Ismail Serageldin



Inventing our Future: Essays on Freedom, Governance and Reform in the Arab World

 Ismail Serageldin    Download

We are living in truly historic times. At the dawn of the new millennium, a scientific and technological revolution grips the world and is pushing us all, willy-nilly, into the information age.

2004 30 December

Writing Clearly: Punctuation and Meaning


Dr. Serageldin delivered this presentation entitled “Writing Clearly: Punctuation and Meaning” at the BA.

2004 28 December

Architecture as Text and Context: Educating Architects in the 21st C


Dr. Serageldin delivered this presentation entitled “Architecture As Text and Context: Educating Architects in the 21st C” at the BA.

2004 23 December

Remembering the Many Who Contributed

Ismail Serageldin celebrated the Aga Khan award for architecture that the BA won in November with a special lecture on the AKAA, its origins, and its philosophy and the other winners of the 2004 Award.

2004 21 December

An Eloquent Vision for Arab Reform

Ismail Serageldin was the main speaker at the meeting of research institutes interested in Arab Reform. He delivered a luncheon address that was both short and moving, mixing poetry and economics, social and political considerations, he gave a boost to the cause of home-grown reform in the Arab world.

2004 16 December

Summing up a Lively Consultation on Africa

Ismail Serageldin provided a moving and eloquent summation to the North African Consultation for the Commission on Africa, held at the Bibliotheca Alexandrina 14-16 December 2004. The text was widely requested and a copy is provided here.

2004 14 December

North Africa Regional Consultation Report

Summing up a Lively Consultation on Africa, Alexandria, Egypt

We the representatives of the civil society of the five north African countries, meeting in Alexandria, Egypt from 14-16 December, 2004, would like to record our views, which we hope that the Commission on Africa will duly take into account and present to the G-8 and the EU. We are grateful to the organizers of this consultation for giving us this opportunity. We hereby record these views, and the three detailed statements prepared by our three working groups, hereby attached, should be considered an integral part of this report.

2004 14 December

Thinking About Africa’s Future

Egypt, Alexandria

Dr. Serageldin delivered this presentation entitled “Thinking About Africa’s Future” in the Library of Alexandria.

2004 11 December

Visions for 2025: Engineering, Environment and Wellbeing


Dr. Serageldin delivered this presentation entitled “Visions for 2025: Engineering, Environment and Wellbeing” at the Library of Alexandria.

2004 11 December

Goncourt Prize Celebrates Centennial at BA

Ismail Serageldin Welcomed Edmonde Charles-Roux and the members of the academie Gongourt and Prof Kopp the historian/biographer of the Goncourt brothers in a celebration of the centennial of the academie Gongourt and its prize (1904-2004).

2004 11 December

Serageldin Gives the Keynote Address at RETBE 2004

Ismail Serageldin gave a characteristically rich presentation on the role of engineering and the environment in the next 25 years. His signature use of many slides in a short time left the audience breathless and opened up many avenues for discussion.

2004 10 December

Educational Reform in Egypt Provokes a Lively Debate

Ismail Serageldin invited the Ministers concerned and the key intellectuals of Egypt to meet in a special conference on the reform of Egyptian education (all levels, including research and S&T).

2004 8 December

Aspects of Educational Reform: Some International examples


Dr. Serageldin delivered this presentation entitled “Aspects of Educational Reform: Some International examples” at the BA.

2004 7 December

Serageldin Outlines Plan for Egypt's Economic Reform

Ismail Serageldin gave a masterful presentation to the Society of Political economy in which he laid out a ten-point program for the reform of the Egyptian economy. The lecture was very well attended and provoked a lively discussion. Serageldin's full understanding of the issues was evident in both the presentation and the discussion.

2004 5 December

The Egyptian economy at the beginning of the new century: an analytical perspective (Presentation in Arabic)


Dr. Serageldin delivered this presentation entitled “The Egyptian economy at the beginning of the new century: an analytical perspective” in Cairo.

2004 1 December

Water Again Takes Center Stage

Ismail Serageldin inaugurated the Ahram Centerss g-20 consultation on water with a series of incisive comments. The Consultation was being held at he BA. Serageldin reminded the participants of the many other urgent issues tat should also be adopted by the g-20 especially in terms of the negotiations of the Doha round.

2004 28 November

Bibliotheca Alexandrina Wins Aga Khan Award for Architecture

The Bibliotheca Alexandrina (BA) was selected as a winner of the Aga Khan Award for Architecture (AKAA), one of the most prestigious architectural prizes a building project can win. This particular prize was especially pleasing to Ismail Serageldin who had personally chaired two previous AKAA juries (1983 and 1992). He had also served on three steering committees in the early days of the AKAA and helped set the course of the world-famous triennial prize.

2004 24 November

Women Defending Peace Conference in Geneva

The Suzanne Mubarak Womens International Peace Movement (SMWIPM) and the Swiss government hosted a major conference on the topic of women defending peace. Ismail Serageldin, a member of the Board of the SMWIPM, participated in the conference, which was chaired by Mrs. Mubarak, and which featured many eminent personalities including Dr. Boutros Ghaly and Nobel Laureate Jody Williams.

2004 2 November

Ismail Serageldin Elected Fellow of the AAAS

The American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), one of the world's largest general scientific societies, has awarded the distinction of Fellow to Dr. Ismail Serageldin, Director of the Library of Alexandria. Election as a Fellow of AAAS is an honor bestowed upon members by their peers.

2004 1 November

Science and Technology in Society (STS) Forum in Kyoto Charts Future Course

Ismail Serageldin was one of forty founding members of this outstanding event that brought together decision-makers, scientists and business leaders to discuss the issues of S&T in Society. The STS forum was a great success, especially given the enormous attention the Japanese government has been giving it. Prime Minister Koizumi spoke at the inaugural session and Former Minister Koji Omi was the driving force behind the whole exercise, ably supported by Dr. Kurakawa, President of the Japan Science Council.

2004 22 October

Serageldin Serves on Special Advisory Group on Africa

Ismail Serageldin Joined a group of distinguished individuals to serve on an advisory committee organized by UN Secretary General (SG) Kofi Annan. The SG met the group for about two hours to discuss the progress of their deliberations. Their primary mandate is to advise the SG on how to strengthen the effectiveness of the New Partnership for African Development (NEPAD).

2004 12 October

An Alexandrian Celebration and an Egyptian Opera

Ismail Serageldin welcomed some 650 persons for a gala dinner and an evening show to celebrate the second year of the BA. The reception was given to the many partners of the BA in Alexandria and Egypt as well as the representatives of the 35 international associations of friends who came from all over the world.

2004 11 October

Library of Alexandria Celebrates its Second Year

On October 10, Ismail Serageldin welcomed the ambassadors of over 20 nations and the representatives of the Associations of friends of the Bibliotheca Alexandrina for a business like review of the achievements of the BA in the past two years and the forward design of the next two years. Mrs. Mubarak, who had been detained on official business abroad, sent a message to the participants that was delivered by Ismail Serageldin.

2004 8 October

Serageldin Presents the BA at the Frankfurt Book Fair

The Arab World being the special guest of the Frankfurt Book Fair, the BA had an important part it eh special; wing devoted to the Arab Theme. The BA had organized the spectacular Culturama of the CULTNAT center, and had a special series of distinguished guests in its special auditorium. This was in addition to the work done on manuscripts and for the digital heritage generally.

2004 8 October

Bibliotheca Alexandrina : The Rebirth of the Library of Alexandria


Dr. Serageldin delivered this presentation entitled “Bibliotheca Alexandrina: The Rebirth of the Library of Alexandria” in Frankfurt.

2004 6 October

Youth Delegates Meet in Mexico to Discuss Next Stages in the Youth Employment Summit Campaign

At the youth Employment Summit meeting today, Ismail Serageldin moderated an open discussion with about 200 persons in the room, including over ten ministers from various countries. In the process he helped develop a consensus over the next stage of the campaign to create 500 million sustainable livelihoods for youth in a decade.

2004 29 September

Arab Contributions to the History of Science Featured at the BA

Serageldin could not attend the inauguration of the conference on Unknown Aspects Of Arab Contributions To The History Of Science. He expressed deep regret that urgent duties required his attendance in Cairo. He specifically mentioned that this was a topic of particular interest for which he had prepared with a disquisition on the nature of evolving scientific paradigms and the contributions of Arabs specifically and Muslims generally to the structure of scientific thought in the Middle Ages.

2004 26 September

Who Destroyed the Ancient Library of Alexandria?

The fate of the ancient library was the topic of discussion by about forty of the worlds most eminent authorities. The conference organized by the Library of Alexandria as part of its Alexandria project is to produce the most comprehensive and authoritative discussion of that topic. Ismail Serageldin welcomed the distinguished scholars, and the eminent historian Mustapha Abbady chaired the conference proceedings.

2004 26 September

Thousand-year-old Manuscripts Discussed at the BA

Millenary Manuscripts took center stage at the library Alexandria, as the manuscript center of the Bibliotheca Alexandrina held its first scientific conference. Serageldin delivered an opening address that spelled out the new Alexandria librarys approach to the question of heritage conservation and management. He advocated a proactive approach that encouraged the use of contemporary tools as much for preservation as for study.

2004 22 September

Development, Human Rights and Poverty

Cairo, Egypt

Dr. Serageldin delivered this presentation entitled “Development, Human Rights and Poverty” in Cairo.

2004 20 September

Mothers of the Plaza de Mayo as Special Guests at the Bibliotheca Alexandrina

The Mothers of the Plaza de Mayo were the special guests of Ismail Serageldin at the Bibliotheca Alexandrina. They held a special seminar presenting their experience, when from 1977, by their sheer presence and tenacity they inspired the Argentinean nation to stand up to the military dictatorship that was waging the dirty war against its own citizens, with tens of thousands of persons simply disappearing.

2004 20 September

Underwater Archeology at the BA

Underwater archeology brought together rival researchers for an exhibition of their marvelous findings in a special display at the Library of Alexandria. Serageldin inaugurated the seminar that saw several specialists present learned findings, and showcased the work of Jean-Yves Empereur and his team (working mostly on the old Pharos and the area round the Qait Bay Fort) and the work of Frank Goddio and his team (from the eastern harbor to the bay of Abu Kir).

2004 18 September

Serageldin Addresses Freedom of Expression Conference

Addressing inaugural session of the international conference on Freedom of Expression held at the library of Alexandria, Ismail Serageldin delivered a thoughtful and tempered address that does not leave much doubt as to his personal positions on the subject. In fact, he referred to it as the first freedom, from which all other freedoms flow, and the guarantor of democracy and human rights.

2004 18 September

Opening Address: The First Freedom

International Conference on the Beacon for Freedom of Expression, Alexandria, Egypt

Today, The Library of Alexandria lives again. By our gathering and our commitment, we represent the values that the great Library stood for, by our presence and our actions we give content to the slogans and take firm steps on the path of asserting the principles we stand for.

2004 16 September

Intellectuals Annual Meeting in Alexandria Hears Progress Report by Serageldin

In his now traditional annual meeting of the Intellectuals, Serageldin presented his report to the General Assembly of Egyptian intellectuals. Serageldin reiterated that he considered this report a moral obligation, as they were the primary constituency of the Bibliotheca Alexandrina. His report was comprehensive and drew a very positive response on the enormous amount of activities that had taken place.

2004 11 September

Understanding Environmental Issues


Dr. Serageldin delivered this presentation entitled “Understanding Environmental Issues” at the BA.

2004 9 September

Ethics and Social Responsibilities in Science and Technology


Dr. Serageldin delivered this presentation entitled “Ethics and Social Responsibilities in Science and Technology” in Cairo.

2004 8 September

Scientific Thinking


Dr. Serageldin delivered this presentation entitled “Scientific Thinking” in Cairo.

2004 3 September

Tomorrow’s Promises

ARS Electronica 2004

Dr. Serageldin delivered this presentation entitled “Tomorrow’s Promises” at ARS Electronica 2004.

2004 24 August

Bibliotheca Alexandrina The Rebirth of the Library of Alexandria


Dr. Serageldin delivered this presentation entitled “Bibliotheca Alexandrina The Rebirth of the Library of Alexandria” at the IFLA.

2004 24 August

IFLA Keynote Address Brings the BA to Center Stage

Delivering an impassioned keynote address to a packed plenary hall of the International Federation of Library Associations, Ismail Serageldin, the Librarian of Alexandria and Director of the Bibliotheca Alexandrina, reviewed the glorious past, attacked the current challenges and surveyed the possibilities of the digital future for the library world if we have the courage to dream and the ability to embrace this exciting future.

2004 8 August

Tomorrow’s Digital Libraries


Dr. Serageldin delivered this presentation entitled “Tomorrow’s Digital Libraries” in Kuwait.

2004 21 July

Scientific Thinking: Part 2


Dr. Serageldin delivered this presentation entitled “Scientific Thinking: Part 2” at the Library of Alexandria.

2004 21 July

Science and Math Take Center Stage

Over the period 18-21 July 2004 Ismail Serageldin addressed the BA staff in a series of three long lectures covering much about math and science. The six hour mini-course was very well received by those who attended it, and may lay the ground for more such events in the future.

2004 21 July

Serageldin Addresses Egyptian Intellectuals

Ismail Serageldin addressed the closing session of a roundtable of distinguished Egyptian intellectuals discussing the challenges of the knowledge society. He emphasized that the culture of science and the values of scientific inquiry must be broadly embraced throughout society, and that the scientific method must be the only authority recognized in the magisterium of science.

2004 19 July

Scientific Thinking: Part 1


Dr. Serageldin delivered this presentation entitled “Scientific Thinking: Part 1” at the Library of Alexandria.

2004 18 July

Thinking about Mathematics


Dr. Serageldin delivered this presentation entitled “Thinking about Mathematics” at the Library of Alexandria.

2004 12 July

Serageldin Receives Neruda Medal from the Government of Chile

On the occasion of the centennial of the birth of the Nobel Laureate poet, Chile honored 100 persons world-wide, of whom Ismail Serageldin was one. A special event was organized at the BA where the Library also received a bust/medal of Neruda. Ismail Serageldin gave a short word of appreciation in which he lauded the eminent writer/poet.

2004 1 July

Water and Agriculture Loom Large for Egypt's Future

Ismail Serageldin addressed a distinguished group of experts including the Minister of water Resources, sketching out a vision of high-value agriculture to make better use of the sector that consumes about 85% of water withdrawals in Egypt. The meeting was one of the activities sponsored by the committee on sustainable development of the BA.

2004 1 July

DNA Exhibition Inaugurated

Ismail Serageldin delivered the inaugural lecture in a the launch of a special exhibition and lecture series celebrating over a half century of the Watson-Crick discovery of the double Helix. The series of events is jointly sponsored by the British Council and the BA. There are many special exhibitions and experiments designed specially for youth and children.

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