Ismail Serageldin


2007 10 July

Climate Change: Disaster At Our Door

Alexandria, Egypt

Dr. Serageldin delivered this presentation entitled “Climate Change: Disaster At Our Door” in the Library of Alexandria.

2007 26 June

Bibliotheca Alexandrina La Renaissance de la Bibliothèque d’Alexandrie

Alexandria, Egypt

Dr. Serageldin delivered this presentation entitled “Bibliotheca Alexandrina La Renaissance de la Bibliothèque d’Alexandrie” in the Library of Alexandria.

2007 22 June

Serageldin Named a Senator in Egypt

Ismail Serageldin has been named a Senator in Egypt. The Egyptian parliament includes both the People’s Assembly (the lower house, or the commons) and the Shura Council (or the Senate). The President appoints a limited number of seats. The vast majority are elected.

2007 21 June

Lunch with Their Majesties the King and Queen of Norway

At the Royal Palace in Oslo, Serageldin lunched with Their Majesties the King and Queen of Norway. Her Majesty Queen Sonja had visited the Bibliotheca Alexandrina in October 2006. While in Oslo, Serageldin also delivered a key note speech on Islam and Democracy at a seminar in cooperation with the Norwegian Ministry for Foreign and attended by members of the ministry’s Forum for Religion and Foreign Policy which brings together prominent religious leaders from all faith communities as well as leading academics in the field. Serageldin also held meetings at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and with other relevant partners.

2007 20 June

Reflecting on a Glorious Past to Build A Brilliant Future

An Adress to a seminar organized by the Norwegian Ministry for Foreign Affairs and Religions for Peace, Oslo, Norway

Thank you for inviting me to deliver this important address. There has never been a time when the polarization of feelings has been as acute, and the stakes for the promotion of common understanding and mutual respect as great as right now. The advocates of the ostensible "clash of civilizations” who want to make it a self-fulfilling prophecy, find ample comfort in the statements and actions of the extremist few.

2007 19 June

IPL Science Board Meeting

Ismail Serageldin attended the meeting of the Institute Para Limes Science Board, of which he is a member. The meeting covered reports on the workshops that took place so far, seed projects, proposals for future projects, program for the coming years and the governance of IPL.

2007 11 June

A Conference for Policymakers and Practitioners

Ismail Serageldin gave the keynote address at the opening of a conference titled Knowledge Management as an Enabler of Change and Innovation in Africa. Serageldin gave an insightful presentation on sharing knowledge effectively and applying research into practice and influencing policymakers. The conference was organized by the Global Development Network, African Capacity Building Foundation, and The World Bank.

2007 6 June

Publishing for Impact

At the third conference on Publishing for Impact, Ismail Serageldin encouraged conference participants to embrace the use of print-on-demand and Internet distribution, arguing that it is especially important for non-profit publishers to rise to digital-age challenges to reach readers in developing countries. Publishing for Impact is the only event of its kind that speaks specifically to the concerns of non-profit publishers. Now in its third year, the event focused on publishing across boundaries, both geographic and technological.

2007 24 May

Revisiting the Magnificent Coral Reefs of the Red Sea

Ismail Serageldin is once again visiting his beloved corals in the red sea. Ever since Professor Veron named a coral after him, he is hoping to find it in Egyptian waters. The Coral in question, the Montastrea Serageldini (identified in Veron’s monumental 3-volume work: Corals of the world, vol.3) is a native of the Indian Ocean. But hope springs eternal… At any rate, here is a picture of the Montastrea Serageldini:

2007 22 May

In the Knowledge Economy, We Are All Developing Nations

Speaking to the assembled dignitaries and students attending the CIP forum, Serageldin delivered a moving keynote address arguing that the need to provide access to all knowledge to all people at all times, was a need that would benefit both advanced and developing countries.

2007 22 May

In the Knowledge Economy, we are all Developing Countries

Gothenburg, Sweden

Dr. Serageldin delivered this presentation entitled “In the Knowledge Economy, we are all Developing Countries” in Gothenburg, Sweden.

2007 20 May

Human Skills For Better Tomorrows

Washington DC

Dr. Serageldin delivered this presentation entitled “Human Skills For Better Tomorrows” in Washington DC.

2007 20 May

On A Boat in Geneva

Meeting with a group of Swiss Egyptians on a boat in the lake by Geneva, Serageldin recreated the inspiring and dramatic story of the ancient library of Alexandria and the rebirth of the new bibliotheca Alexandrina in 2002. Speaking in flawless French, he carried the audience with him on a journey of nostalgia and discovery.

2007 20 May

Putting Diversity to Work at the World Economic Forum on the Middle East

Business leaders and policy makers gathered at the World Economic Forum to address the importance of social and political diversity and economic diversification in the region. The theme of this year''s World Economic Forum on the Middle East, Putting Diversity to Work, spotlights efforts to accelerate economic diversification...

2007 19 May

Religion and Science Are Non-overlapping Magisteria

Speaking at a lunch in a discussion moderated by TV anchor Riz Khan, Serageldin spelled out his vision of the need to separate the methods of empirical investigation (the basis for science) from the act of belief and of philosophical reasoning. Serageldin argued that each of these domains or magisteria had its own authority structure and answered different classes of questions.

2007 19 May

C-100 Meets Again

Serageldin joined Lord Carey and Princess Lolwah Al Faisal and many others at the meeting of the C-100 held on the occasion of the WEF meetings in Jordan. The discussion centered on the future orientations of the C-100, and the importance of rigor in preparing an annual report on the status of west-Islamic relations.

2007 10 May

IUBS Conference Starts with a Bang in Washington DC

Serageldin joined Rita Colwell, Bill Clark, Claire Fraser-Liggett and other distinguished speakers in the opening plenary to launch the IUBS meeting. He spoke of the need to have a new system of measurement that would be capable of capturing the reality of sustainable development.

2007 4 May

Committee Reconvenes on Millennium Development Goals

Serageldin and members of the high-level committee on the Millennium Development Goals convened in Rome at the FAO headquarters for their second meeting. The meeting focused on three main topics, the lessons learnt from SPFS; emerging threats to food security with a particular emphasis on climate change and FAO as a knowledge organization.

2007 30 April

Serageldin Presents the Hidden Patterns in Shakespeare’s Plays

At the annual Shakespeare conference, Serageldin engaged his audience by comparing the hidden patterns in the construction of Shakespearean drama to the geometrical phenomena of kaleidoscope and fractals.

2007 30 April

One, Two, Three, Four…The Hidden Geometries in Shakespearean Constructs

Alexandria, Egypt

On a bright sunny day, half a century after the death of Shakespeare, a young man darkened his room in Cambridge, and made a hole in his window shutters, allowing only a single beam of sunlight to enter the darkened room. He placed a glass prism in the path of the light, and lo! The bright white light, suddenly became a spectacular explosion of colors! A multicolored rainbow!

2007 29 April

Bibliotheca Alexandria Trustees Convene for their Eighth Meeting

Meetings of the BA’s Board of Trustees were held in Alexandria and reflected well on the enormous progress achieved at the BA throughout the previous year. The Board also authorized the release of the fifth Annual Report of the BA.

2007 26 April

Wikipedia Interviews Serageldin

The Bibliotheca Alexandrina welcomed Mr. John Murillo and Mr. Brishen Mahoney, who were on a journey around the world preparing a documentary about free access to knowledge. They came to Alexandria to interview Ismail Serageldin and to visit the BA, its specialized libraries, exhibitions, galleries, the Planetarium, Culturama, and the BA conference center.

2007 18 April

Science in Egypt: From (A) Imhotep to (Z) Zewail


Dr. Serageldin delivered this presentation entitled “Science in Egypt: From (A) Imhotep to (Z) Zewail” in Cairo.

2007 14 April

Serageldin Hosts Helsinki Process Roundtable at the BA

Religions for Peace Honorary President, Ismail Serageldin, hosted a roundtable meeting of the Helsinki Process at the BA. More than twenty participants, from religious organizations, governments, academia, and development agencies, worked together in the Roundtable.

2007 5 April

Brainstorming on “Hate as a Contagious Disease"

The Elie Wiesel Foundation for Humanity convened a meeting on “Hate as a Contagious Disease”. The meeting was hosted by Dr. Vartan Gregorian, President of the Carnegie Corporation. In his opening remarks, Professor Wiesel said that “Hate is ultimately self-destructive…while memory can be a shield against hatred, memory can also be used to fuel hatred and to justify violence.”

2007 1 April

BA Hosts GFAR Meeting

Ismail Serageldin hosted the participatory retreat of the Global Forum on Agricultural Research (GFAR) at the Bibliotheca Alexandrina. The meeting discussed ways to formulate the central theme, direction and priorities through a business plan for the coming three years. Serageldin stressed on the vital role of GFAR in mobilizing agricultural research globally for development.

2007 27 March

President Khatami Speaks on the Dialogue of Civilizations at the BA

Former Iranian President – Mohamed Khatami – came to the Library of Alexandria to speak about the Dialogue of Civilizations. President Khatami started off his speech by speaking about the value of books, science, and rationality. On the role of the Library of Alexandria as a modern knowledge center, Khatami spoke fondly of the efforts to revive the Library of Alexandria, as a center of knowledge, research and information for the whole world.

2007 26 March

University Governance: What is it? Why now?


Dr. Serageldin delivered this presentation entitled “University Governance: What is it? Why now?” in the Library of Alexandria.

2007 16 March

Serageldin Speaks at the Belgium Senate

At the invitation of the European Movement International, Ismail Serageldin gave a speech to the Belgium Senate on the “Alliance of Civilization”. The event was co-hosted by the European Movement International via its Vice-President, Mr. Charles-Ferdinand Nothomb in partnership with the Belgium Senate and its President Mrs. Anne-Marie Lizin.

2007 14 March

A Record Attendance at BioVision 2007

Serageldin joined a record number of world leaders in science, society and industry, who gathered in Lyon for the BioVision conference to debate the role and contribution of life sciences to achieving the Millennium Development Goals (MDSs). The conference was attended by 2,285 delegates (1,639 in 2005) representing 75 countries.

2007 13 March

Pre-Conference Report: Development of Agriculture in Saline and Dry Areas

Lyon, France

Dr. Serageldin delivered this presentation entitled “Pre-Conference Report: Development of Agriculture in Saline and Dry Areas” in Lyon.

2007 8 March

Charles Correa Presents the Language of Architecture at the BA

Ismail Serageldin welcomed good friend and world renowned architect, planner, activist, theoretician and a fundamental figure in the world-wide panorama of the contemporary architecture to the BA where he delivered a lecture on the language of architecture. Throughout the lecture, Correa covered a wide range of his works...

2007 7 March

Serageldin Welcomes Superstar Hussein Fahmy to the BA

Film star and former UN Goodwill Ambassador came to the BA to speak about the role of the arts in community development. The talk was organized and hosted by the BA Friends Association. During his talk, Hussein Fahmy highlighted the importance of art in reflecting the reality of people and their aspirations in developing their community.

2007 6 March

World Bank African Development Indicators Launched at the BA

At a seminar at the BA, the World Bank African Development Indicators were launched by the World Bank Public Information Center. Serageldin chaired the session during which the report was presented Mr. Jorge Saba Arbache.

2007 3 March

Women and Human Rights Take Center Stage at the Fourth Arab Reform Conference

The BA organized and hosted the fourth conference on Arab reform issues with a special focus on women and human rights. Ismail Serageldin chaired both the opening and closing sessions of the conference in addition to a session on the role of social capital in reform.

2007 3 March

From Reform To Renewal Civil Society and the transformation of the Arab World

Alexandria, Egypt

Dr. Serageldin delivered this presentation entitled “From Reform To Renewal Civil Society and the transformation of the Arab World” in the Library of Alexandria.

2007 22 February

A Magisterial Series of Lectures on American History and Contemporary Reality

In answer to the recurring requests by the students of the Alexandria University, Ismail Serageldin delivered a series of five lectures on American history and contemporary reality over the course of two days! Serageldin gave a lucid account of the epic transformation of a handful of colonial settlements into the world’s undisputed superpower forges a nation and a national character.

2007 22 February

Understanding The USA: Part 4 - The Constitution


Dr. Serageldin delivered this presentation entitled “Understanding The USA: Part 4 - The Constitution” in the Library of Alexandria.

2007 22 February

Understanding The USA: Part 5 - American Culture and The Power of Ideas


Dr. Serageldin delivered this presentation entitled “Understanding The USA: Part 5 - American Culture and The Power of Ideas” in the Library of Alexandria.

2007 21 February

Understanding The USA: Part 1 - Origins, Revolution, Constitution


Dr. Serageldin delivered this presentation entitled “Understanding The USA: Part 1 - Origins, Revolution, Constitution” in the Library of Alexandria.

2007 21 February

Understanding The USA: Part 3 - The 20th Century


Dr. Serageldin delivered this presentation entitled “Understanding The USA: Part 3 - The 20th Century” in the Library of Alexandria.

2007 21 February

Understanding The USA: Part 2 - The 19th Century


Dr. Serageldin delivered this presentation entitled “Understanding The USA: Part 2 - The 19th Century” in the Library of Alexandria.

2007 11 February

CREF Board of Trustees Meeting Brings Serageldin to Cyprus

Ismail Serageldin attended the Board of Trustees meeting of the Cyprus Research and Educational Foundation (CREF) of which he is a board member. The meeting was chaired by H.E. President of the Republic Mr. Tassos Papadopoulos at the Presidential Palace.

2007 6 February

Tenth BA Management Retreat

Ismail Serageldin gathered all the BA senior and junior managers for a two-day management retreat in Cairo, in which he delivered a number of presentations that ranged from staff attitude surveys to the Millennium Development Goals!

2007 27 January

Authors’ Rights and the Public Interest: Reflections On Why Copyright Law Must Change

Cairo, Egypt

Dr. Serageldin delivered this presentation entitled “Authors’ Rights and the Public Interest: Reflections On Why Copyright Law Must Change” in Cairo.

2007 19 January

Serageldin Meets with the New Head of Japan’s Delegation to the JA Dialogue

Ismail Serageldin visited Tokyo to meet with H.E. Mr. Taro Nakayama, the new Head of Japan’s delegation to the Japan Arab dialogue forum. Serageldin and Mr. Nakayama overviewed the agenda of the fifth meeting of the forum and discussed the proposed conference on Japan Arab relations scheduled to take place in November 2007 in Alexandria.

2007 17 January

Serageldin in Trieste for TWAS Steering Committee Meeting

Ismail Serageldin attended the first meeting of the TWAS Steering Committee. Members of the steering committee convened to overview the latest objectives and activities of the Academy.

2007 16 January

Serageldin Welcomes Robert Putnam to the BA

Renowned Harvard Professor of Political Sciences, Robert Putnam delivered a talk at the Bibliotheca Alexandrina on community involvement in America. The talk was moderated by Ismail Serageldin and was very well received by the audience.


Islam and Democracy

 Ismail Serageldin    Download

Thank you for inviting me to deliver this important address. There has never been a time when the polarization of feelings has been as acute, and the stakes for the promotion of common understanding and mutual respect as great as right now. The advocates of the ostensible "clash of civilizations” who want to make it a self-fulfilling prophecy, find ample comfort in the statements and actions of the extremist few. The media amplify the statements and views of those who do not want to know better, and the voices of reason are drowned out in the cacophony of images and messages that preach hatred and destruction.


Hassan Fathy : The Man and His Legacy

 Ismail Serageldin    Download

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