Ismail Serageldin


2009 26 October

A Keynote Speech on the Dialogue of Civilization

As one of twelve internationally renowned scholars and policy makers making up the board members of the Universal Networking Digital Language Foundations (UNDL), Serageldin will attend the 9th Board Meeting convened at the Arab Fund Headquarters today. On the occasion of the meeting, an International Symposium on the Universal Networking Language (UNL), will also be held today at the University of Kuwait, where Serageldin will give a keynote speech entitled The Dialogue of Civilization Today: Cultural and Technical challenges. Following the speech will be a roundtable discussion on the UNL as a bridge to the dialogue of civilizations.

2009 23 October

Charles Darwin in Cairo Salon

The weekly Cairo Salon TV show, presented by Serageldin, is dedicating two special episodes to the English naturalist Charles Darwin. The first episode will be aired on Friday, 23 October 2009, at 20:00 hrs., on Egyptian TV Channel One.

2009 20 October

President of Finland Talks at Panel Discussion Moderated by Serageldin

Serageldin will moderate a panel discussion entitled Women’s Participation and Empowerment for Peace and Security, which is being hosted by the Suzanne Mubarak Women's International Peace Movement (SMWIPM) in cooperation with the Embassy of Finland.

2009 18 October

The Beauty of Our Dreams

Opening Address at the Euromed Summit of Economic and Social Councils and Similar Institutions

Welcome to the Library of Alexandria. Like its illustrious predecessor, the modern library aspires to be more than a meeting place for people of different cultures, but also to be a house of wisdom. I hope indeed that our deliberations will yield the kind of wisdom that we need so badly to confront our challenges today. These challenges, especially climate change, are perhaps greater than any we have faced since the end of the cold war.

2009 18 October

Avoiding Water Wars: A Vision for a Water Secure World

Alexandria, Egypt

Dr. Serageldin delivered this presentation entitled “Avoiding Water Wars: A Vision for a Water Secure World” in the Library of Alexandria.

2009 3 October

Assessing Regional Climate Change Impact

As one of the forty founding members of the Science and Technology in Society (STS) forum, Serageldin is invited to speak at the STS Annual Meeting, which is held on the first Sunday of October every year in Kyoto, Japan. He will also contribute as speaker and rapporteur at three of the five sessions of the Regional Climate Change (RCC) Conference on Developing an International Framework for Regional Climate Change Impact Assessments Designed to Support Local Action, which is a special adjunct session of the STS forum Meeting this year.

2009 2 October

A Stellar Talk about the BA at the National Diet Library of Japan

At the National Diet Library (NDL) in Tokyo, Serageldin once again gripped the attention of his audience as he gave one of his stellar presentations on the BA, entitled From Papyrus to PDF: The Rebirth of the Bibliotheca Alexandrina. The lecture was attended by members of the NDL staff, as well as other librarians and was also open to the public.

2009 1 October

Video of “Muslim Scholars”

If you have missed any of the episodes of Serageldin’s daily five-minute program “Muslim Scholars”, aired during the month of Ramadan this year, you can see them on the webcast of the Bibliotheca Alexandrina.

2009 18 September

Serageldin Receives Standing Ovation at the University of Tulsa

At the Presidential Lectures of the University of Tulsa, Oklahoma, Serageldin captivated the audience in the packed university hall, with a presentation about the Library of Alexandria – old and new – entitled From Papyrus to PDF. The presentation received a standing ovation and was followed by a lively question and answer session.

2009 14 September

Two Honorary Doctorates Awarded to Serageldin by Azerbaijan Universities

Serageldin is being awarded two Honorary Doctorates by Azerbaijan Universities: Azerbaijan Cooperation University and National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan Institute of History. This is not the first time Serageldin is honored by the Universities of Azerbaijan. In December 2007 Serageldin received two honorary doctorates from Azerbaijan State Economic University and Khazar University.

2009 8 September

A Lecture by Serageldin at the Centennial Celebration of the National Library of China

Invited to attend the centennial celebration of the National Library of China, Serageldin will give a lecture at the Symposium on International Progress of Libraries: Global Knowledge Sharing, which will be held as part of the celebrations.

2009 29 August

Abbas ibn Firnas

Dr. Serageldin introduces the achievements of Islamic civilization in different fields of science and knowledge. In this episode, he presents Abbas ibn Firnas, one of the renowned scholars from the Islamic Renaissance period.

2009 29 August

Ahmad ibn Mājid

Dr. Serageldin introduces the achievements of Islamic civilization in different fields of science and knowledge. In this episode, he presents Ahmad ibn Mājid, one of the renowned scholars from the Islamic Renaissance period.

2009 29 August

Banū Mūsā brothers (Sons of Moses)

Dr. Serageldin introduces the achievements of Islamic civilization in different fields of science and knowledge. In this episode, he presents Banū Mūsā brothers (Sons of Moses), three renowned scholars from the Islamic Renaissance period.

2009 29 August

Ibn al-Nadim

Dr. Serageldin introduces the achievements of Islamic civilization in different fields of science and knowledge. In this episode, he presents Ibn al-Nadim, one of the renowned scholars from the Islamic Renaissance period.

2009 29 August


Dr. Serageldin introduces the achievements of Islamic civilization in different fields of science and knowledge. In this episode, he presents Al-Battānī, one of the renowned scholars from the Islamic Renaissance period.

2009 29 August

Yaqut al-Hamawi

Dr. Serageldin introduces the achievements of Islamic civilization in different fields of science and knowledge. In this episode, he presents Yaqut al-Hamawi, one of the renowned scholars from the Islamic Renaissance period.

2009 29 August

Ibn Rushd (Averroes)

Dr. Serageldin introduces the achievements of Islamic civilization in different fields of science and knowledge. In this episode, he presents Ibn Rushd (Averroes), one of the renowned scholars from the Islamic Renaissance period.

2009 27 August

A Science Museum For Egypt


Dr. Serageldin delivered this presentation entitled “A Science Museum For Egypt” at Washington DC.

2009 22 August

Muslim Scholars Once Again on TV

Muslim Scholars, Serageldin’s TV program which was presented last year throughout the holy month of Ramadan, is aired once again during this year's Ramadan on Egypt’s Channel 1. The program is prepared and presented by Serageldin and produced by the BA Studio.

2009 21 August

Cairo Salon Discusses the Memory of Modern Egypt Project

Cairo Salon TV Show, presented by Serageldin, discusses the Memory of Modern Egypt, a digital portal presenting the history of Egypt in two centuries, starting with the era of Mohamed Ali (1805), until the end of Sadat’s rule (6 October 1981).

2009 13 August

A Lecture about Bioethics

Serageldin gives a lecture on 13 August 2009, entitled “Ethics in Biological Sciences”. He presents a review of some of the issues and some of the approaches that Egypt might follow.

2009 12 August

Nobel Laureate Harold Varmus's New Book Begins One of Its Chapters with a Quote by Serageldin.

Harold Varmus’s new book The Art and Politics of Science is a memoir which tells how, during his year of graduate studies in English literature at Harvard University, he discovered he was more drawn to medicine, and entered Columbia College of Physicians and Surgeons.

2009 11 August

Egypt in a changing World

2009 11 August

Egypt: Challenges and Prospects

Alexandria, Egypt

Dr. Serageldin delivered this presentation entitled “Egypt: Challenges and Prospects” at the Library of Alexandria.

2009 10 August


Dr. Serageldin introduces the achievements of Islamic civilization in different fields of science and knowledge. In this episode, he presents Al-Damiri, one of the renowned scholars from the Islamic Renaissance period.

2009 10 August

Ibn Sīnā (Avicenna)

Dr. Serageldin introduces the achievements of Islamic civilization in different fields of science and knowledge. In this episode, he presents Ibn Sīnā (Avicenna), one of the renowned scholars from the Islamic Renaissance period.

2009 10 August

Ibn Masawaiyh

Dr. Serageldin introduces the achievements of Islamic civilization in different fields of science and knowledge. In this episode, he presents Ibn Masawaiyh, one of the renowned scholars from the Islamic Renaissance period.

2009 6 August

Serageldin Signs Grant Agreement with Carnegie Corporation of New York

The Carnegie Corporation of New York is granting the Bibliotheca Alexandrina one million U.S. dollars for the purpose of reissuing modernist publications from Muslim societies. The grant agreement was signed by Serageldin with Vartan Gregorian, President of Carnegie Corporation of New York.

2009 3 August

Serageldin Visits Folger Shakespeare Library

On his visit to the Folger Shakespeare Library, Serageldin was welcomed by the Director of the Library, Gail Kern Paster, who gave him a very special tour of the collections, manuscripts and rare Renaissance books housed there. Always a great lover of Shakespeare, Serageldin was delighted to see the large collection of Shakespeare materials at the Library.

2009 13 July

Issues Magazine Features an Article by Serageldin

An article by Serageldin entitled Abolishing Hunger is featured in the Summer 2009 edition of Issues in Science and Technology. This 25th Anniversary issue of the magazine presents a lead article by U.S. President Barack Obama , and also an article by Koji Omi, member of the Japanese House of Representatives and founder of the Science and Technology in Society (STS) forum .

2009 12 July

Arab Culture and Freedom of Expression

Alexandria, Egypt

Welcome to your library, the Library of Alexandria: an institution that desires to be the meeting place of intellectuals and an open platform for scholarly debate; an institution that believes firmly that societies are constructed by the creativity of their people, and that cultures are shaped by their dialogues and wealth of creativity.

2009 28 June

One World: Is There an Emerging Global Civilization?

Excerpts from recordings made by Dr. Serageldin at the Salzburg Global Seminar's Board of Directors Meeting, June 2009.

2009 26 June

Serageldin Lectures at the Salzburg Global Seminar This Weekend

Serageldin is invited to be the lead speaker at The Annual Board of Directors Weekend of the Salzburg Global Seminar to be held at the 18th Century castle “Schloss Leopoldskron” in Salzburg, Austria.

2009 25 June

Our Arab Culture and the Culture of Knowledge

Beirut Arab University Awards Serageldin Honorary Doctorate in Arts

يَطِيبُ لي في هذا الموقفِ الكريمِ - حيثُ تُطَوِّقونَ عُنُقِي بِإكْلِيلٍ منْ زُهورِ المحبةِ والتقديرِ الأكاديميِّ - أنْ أنحنيَ أمامَكُم امتِنَانًا وعِرفانًا، وأنْ أحرِصَ في كلماتِي على التزامِ أقصَى درجاتِ الصدقِ والمصارحةِ الودودِ، وأنا أُدْلِي لكم بشهادَتِي في تلكَ اللحظةِ، عنْ رُؤيتِي المتواضعةِ، للأسئلةِ التي تطرَحُهَا ثقافَتُنَا العربيةُ في مواجهةِ ثقافةِ العصرِ الذي نحياهُ، بكلِّ آمالِه وتحدياتهِ، بإنجازاتِه وإخفاقاتِه.

2009 25 June

Beirut Arab University Grants Serageldin Honorary Doctoral Degree

Beirut Arab University (BAU) awarded Serageldin an honorary doctoral degree, honoris causa, in Arts, at the commencement ceremony held at the Debbieh campus on Thursday, 25 June 2009.

2009 15 June

Deliberating with the Jury

Serageldin meets today with the jury committee members of the Chirac Foundation to select a winner for the Chirac Foundation Prize for the Prevention of Conflicts. The selection is to be made after meeting with a committee of experts who propose a list of individuals or institutions that have taken exemplary and urgent action towards prevention of clash in areas of potential conflict.

2009 15 June

Ismail Serageldin's Interview at the Fondation Chirac

An interview with Dr. Serageldin at the Jury Meeting of the Fondation Chirac Prize for Conflict Prevention 2009.

2009 4 June

To Speak and To Hear: Two Sides of the Same Coin

Remarks Delivered at the Seminar: “Access to Information in a Hybrid Age”, Beacon for Freedom of Expression, Oslo, Norway

Thank you for this invitation to speak at this important seminar, and to share a few reflections on “The Importance of Freedom of Expression and Access to Information”, topics that are close to my heart and which loom large in my mind.

2009 4 June

Serageldin Defends the "Right to Know, Right Now"

Always a staunch defender of open access to information and freedom of expression, Serageldin gave an inspiring speech at the seminar Access to Information in a Hybrid Age which was hosted by Beacon for Freedom of Expression & the National Library of Norway as part of the Global Forum on Freedom of Expression held in Oslo June 1 - 6 2009.

2009 10 May

Surprise Birthday Celebration for Serageldin at the BA

The BA staff secretly arranged a surprise birthday celebration for Serageldin to wish him many happy returns of the day.

2009 8 May

HCST Members Meet to Brainstorm on Critical Research Topics

As member of the Higher Council for Science and Technology (HCST), Serageldin joined the group of non-governmental personalities assigned by Egypt’s Prime-Minister to examine critical research topics in the four most pressing issues: agriculture, water, health and energy, and to define priorities for scientific research in Egypt.

2009 21 April

Serageldin Presents BA Contributions at UNESCO Launch of WDL

At a reception co-hosted by UNESCO Director-General, Koïchiro Matsuura, and U.S. Librarian of Congress, James H. Billington, UNESCO and 32 partner institutions launched the World Digital Library (WDL), a website that features cultural material from libraries and archives from around the world.

2009 19 April

Building Trust at the WANA Forum

In his keynote speech at the First Annual West Asia North Africa (WANA) Forum, Serageldin addressed the challenges and potential for cooperation in the WANA region, weaving together the social, economic and environmental tracks.

2009 16 April

A Talk at Cairo University on the Clash and Alliance of Civilizations

Serageldin gave a lecture at Cairo University entitled “From Clash of Civilizations to Alliance of Civilizations”, where he tackled the role of the Alliance of Civilizations in decreasing the gaps between different cultures and nations, and establishing partnerships that foster dialogue between cultures.

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