Ismail Serageldin


2008 29 August


Dr. Serageldin introduces the achievements of Islamic civilization in different fields of science and knowledge. In this episode, he presents Al-Kindi, one of the renowned scholars from the Islamic Renaissance period.

2008 29 August

Jamshīd al-Kāshī

Dr. Serageldin introduces the achievements of Islamic civilization in different fields of science and knowledge. In this episode, he presents Jamshīd al-Kāshī, one of the renowned scholars from the Islamic Renaissance period.

2008 29 August


Dr. Serageldin introduces the achievements of Islamic civilization in different fields of science and knowledge. In this episode, he presents Al-Karaji, one of the renowned scholars from the Islamic Renaissance period.

2008 27 August

Japan’s Expected Role in Human Development in the Middle East

Invited by Mr. Jiro Nemoto, Chairman of the Japan Cooperation Forum for the Middle East (JCCME), to give a keynote speech at the 33rd Annual Conference on Economic and Human Development Cooperation for the Middle East and North Africa Region, Serageldin spoke about Japan’s expected role in human development in the Middle East.

2008 26 August

Japan and the Development of Arab Human Resources


Dr. Serageldin delivered this presentation entitled “Japan and the Development of Arab Human Resources” in Dubai.

2008 26 August


Dr. Serageldin introduces the achievements of Islamic civilization in different fields of science and knowledge. In this episode, he presents Al-Sarakhsi, one of the renowned scholars from the Islamic Renaissance period.

2008 23 August

Ibn Mindawiah

Dr. Serageldin introduces the achievements of Islamic civilization in different fields of science and knowledge. In this episode, he presents Ibn Mindawiah, one of the renowned scholars from the Islamic Renaissance period.

2008 11 August

Serageldin Receives “Champion of Youth” Award

At the opening ceremony of the 4th World Youth Congress, Serageldin was presented with the Champion of Youth Award, in recognition of the outstanding role he has continually played in helping youth achieve their potential and goals, and for his commitment and successful efforts at putting youth at the forefront of many agendas and activities.

2008 10 August

Serageldin Opens World Digital Library Meeting

Serageldin opened the World Digital Library Partners and Stakeholders Meeting, with a welcoming address to the new and prospective partners of the organization. The meeting was convened to discuss recent developments and future plans and to welcome the newly joined partners. New and prospective partners will be from Mexico, China, Japan, Taiwan, Qatar, Serbia, Sweden, Slovakia and Israel.

2008 10 August

Laval University Awards Honorary Doctorate to Serageldin

In the opening ceremony of the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA) - World Congress on Information and Libraries, and in the presence of 4000 librarians from all over the world, the Rector of Laval University presented Serageldin with the Honorary Doctorate bestowed to him by the prestigious University.

2008 8 August

“Science” Magazine Features an Editorial by Serageldin

An article by Serageldin on Science in Muslim Countries has been featured in this month’s issue of Science Magazine. Following is an abstract of the article:

With more than a trillion dollars in cash and a population of over a billion people, the Muslim world should be poised for a remarkable scientific explosion.

2008 21 July

Remaking Our World: The West and the Muslims


Dr. Serageldin delivered this presentation entitled “Remaking Our World: The West and the Muslims” in Lisbon.

2008 21 July

Restructurer le Monde: L’Occident et les Musulmans


Dr. Serageldin delivered this presentation entitled “Restructurer le Monde: L’Occident et les Musulmans” in Lisbon.

2008 21 July

President Sampaio Invites Serageldin to Address the "Cercle d'Amis de l'Alliance"

Serageldin is invited today by Former President Sampaio of Portugal to address a group of Portuguese opinion makers and scholars at a meeting of the Cercle d’Amis de l’Alliance. He will speak of democracy, freedom and reform in the Arab World.

2008 21 July

From Ancient Novels to the Digital Revolution

Invited to address scholars, researchers and students at the opening ceremony of the fourth International Conference on the Ancient Novel (ICAN IV), Serageldin mesmerized the audience with a 30 minute presentation on the digital revolution, its impact on reading and its role in the New Library. The conference has organized a six day series of sessions, revolving around this year’s theme, Crossroads in the Ancient Novel: Spaces, Frontiers, Intersections.

2008 19 July

Serageldin Thanks Wikimania for “Changing the Shape of Wisdom”

At the closing session of the Wikimania conference, the members of the Wikimania Foundation expressed their profound gratitude to Dr. Ismail Serageldin for the valuable part played by the Bibliotheca Alexandrina in hosting this annual international event, held this year on the African continent.

2008 17 July

New Paradigms for New Tomorrows


Dr. Serageldin delivered this presentation entitled “New Paradigms for New Tomorrows” at the Library of Alexandria.

2008 17 July

Welcome to Wikimania 2008

Serageldin is hosting the Fourth Annual Wikimania Conference at the BA, which is held this year under the theme Change the Shape of Wisdom. At the inauguration of the conference, Serageldin addressed the participants with an inspiring presentation entitled New Paradigms for New Tomorrows.

2008 15 July

Religions for Peace: Wealth, Poverty and Security


Dr. Serageldin delivered this presentation entitled “Religions for Peace: Wealth, Poverty and Security” at the Library of Alexandria.

2008 15 July

An Ardent Call for Multi-religious Cooperation for Peace

Serageldin hosted the inaugural meeting of the Middle East Council of Religious Leaders - Religions for Peace at the BA. Invited to be a pioneer member of the council, based on the important role he plays within the Islamic community, Serageldin gave an ardent presentation entitled Wealth, Poverty and Security . He posed the question “Are we doing enough to bring about peace?”

2008 13 July

President Sarkozy Invites Serageldin to Paris Summit and Bastille Day Celebrations

At the invitation of President Nicolas Sarkozy, Serageldin participated in the first Paris Summit for the Mediterranean which was co-presided by President Hosni Mubarak and the French President. The heads of state and government of 27 EU countries and 16 of the southern Mediterranean countries convened at the Grand Palais, to launch a new Union of the Mediterranean and to adopt a declaration on the enhancement of cooperation between EU member states and countries of the Mediterranean region.

2008 26 June

Values and Boundaries

Tällberg, Sweden

Dr. Serageldin delivered this presentation entitled “Values and Boundaries” in Tällberg, Sweden.

2008 26 June

The Values and the Boundaries of Man . . . In Respect of Nature

In the inaugural session of the Tällberg forum, Serageldin gave a presentation on the notions of values and of boundaries… The presentation was received with a standing ovation by the 1000 plus guests present in the big tent. For the many who asked to have access to the slides, they can be found attached.

2008 25 June

Reflections on Nature and Being

Tallberg, Sweden

How dare I speak, when I should let the magic of Beethoven call to the better angels of our nature? I speak because in the rapture of the moment, in the bliss of the immortal harmonies of the “pastorale” we must be reminded that the nature that inspired Beethoven, the nature that his music celebrates, the nature that we enjoy, the nature that we take for granted…

2008 25 June

Reflections on Nature Amidst the Lakes, Forests and Mountains of Tällberg

Ismail Serageldin gave a moving and eloquent intonation in the concert organized at the old church in Siljansnäs. His words preceded the playing of Beethoven’s Pastorale. The message of beauty and truth was particularly apposite in the circumstances of the forum that would open the next day. Among the eminent audience was His Majesty King Carl XVI Gustav of Sweden.

2008 18 June

Reaching for New Horizons at Petra

Once again, Serageldin participated in the Annual Petra Conference of Nobel Laureates, convened by The King Abdullah II Fund for Development and The Elie Wiesel Foundation for Humanity. The conference brought together a great number of eminent world figures as well as participating youth from the region. This year’s theme was: Reaching for New Economic, Scientific and Educational Horizons.

2008 15 June

The Future of Computing


Dr. Serageldin delivered this presentation entitled “The Future of Computing” at the Library of Alexandria.

2008 15 June

“The Future of Computing”: A Lecture by Serageldin at the BA

Dr. Ismail Serageldin is giving a lecture entitled The Future of Computing at 13:30 hours, at the BA Conference Center – Small Theatre.

2008 10 June

“Expanding the Role of Women in Cross-Cultural Dialogue” in Baku

Serageldin participated in the forum entitled Expanding the Role of Women in Cross-Cultural Dialogue. The Forum was organized under the initiative of Mrs. Mehriban Aliyev, First Lady of Azerbaijan, President of the Heydar Aliyev Foundation, and co-sponsored by United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) and Islamic Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization ( ISESCO).

2008 9 June

Inauguration Ceremony of Chirac Foundation

Serageldin participated in the launching ceremony of the Jacques Chirac Foundation for cultural diversity and sustainable development. Serageldin is a member of the Honorary Committee of the Foundation. Among other international dignitaries on the committee are Former UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan; three Nobel Peace Prize winners: Rajendra Pachauri, Rigoberta Menchu and Muhammad Yunus; and six former presidents including Abou Diouf of Senegal, and Fernando Henrique Cardoso of Brazil.

2008 8 June

Mo Ibrahim Award Ceremony to Be Held at the BA for Second Time

At the annual board meeting of the Mo Ibrahim Foundation, attended by Serageldin, it was agreed that this year’s award ceremony for the Mo Ibrahim Prize for Achievement in African Leadership would again be held at the BA. Last year’s inaugural prize was also awarded at the BA to President Joaquim Chissano, former President of Mozambique. The Mo Ibrahim Foundation is the vision of Mohamed Ibrahim, and was established to support the attainment of good governance in Africa.

2008 27 May

Serageldin Welcomes HRH Crown Prince Philippe of Belgium to the BA

Serageldin welcomed HRH Crown Prince Philippe of Belgium and his delegation to the BA. Taking them on a grand tour of the Library of Alexandria, he introduced to them its many different facets. The Crown Prince was on a four day visit to Egypt at the head of a high-level investors delegation.

2008 26 May

Reflections on Social Justice and Development


Dr. Serageldin delivered this presentation entitled “Reflections on Social Justice and Development” in Cairo.

2008 25 May

Annual Meeting of Suzanne Mubarak Women's International Peace Movement

Serageldin attended the annual meeting of the Board of Directors of The Suzanne Mubarak Women’s International Peace Movement. The Movement is a non-governmental international association established in 2003, committed to the realization of the vision of peace. Chaired by H.E. Mrs. Suzanne Mubarak, the meeting discussed the End Human Trafficking Campaign; Women as Architects of Peace; the International Youth Forum, Sharm El Sheikh; the Institute for Peace Studies; Building Alliances for Promoting Peace.

2008 24 May

The Role of the BA, Ancient and Modern, Demonstrated in Milan

Serageldin gave a plenary lecture at the MathKnow08: Mathematics, Applied Sciences and Real Life Congress, organized by Politecnico of Milan together with Polythechnique de Lausanne, in Milan, Italy. The lecture, entitled Bibliotheca Alexandrina: The Rebirth of the Library of Alexandria, demonstrated the role of the BA from ancient times to modern times.

2008 22 May

Discourse by Serageldin at Royal Irish Academy

Invited by the Royal Irish Academy, to deliver a lecture on the Library of Alexandria under the theme of electronic research projects in the humanities, Serageldin gave a discourse entitled Born Digital: The New Library of Alexandria. The audience of the Academy Meeting was composed of Academy members in Sciences and the Humanities and other guests.

2008 19 May

Future Scenarios Explored at the World Economic Forum

At the meeting of The World Economic Forum on the Middle East, in a session entitled Scenarios Series: The Power of Collaboration, Serageldin used scenarios to explore the future of the Middle East Region.

2008 10 May

3Fs + 2Cs: Food, Feed & Fuel + Climate Change


Dr. Serageldin delivered this presentation entitled “3Fs + 2Cs: Food, Feed & Fuel + Climate Change” at the Library of Alexandria.

2008 8 May

The Order of the Rising Sun Awarded to Serageldin by the Emperor of Japan

At a presentation ceremony held at the Imperial Palace, Tokyo, Serageldin was awarded The Order of the Rising Sun, Gold and Silver Star. The award was bestowed to Serageldin in recognition of his outstanding contribution in promoting and enriching mutual understanding between Egypt and Japan, and of the valuable role he played as Head of the Egyptian Side of The Japan-Arab Dialogue Forum. The order was conferred by the Prime Minister of Japan and the ceremony was followed by an audience with the Emperor of Japan.

2008 30 April

Keynote Address at “Higher Education Summit for Global Development”

Invited to speak at the Higher Education Summit for Global Development, Serageldin delivered a keynote address entitled From Papyrus to PDFs: the Library Comes of Age. The meeting, which was convened by U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and Secretary of Education Margaret Spellings, brought together university presidents from around the world.

2008 28 April

Serageldin Attends Digital Library Federation Meeting

As a member of the Digital Library Federation (DLF) Board of Trustees, Serageldin attended the Spring Forum 2008 held in Minneapolis, Minnesota. The DLF is an international association of libraries and allied institutions. Its mission is to enable new research and scholarship by developing an international network of digital libraries. The Bibliotheca Alexandrina became a strategic partner in 2005.

2008 23 April

In Celebration of Shakespeare

In this year’s Celebration of Shakespeare’s Anniversary held at the BA, Serageldin’s lecture Richard II: Reflections on Language and Meaning, highlighted the characteristics of Shakespeare’s poetic language and his admirable ability to make his audience discover new facets of their own personality.

2008 22 April

Database of “Beacon for Freedom of Expression” to Be Translated into Arabic

As board member of the Beacon for Freedom of Expression, Serageldin hosted a meeting of the board at the BA. In his inaugural address he called on the audience to battle for freedom of expression, and live in harmony regardless of income, beliefs or political ideas. The Beacon for Freedom of Expression project is dedicated to and in honor of the Library of Alexandria.

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