Ismail Serageldin


Institute of Psychiatry Invites Serageldin to Give Annual Okasha Lecture

01/07/2010 | Cairo

In the attendance of 150 senior psychiatrists, intellectuals and media from Egypt and the Arab World, Serageldin gave a lecture entitled The Seven Pillars of the Knowledge Revolution. The lecture was given in response to an invitation by Prof. Ahmed Okasha, Founder and Director, WHO Collaborating Center for Research and Training in Mental Health, Institute of Psychiatry, Ain Shams University, to give the “16th annual Okasha lecture 2010”. The Okasha lectures were initiated by the official journal of the Institute of Psychiatry Ain Shams University Current Psychiatry”. The speech was followed by the presentation of the annual Okasha prize given to the best research done by a young Egyptian psychiatrist.

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