-editors)    Download
2000 12 December

Urban Heroes -- Serageldin Delivers Prince Claus Fund Awards Lecture

The prestigious Prince Claus Fund Awards were given today. The top awardees were Jaime Lerner of Curitiba, Brazil for his visionary work in making it a model of urban development, Viva Rio, an NGO in Rio de Janeiro, and Francisco Toledo, an artist in Mexico. Ten other awards were given.

2000 1 December

Serageldin Elected to Arab Thought Forum

Ismail Serageldin was elected as a member of the Arab Thought forum (ATF). Based in Amman, Jordan the ATF includes some of the most distinguished names in the intellectual and professional elite of the Arab World.

2000 28 November

White House Conference on Culture and Diplomacy Opened by President Clinton

Some 200 invited guests participated in a special event with the President of the US and the secretary of State. The event included such luminaries as Wole Soyinka and HH the Aga khan, and many well known artists such as Yo Yo Ma and actors Meryl Streep and John Lithgow.

2000 18 November

Environment and Engineering Conference Opens with a Keynote Address by Ismail Serageldin

Addressing the opening session of the international conference on Environment and engineering, Serageldin spoke of the transformation of engineering from enemy of the environment to the its all, of moving from end-of-pipe solutions to incorporating environmental factors in design...

2000 12 November

Serageldin Speaks at Cairo University on a New Economic Paradigm

Returning to his old Alma Mater, Ismail Serageldin gave a major address at the faculty of economics and political science which was very well attended. In that session he challenged conventional views of sustainability and economic measurement and management.

2000 27 October

Serageldin Elected to the Presidency of the Universal Movement for Responsible Science (murs)

At the college de France in the hall of the Academie des Sciences in France, the members of the Universal Movement for Responsible Science (Mouvement Universel pour la Responsabilité Scientifique, MURS) today elected Ismail Serageldin to head its international effort.

2000 24 October

Serageldin Honored by Agricultural Group

The Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR) held a special seminar in honor of Ismail Serageldin and incoming chairman Ian Johnson presented him with a scroll recording the best wishes of the CGIAR to Ismail in his new endeavors. In his response, Ismail Serageldin praised all his collaborators and said that he had been privileged to work for the CGIAR...

2000 22 October

Serageldin Honored at Isfahan Technical University

At the legendary city of Isfahan in Iran, Ismail Serageldin received a special award by the President of Isfahan Technical University, in recognition of his many contributions to the advancement of agricultural research for the benefit of the poor and the environment.

2000 21 October

Serageldin Speaks on the Role of Science for Food Security

Ismail Serageldin delivered today a sweeping lecture on the challenges of food security and the role of science in meeting the challenges of food production, environmental protection and poverty reduction.

2000 7 October

Farewell to the World Bank

At World Bank, 12th Floor Gallery, Washington, DC, USA

It has finally happened. I speak for the last time as a member of the Staff of the World Bank. After 28 years, the time to move on has come.

I had thought to steal away quietly, with no fuss or fanfare, to fold my tent and go silently into that good night, a passageway to new horizons, to new adventures.

2000 1 October

Urbanization and Housing


Dr. Serageldin delivered this presentation entitled “Urbanization and Housing” in Cairo.

2000 1 September

Serageldin as Distinguished Visiting Professor at American University in Cairo (AUC) to Speak on Development

Ismail Serageldin has now officially joined the AUC as Distinguished Visiting Professor. He will give a series of eleven public lectures this fall. They cover the gamut of the topics pertaining to development.

2000 1 September

Methodological Discussions to Undergird the AUC Lecture Series

In commenting about the lecture series that has just been announced by AUC, Ismail Serageldin said that while the topics would be of general interest and the material would be presented in a manner accessible to the general public, there were very important technical and methodological underpinnings to his analysis and his statements.

2000 24 August

International Association of Universities Challenged to Think of Quality and International Collaboration

Durban was host to some 650 University presidents and top administrators who met for their five-yearly conference. They elected Hans van Ginkel, rector of UNU as their new president, and heard from Ismail Serageldin who in his (illustrated) keynote address challenged them to implement their commitment to international collaboration...

2000 17 August

Serageldin Relinquishes Chairmanship of Global Water Partnership (GWP) and Is Elected a "Patron" of the GWP

In a highly constructive and productive meeting in Stockholm, the GWP came of age… after four years of nurturing, the GWP has now completed a major transition, a time that made it appropriate for Ismail Serageldin, founder and first chairman of the GWP to pass on the baton to a new colleague.

2000 23 July

CIS Architects Discuss Faith, Pluralism and Architecture

Architects from the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) countries and international architects met in Moscow for an international seminar co-sponsored by the Aga Khan Award for Architecture (AKAA) and the International Association of Unions of Architects.

2000 17 July

Remote Sensing Specialists Get User's Perspective

Ismail Serageldin gave the opening Keynote address to the 19th Congress of the International Society for Photogrametry and Remote sensing (ISPRS). The Congress, held every four years, represents the largest gathering of its kind, with some 2000 specialists gathering in Amsterdam for lectures...

2000 11 July

Serageldin Leaves the World Bank

It has actually happened! Ismail Serageldin has left the World Bank. Notice of his retirement has been posted on the World Bank news.

2000 10 July

By Popular Demand: Serageldin’s Farewell Address at the World Bank

Although it is over six weeks since he gave the address, there has been a steady stream of requests to see the text of the farewell address of Ismail Serageldin delivered at a heartfelt moment in the 12th floor gallery of the World bank on July 10th, 2000.

2000 4 July

Thousands Gather in Berlin for Urban 21

Berlin became the meeting place for all concerned with urban matters, as thousands came to attend the meetings on the future of cities. After opening speeches by UN secretary-General Koffi Annan and German Chancellor Schroeder, the meeting heard from mayors from all over the world and listened to the report of the World Commission on the Urban future, of which Ismail Serageldin was a member.

2000 27 June

CGIAR Chairman’s Farewell Comments

Dresden, Germany

I must confess to a certain sense of anticipation as I go out to meet my future. These are encouraging times for those of us who believe that the yesterdays of the human story can inspire great tomorrows. They are challenging times, for all of us who are committed to building new lives for the wretched of the earth, using science and technology as the instruments of change.

2000 18 June

The Third Great Global Revolution

A Commencement Address Delivered at The American University, Cairo, Egypt

It is indeed a great honor to stand before you at this special moment of renewal and transition… Perennial as the grass, graduations celebrate achievement and promote transition. Speeches today must both help and challenge you as you embark on your new journey of life.

I have had the occasion to address a number of these gatherings in past years, and some overarching themes recur in what I have to say. But today is different. Today is special for me and for all of you..

2000 3 June

Education, Science and Values: Producers and Consumers in the New Knowledge Economy

Address to the Association of Egyptian-American Scholars, Toronto, Canada

I am honored to have been invited here tonight to share with the Association of Egyptian-American Scholars the dreams of an Egyptian renaissance. Our dreams. More importantly the dreams that animate each and every one of the millions that identify themselves as Egyptian and Arab, for Egypt contributes mightily to the whole Arab world, and the world at large.


Promethean Science: Agricultural Biotechnology, the Environment, and the Poor

 Ismail Serageldin, Gabrielle Persley    Download

Social Capital: A Multifaceted Perspective

 Partha Dasgupta, Ismail Serageldin (Co-editors)    Download
1999 26 November

Women in Science: Time to Recognize the Obvious

An Address Delivered at the UN Information Office to the Meeting of The Women in Science International League, London, UK

It is a great pleasure to address this group about the issues confronted by women in the practice of science.

Allow me to structure my remarks around three main themes:

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