Ismail Serageldin


Serageldin Thanks Wikimania for “Changing the Shape of Wisdom”

19/07/2008 | Alexandria

At the closing session of the Wikimania conference, the members of the Wikimania Foundation expressed their profound gratitude to Dr. Ismail Serageldin for the valuable part played by the Bibliotheca Alexandrina in hosting this annual international event, held this year on the African continent. Serageldin in turn thanked all members of ”this marvelous Wikimania community, who are indeed the artisans of a global revolution, where access to knowledge is a fundamental right and sharing of knowledge a fundamental duty”. Serageldin said, “You are redefining the sense and meaning of the words community, participation, creativity, liberty and freedom of expression , … indeed changing the shape of wisdom”.

Click here to view a webcast of the closing session of Wikimania.

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