Ismail Serageldin


President Sarkozy Invites Serageldin to Paris Summit and Bastille Day Celebrations

13/07/2008 | Paris

At the invitation of President Nicolas Sarkozy, Serageldin participated in the first Paris Summit for the Mediterranean which was co-presided by President Hosni Mubarak and the French President. The heads of state and government of 27 EU countries and 16 of the southern Mediterranean countries convened at the Grand Palais, to launch a new Union of the Mediterranean and to adopt a declaration on the enhancement of cooperation between EU member states and countries of the Mediterranean region. Combating pollution of the Mediterranean and developing the use of solar energy are among the programs of the new union. President Sarkozy’s guests were invited the next day, 14th July, to attend the military parade celebrating the French National Day at the Arc de Triomphe in the Champs Elysées

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