Ismail Serageldin


2005 11 September

A Gripping Summation at the Close of the Second STS Forum

Ismail Serageldin delivered an eloquent summary on IT’s impact on human society at the close of the second STS forum to a large audience of leading scientists, policymakers, business executives and opinion leaders from around the globe in Kyoto at the second annual meeting of the STS forum.

2005 25 August

Japan and the Arab World: A New Strategic Alliance

Vienna, Austria

Half a world away, half a lifetime ago, President John F. Kennedy spoke of world peace, he said:

“For, in the final analysis, our most basic common link is that we all inhabit this small planet. We all breathe the same air. We all cherish our children’s future. And we are all mortal.”

2005 25 August

JCCME Celebrates 30th Anniversary at Annual Conference

Ismail Serageldin delivered the key-note address at a commemorative conference that marked the 30th anniversary of the Japan Cooperation Center for the Middle East (JCCME).

2005 12 August

Tomorrow’s Digital Libraries: Preserving Culture and Disseminating Knowledge


Dr. Serageldin delivered this presentation entitled “Tomorrow’s Digital Libraries: Preserving Culture and Disseminating Knowledge” in Oslo.

2005 11 August

Challenging Censorship, Defending Freedom

Opening Remarks Delivered at IFLA/FAIFE Conference, Oslo, Norway

I am honored to be here with you today in this event that celebrates that greatest of human virtues: the respect for free expression. Without it we cannot survive on this planet speaking hundreds of tongues, holding a wide range of political opinions and displaying a bewildering array of social attitudes and cultural attributes.

2005 10 August

Post Einstein: Redefining Reality


Dr. Serageldin delivered this presentation entitled “Post Einstein: Redefining Reality” at the BA.

2005 8 August

Challenges In Global Agriculture

MS Swaminathan Foundation, Chennai

Dr. Serageldin delivered this presentation entitled “Challenges In Global Agriculture” at the MS Swaminathan Foundation, Chennai.

2005 7 August

Personal Reminiscences by Serageldin at Swaminathan’s 80th Birthday

Eminent scientists gathered in Chennai to celebrate the 80th birthday of agricultural scientist Professor M.S. Swaminathan. In honor of the occasion, the Swaminathan Research Foundation hosted an international conference on Human Centered Sustainable Development Paradigm.

2005 31 July

A Minute of Silence in Sharm El Sheikh

H.E. Mrs. Suzanne Mubarak commemorated a peace vigil in sympathy with the recent bombings in Sharm El Sheikh. Mrs. Mubarak’s message was one of solidarity and sympathy with families who lost loved ones in the attack and of calling for an end to terror and a commitment to peace.

2005 26 July

Celebrating Teamwork at BA Managerial Retreat

Ismail Serageldin conducted a successful two-day offsite retreat gathering senior and junior BA managers. The main theme of the retreat was Teambuilding.

2005 16 July

Second Task Group Meeting of the Japan/Arab Dialogue Forum

As a continuation of the first meeting of March 2005, members of the task group of the Japan/Arab Dialogue convened to further address issues relating to the situation in Iraq and Palestine.

2005 23 June

Governance, Competitiveness and the African Future

Alexandria, Egypt

I have had the privilege of being friends with Dunstan Wai almost from the first day I met him. We were colleagues at the World Bank, but really started working in earnest together after the reorganization of 1987 brought the Africa region under the leadership of Kim Jaycox, with Dunstan as his assistant and myself as a director for a number of countries in west and central Africa.

2005 21 June

Back at Hypothesis

Ismail Serageldin was back at Hypothesis to participate in a panel on the New Frontiers of Innovation. Serageldin had previously joined Nobel Laureates at Hypothesis in March of 2000 to deliver the opening address at an event held under the theme...

2005 6 June

At the Einstein Conference Ancient Arab Scholars Are in Demand

At the BA Einstein conference, the three quotations used by Ismail Serageldin in his opening plenary address elicited much interest. They are reproduced here along with a short bio about Ibn Al-Nafis and Ibn Al-Haytham.

2005 4 June

Why Einstein?


Dr. Serageldin delivered this presentation entitled “Why Einstein?” at the BA.

2005 4 June

TWAS Arab Regional Office Launched at the BA

In the midst of another action-packed week at the BA, Ismail Serageldin and Dr. Mohamed Hassan welcomed TWAS members from the Arab region to the launch of the Arab Regional Office of the Third World Academy of Sciences (TWAS-ARO) at the BA.

2005 2 June

Serageldin Gets Second Term

Ismail Serageldin has been re-elected to his second term as Director of the Bibliotheca Alexandrina. The BA Board of Trustees unanimously decided to ask Dr. Ismail Serageldin to serve for a second five year term starting in May 2006.

2005 1 June

BA Joins DLF

The Board of Trustees of the Digital Library Federation (DLF) today announced that the Bibliotheca Alexandrina has joined the DLF as its first strategic partner from outside the United States or Europe.

2005 18 May

Serageldin Joins Nobel Laureates in Petra to Challenge Global Concerns

On the occasion of the inaugural Petra Conference of Nobel Laureates, HM King Abdullah of Jordan and Elie Wiesel hosted an exceptional gathering of Nobel prize-winners and world-renowned figures, among them, Ismail Serageldin, former U.S. President Bill Clinton and Hollywood actor and activist Richard Gere.

2005 6 May

Partnerships for Peace

An Address Delivered at the 69th Meeting of District 2450 of The Rotary International, Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt

With the eloquent words of HE the first lady still ringing in our ears, and the soaring vista that her vision of a better future has opened for all of us firmly before our eyes, allow me to focus my remarks on the important topic of building partnerships for peace.

2005 6 May

Promoting a Culture of Peace in Sharm El Sheikh

At the 69th meeting of district 2450 of the Rotary International, Ismail Serageldin put in a stimulating address in which he spoke of the importance of forging peace partnerships and of how Rotary International can help bring about such an initiative.

2005 1 May

Revisiting Corals

Ismail Serageldin enjoyed a well-deserved weekend away in Sharm El-Sheikh to revisit the fascinating corals of the Red Sea. Serageldin is known to be a keen scuba diver and a strong supporter of coral reefs and actions to conserve them.

2005 28 April

Dag Hammarskjld Centenary Lecture at the BA

In a celebration marking the centenary of Dag Hammarskjld, Ismail Serageldin delivered a memorable speech commemorating the life and work of the late U.N. Secretary General.

2005 20 April

The Official Inauguration of the Anna Lindh Foundation in Alexandria

Ismail Serageldin addressed the inaugural ceremony of the Anna Lindh Foundation at the official three-day inauguration event held at the BA under the auspices of H.E. Mrs. Suzanne Mubarak.

2005 18 April

The Knowledge-based Economy of the Information Age

Cairo, Egypt

Dr. Serageldin delivered this presentation entitled “The Knowledge-based Economy of the Information Age” in Cairo.

2005 14 April

Inauguration of the Anna Lindh Foundation

Inaugural Ceremony of the Anna Lindh Foundation, Alexandria, Egypt
2005 2 April

Arab Competitiveness Takes Center Stage

More than 200 Arab and world business, academic and political figures came together in Doha for a roundtable meeting on Arab competitiveness. The meeting was organized around the release of the World Economic Forum's Arab world competitiveness report.

2005 29 March

Speculations on the Future of Water and Food Security

International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI)

Dr. Serageldin delivered this presentation entitled “Speculations on the Future of Water and Food Security” at the International Food Policy Research Institute.

2005 29 March

Reflections on the Future of Water and Food Security

IFPRI welcomed Ismail Serageldin to a Policy Seminar where he shared his insights on the future of water and food security. Serageldin delivered a thoughtful presentation in which he stressed the need for a collaborative approach among science organizations for a systematic attention to water issues.

2005 28 March

Human Security And Sustainable Development

Washington, DC

Dr. Serageldin delivered this presentation entitled “Human Security And Sustainable Development” in Washington, DC.

2005 28 March

ESSD Week Brings Serageldin to the World Bank

On a cold and rainy Monday morning, Ismail Serageldin delivered the keynote address at the Environmentally and Socially Sustainable Development Week, at the Headquarters of the World Bank.

2005 25 March

University of Minnesota Awards Serageldin its Highest Honor

In a celebratory gathering, Ismail Serageldin received a Doctor of Laws degree, honoris causa, from the University of Minnesota for his acknowledged eminence in cultural affairs and public service, in the field of knowledge and scholarship and in recognition of his remarkable contribution to international development.

2005 25 March

Serageldin Earns Standing Ovation for Reform Speech

Ismail Serageldin brought his audience to a standing ovation as he delivered a spellbinding speech on Arab reform on the occasion of the inaugural Freeman address.

2005 24 March

In Memoriam: Dag Hammarskjöld (July 29, 1905-September 18, 1961)

Alexandria, Egypt

A hundred years ago, Dag Hjalmar Agne Carl Hammarskjöld was born. The youngest of four sons of Agnes Almquist and Hjalmar Hammarskjöld, prime minister of Sweden, member of the Hague Tribunal, governor of Uppland, chairman of the Board of the Nobel Foundation.

2005 24 March

Three Lectures, One Day - A Great Hit!

Under the auspices of the Freeman Forum and the University of Minnesota, Ismail Serageldin delivered three exceptional lectures over the course of a single day on the occasion of the official inauguration of the Freeman Forum lecture series.

2005 23 March

Agricultural Science & Technology: A World Divided?

University of Minnesota

Dr. Serageldin delivered this presentation entitled “Agricultural Science & Technology: A World Divided?” at the University of Minnesota.

2005 23 March

The Digital Future: Producers and consumers in the new Knowledge Economy

University of Minnesota

Dr. Serageldin delivered this presentation entitled “The Digital Future: Producers and consumers in the new Knowledge Economy” at the University of Minnesota.

2005 23 March

Bibliotheca Alexandrina: The Rebirth of the Library of Alexandria

University of Minnesota

Dr. Serageldin delivered this presentation entitled “Bibliotheca Alexandrina: The Rebirth of the Library of Alexandria” at the University of Minnesota.

2005 13 March

President Mubarak Inaugurates the Second Conference on Reform in the Arab World at the BA

For the second year in a row, President Mubarak came to the Bibliotheca Alexandrina to inaugurate the Arab Reform Conference, as an additional indication to his committed support to this initiative.

2005 13 March

Serageldin Directs the Conference Mission to Focus on the Civil Society

At a press conference that followed the special inaugural session that heard President Mubarak, Serageldin talked to media and press representatives of the importance to forge partnerships between governments and civil society organizations, in order for them to work together harmoniously to pilot the reform process.

2005 6 March

Supporting NGOs:The Promotion Of Effective Development


Dr. Serageldin delivered this presentation entitled “Supporting NGOs:The Promotion Of Effective Development” in Cairo.

2005 6 March

A Stronger Civil Society for Egypt's Future

Ismail Serageldin kept the rapt attention of his audience for an hour as he delivered the keynote address at an event to promote a stronger civil society for Egypts future. His speech, accompanied by his trademark slides, mapped out the importance of human capital in playing a key role towards social, economic, and political development.

2005 5 March

A Task Group Meeting of the Japan-Arab Dialogue Forum

During the course of a single day, Ismail Serageldin chaired an expert group meeting of the Japan-Arab Dialogue Forum to assess the situation in Iraq, and in Palestine after the election. The members of the expert group reviewed and exchanged views on the recent developments in the Middle East.

2005 3 March

Information Technology at the Bibliotheca Alexandrina

Alexandria, Egypt

Dr. Serageldin delivered this presentation entitled “Information Technology at the Bibliotheca Alexandrina” at the Library of Alexandria.

2005 25 February

Two Intensive Days with the Press

In response to the repeated requests by the Egyptian mass media community, Serageldin met with various press and media representatives, over two successive days, to speak about and discuss many of todays critical issues.

2005 22 February

Serageldin Calls for a Mediterranean of the 21st Century

At the closing of an event celebrating the history and culture of the Mediterranean cities, Serageldin gave a highly inspirational talk, during which he illustrated the pivotal role of the Mediterranean cities in empowering their communities towards the betterment of their societies.

2005 12 February

On Air

Ismail Serageldin appeared on national television as a special guest of the widely popular TV show El Beit Beitak. The hour long interview aired on Channel 2 of Egypts TV. During the interview, Serageldin expressed optimism as to the performance of the newly appointed government...

2005 8 February

Einstein Lecture Series Begins

In light of the upcoming Einstein Symposium to be held at the Bibliotheca Alexandrina in June 2005, Ismail Serageldin today started the first of a series of lectures intended to introduce the topic and lead up to the big event in June.

2005 3 February

Serageldin Ends Knowledge Society Symposium on a High Note

Serageldin gave the concluding address to the Knowledge Society Symposium, in which he effectively summarized the proceedings of two full days in an eloquent 30-minute statement. He left the eminent participants inspired to pursue the challenges that they had been discussing over the course of a two-day international symposium on Building a Knowledge Society in the Arab World.

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