Ismail Serageldin


Serageldin Receives “Champion of Youth” Award

11/08/2008 | Quebec

At the opening ceremony of the 4th World Youth Congress, Serageldin was presented with the Champion of Youth Award, in recognition of the outstanding role he has continually played in helping youth achieve their potential and goals, and for his commitment and successful efforts at putting youth at the forefront of many agendas and activities. He was presented the award in the attendance of many distinguished guests, including the patron of the congress and Governor-General and Chief of State of Canada, Her Excellency the Right Honorable Michaëlle Jean, herself one of the award recipients.

On the following day, (12 August - Youth International Day), at the opening plenary session, Serageldin gave a brief but powerful keynote presentation on the role of youth in achieving the millennium development goals, where he shared his insights and experiences on this issue with the young participants of the congress. His speech was a profound inspiration for the congress members, and was received with a great round of applause and a standing ovation by all . After the conclusion of the plenary, a “World Café” was held and where the distinguished guest speakers actively engaged in discussions with a small group of delegates.

The 4th World Youth Congress Regeneration 2008 is a celebration of youth led development and brings together 600 dynamic young activists between ages 18-30 from 120 different countries

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