Ismail Serageldin


Serageldin Gives Inaugural Lecture at Collège de France

18/11/2010 | Paris

As Professor to the International Chair Savoirs contre pauvreté (Knowledge Against Poverty), at Collège de France, Paris, Serageldin gave his inaugural lecture on Thursday, 18 November. Drawing large audience, the lecture held in the amphithéâtre Marguerite de Navarre was very well-received, and another hall was opened to accommodate the large numbers. Entitled Mobiliser le savoir pour éradiquer la faim (Mobilizing Knowledge to Eradicate Hunger), the much awaited lecture is the first in a course of lectures that will be given by Serageldin at Collège de France over the month of January 2011.

A webcast of the lecture is now available on the Collège de France website.

Click here to view the lecture in English.

Or here to view the lecture in French.


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