Ismail Serageldin



Much More Than a Building … : Reclaiming the Legacy of the Bibliotheca Alexandrina

 Ismail Serageldin    Download

Inventing Our Future: Essays on Freedom, Democracy and Reform in the Arab World. 2nd ed

 Ismail Serageldin    Download

We are living in truly historic times. At the dawn of the new millennium, a scientific and technological revolution grips the world and is pushing us all, willy-nilly, into the information age...


Freedom of Expression

 Ismail Serageldin    Download

Science: The Culture of Living Change. 2nd ed

 Ismail Serageldin    Download

التجديد و التأصيل: في عمارة المجتمعات الإسلامية تجربة جائزة الأغاخان للعمارة

 Ismail Serageldin    Download
2006 14 December

The Description: Dr. Boutros Boutros Ghali and the Bibliotheca Alexandrina

Alexandria, Egypt

Dr. Serageldin delivered this presentation entitled “The Description: Dr. Boutros Boutros Ghali and the Bibliotheca Alexandrina” at the Library of Alexandria.

2006 13 December

Meeting on Biotechnology and Human Security

Ismail Serageldin was invited to a meeting hosted by the Secretary-General Kofi Annan with leading figures from life science, industry, government, international institutions and civil society at the United Nations Headquarters in New York.

2006 6 December

Reinventing Egyptian Education

Conference Closing Summation at the AMIDEAST 50th Anniversary Celebration, Cairo, Egypt

I am delighted to join you in celebrating the 50th anniversary of AMIDEAST’s activities in Egypt. Half a century where AMIDEAST has helped build bridges between the US and Egypt, even in turbulent times, like the period we are going through right now.

2006 4 December

Serageldin Presents Science in Egypt from Imhotep to Zewail

Ismail Serageldin delivered a lucid presentation on science in Egypt at the opening session of the InterAcademy Panel conference themed ''The Unity of Science'' hosted at the Bibliotheca Alexandrina.

2006 23 November

The African Biotechnology Panel: Building Capacities for Science and Technology


Dr. Serageldin delivered this presentation entitled “The African Biotechnology Panel: Building Capacities for Science and Technology” in Cairo.

2006 17 November

An Evening to Remember

Gathered among many friends and family, Nevine and Ismail Serageldin celebrated their 40th Wedding anniversary with a dinner and reception. In a memorable speech, Ismail Serageldin said that forty years of marriage have gone by in a blink of an eye.

2006 15 November

Building Capacities For Science and Technology In The Arab World


Dr. Serageldin delivered this presentation entitled “Building Capacities For Science and Technology In The Arab World” in the Library of Alexandria.

2006 13 November

Alliance of Civilizations – THE REPORT

The Report of the High-level Group of the Alliance of Civilizations was presented to UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan and to Prime Ministers José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero and Recep Tayyip Erdoğan at the final meeting of the High-level Group.

2006 10 November

Social Science Research: Some Challenges and New Perspectives


Dr. Serageldin delivered this presentation entitled “Social Science Research: Some Challenges and New Perspectives” in the Library of Alexandria.

2006 8 November

Information, Savoir et Sagesse

Geneva, Switzerland

Au début de cette allocution que vous me faites l’honneur de me permettre de vous présenter, je voudrais essayer de préciser les termes de mon exposé. Car pour discuter une réalité complexe, il faudrait utiliser des concepts précis… comme le disait le président Mitterrand:

2006 6 November

Statement of Thanks

Bajaj Foundation, Mumbai, India

It is difficult to speak at a moment like this. For any person who believes in human dignity, in human rights, in peace, in non-violence… the name of Mahatma Gandhi shines like the sun… it extinguishes from view all the stars of the firmament. Indeed, it has been rightly said that it is difficult to imagine that such a person walked the earth…

2006 1 November

Reform At The Bibliotheca Alexandrina: The Start Of A Process

Egypt, Alexandria

Dr. Serageldin delivered this presentation entitled “Reform At The Bibliotheca Alexandrina: The Start Of A Process” in the Library of Alexandria.

2006 29 October

Freedom of Expression… at the Close of 2006!

Remarks Delivered at the Close of the Ibsen Centennial Celebration at the Bibliotheca Alexandrina, Alexandria, Egypt

Consider the paradox of our times. We live in a time of peerless communication, where news is instantaneous, and more information – and disinformation – is available on the Internet for all, at all times. The Information and Communications Technology (ICT) revolution is creating a more connected world, a more informed world, and a world with much more in common than we ever had before.

2006 13 October

Nantes University Honors Serageldin

Ismail Serageldin received an Honorary Doctorate from Nantes University in recognition of his efforts towards cultural development. The celebration heard a talk by Serageldin on the cultural, social, and scientific role of the Library of Alexandria.

2006 4 October

Serageldin Receives Award for Promoting Gandhian Values

The prestigious Jamnalal Bajaj Awards for this year were declared yesterday and will be conferred upon the recipients in a ceremony in November 2006. Ismail Serageldin will be honored for promoting Ghandian values outside India.

2006 18 September

Vision for Alexandria

Under the auspices of H.E. Prime Minister Ahmed Nazif and in collaboration with the Alexandria Governorate, the Bibliotheca Alexandrina (BA) held a conference to present the projects submitted for the development of the Eastern Harbor and the area surrounding the BA.

2006 16 September

Environment and Sustainability: The Overarching Issues


Dr. Serageldin delivered this presentation entitled “Environment and Sustainability: The Overarching Issues” in the Library of Alexandria.

2006 12 September

STS Plenary Session Speech “Summaries from Concurrent Sessions”

Speech at Plenary Session “Summaries from Concurrent Sessions” - Summarizing Track D Concurrent Sessions, Third Annual Meeting of the STS forum, Kyoto, Japan

The Three sessions that I am reporting on dealt with Science literacy for all; universities in the 21st century; and science and technology for/in developing countries. The discussions were very rich. Some issues such as IPR, the digital divide and the gender dimension were recurring background themes but have been formally addressed in other sessions.

2006 12 September

Lights and Shadows of Science and Technology

Ismail Serageldin joined some 600 leading scientists, policymakers, business executives and opinion leaders from 70 countries, regions and international organizations at the third annual meeting of the Science and Technology in Society forum. Chief Cabinet Secretary Shinzo Abe, representing the Japanese government...

2006 5 September

2006 TWAS Medal Lecture: Ten Commandments for Global Agriculture


Dr. Serageldin delivered this presentation entitled “2006 TWAS Medal Lecture: Ten Commandments for Global Agriculture” in Brazil.

2006 2 September

Serageldin Receives TWAS Medal in Brazil

Ismail Serageldin has been awarded the TWAS Medal on the occassion of the 10th general conference of the Academy of Sciences for the Developing World. Since 1996, the Academy has been awarding 'TWAS Medal Lectures' to some of its members in recognition of their achievements in their fields of research.

2006 20 August

GWP Celebrates 10th Anniversary

On the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the Global Water Partnership (GWP), Ismail Serageldin was honored for being a Founder and the first GWP Chairman since its foundation in 1996.

2006 20 August

GWP: Working for a Water Secure World


Dr. Serageldin delivered this presentation entitled “GWP: Working for a Water Secure World” in Stockholm.

2006 2 July

Building Capacities in Science and Technology


Dr. Serageldin delivered this presentation entitled “Building Capacities in Science and Technology” in Cairo.

2006 2 July

In Memoriam: Ryutaro Hashimoto

It is with a deep sense of loss that I learn of the death of Mr. Ryutaro Hashimoto, the former Prime Minister of Japan. His long and distinguished career in public service is known to all. But Mr. Hashimoto was also one of those rare individuals who has had very broad international respect that remained undimmed after his retirement from office.

2006 22 June

Serageldin Proposes Education for Peace at Second Petra Conference of Nobel Laureates

At the inaugural session of the second Petra conference of Nobel Laureates, His Majesty King Abdullah II called to help establish a Palestinian state and avert a humanitarian crisis in the cash-strapped Palestinian territories. Joining the Nobel Laureates at the conference were world-renowned leaders from the public and private sectors as well as from the civil society.

2006 16 June

Education for Peace

Petra, Jordan

The Arab and Muslim worlds are very diverse. Covering a vast expanse that stretches from Morocco to Indonesia and from Central Asia to northern Nigeria, the predominantly Muslim countries show an enormous diversity of local cultures, languages and national histories and experiences.

2006 12 June

For a North-South-East-West Dialogue on IPR

Trieste, Italy

Dr. Serageldin delivered this presentation entitled “For a North-South-East-West Dialogue on IPR” in Trieste, Italy.

2006 16 May

Born Digital! The Rebirth of the Library of Alexandria

Washington, DC

Dr. Serageldin delivered this presentation entitled “Born Digital! The Rebirth of the Library of Alexandria” in Washington, DC.

2006 9 May

DLF Spring Board Meeting in Washington

For the second year in a row, Ismail Serageldin attended the DLF spring board meeting in Washington DC. The meeting agenda included discussions on the development of scenarios of how the future research library, both digital and federated, will deliver value in the research and learning lives of their users.

2006 28 April

‘Scientific Supercourse’ by Laporte, Omenn, Serageldin, Cerf and Linkov Featured in Science Magazine

In their recent editorial "Doing more for Kate"(16 Dec., 2005, p. 1741), T. Cech and D. Kennedy describe the need to revitalize science education. They wrote, "[We need to] teach better with less struggle." In an effort to empower higher education teachers, we built a Global Health Network Supercourse library of 2500 PowerPoint lectures on public health and prevention (1).

2006 27 April

Statement Condemning Terrorist Attacks

We strongly condemn the recent bombings in Dahab and Rafah, and offer our deep condolences to the families of those who were murdered and our heartfelt wishes for a speedy recovery to the injured.

2006 26 April

BioVision Alexandria 2006: Conference Inaugural Lecture

Alexandria, Egypt

Dr. Serageldin delivered this presentation entitled “BioVision Alexandria 2006: Conference Inaugural Lecture” at the Library of Alexandria.

2006 23 April

Universality of Shakespeare: Contemporary Issues: Gender, Racism and War

Alexandria, Egypt

It is a distinct honor to welcome you all to the New Bibliotheca Alexandrina, which like its namesake of old, seeks to be a center of learning and scholarship, a center of discussion and dialogue.

2006 22 April

A Series of Lectures on Agriculture

The Faculty of Agriculture at the University of Alexandria welcomed Ismail Serageldin who delivered four highly illuminating lectures on Agriculture over a two-day period. The lecture series included presentations on agriculture at the outset of the 21st century, science and food security and irrigation and the environment.

2006 17 April

An Evening with Ismail Serageldin

Ismail Serageldin met for several hours with some 100 young people of the city of Alexandria where many issues were discussed and where the young people felt strongly committed to work for the betterment of the society where they live.

2006 11 April

Reflections on the Cartoons Controversy

The recent cartoon controversy that engaged the world showed that there was a profound gulf of misunderstanding between the Muslim world and the west. To many in the west, the publication of some offensive cartoons about the Prophet Muhammad in a Danish newspaper, and their subsequent reprinting in other western papers, was just a matter of free expression and did not justify the anger that swept the Muslim world and which resulted in violence....

2006 9 April

Shakespeare Now

Ismail Serageldin welcomed more than 320 guests who came to the Library of Alexandria to attend the two-day conference on William Shakespeare. The conference started with a keynote speech by Professor Catherine Belsey...

2006 28 March

Is Sustainable Development Feasible?

The Earth Institute at Columbia University convened the fourth biennial State of the Planet Conference to discuss the feasibility of sustainable development for billions worldwide.

2006 28 March

Mobilizing Research and Ingenuity for Sustainable options

Columbia University
2006 14 March

Serageldin Introduces BA to KIT

Before a large audience of librarians at the Royal Tropical Institute (KIT), Ismail Serageldin articulated his views about the digital future and the digital libraries of tomorrow. Serageldin also spoke about the BA and of the work that it is doing in this domain.

2006 1 March

BA Holds Third Arab Reform Conference

Challenges and Concerns facing the Civil Society is the theme of this years' Arab Reform conference at the BA. Addressing the opening session, Ismail Serageldin introduced the conferences' main themes...

2006 26 February

Cartoon Crisis Calls for New Dialogue Between Cultures

Ismail Serageldin joined key Western, Arab and Muslim leaders for the second meeting of the High Level Group of the Alliance of Civilizations. The meeting focused mainly on the current cartoon crisis.

2006 22 February

Tomorrow’s Digital Libraries: The Promise and the Challenge

Alexandria, Egypt

Dr. Serageldin delivered this presentation entitled “Tomorrow’s Digital Libraries: The Promise and the Challenge” at the Library of Alexandria.

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