Ismail Serageldin



Do not mess with (Im)perfection

 Ismail Serageldin    Download

The phenomenal success of the Internet has prompted a number of voices to
question how it is governed, and who makes the decisions and who benefits. Some
see the US Government pulling the strings behind a system that remains mostly
dominated by American firms and whose most important installations have largely
remained on US soil. Politics entered the argument, many simply saying that in this
day and age of globalization and multilateralism, and the relatively reduced
economic power of the USA in the global economy, others must have an equal say
in how the Internet is run. And the governance debate was on.It became a part of
the central debates launched at The World Summit for the Information Society
(WSIS) held in 2003 in Geneva and in 2005 in Tunis. An Annual Internet
Governance Forum (IGF) ensued, meeting yearly in different parts of the World.
Further fueled by the political controversies surrounding the NSA and US
Government snooping, the increasing invasion of privacy that is part of the rapidly
changing contexts created by social media and even commercial services being
provided through the Internet, more voices were raised demanding to break up the
“US monopoly” on running the internet. As we approach the tenyear
mark for
IGF 2015, a number of committees and Panels have been convened to reflect on
the substance of the issues and produce recommendations on the topic of how the
Internet should be governed. This small note is one contribution to one of these
distinguished panels, devoted to the future role of The Internet Corporation for
Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN).


Public Health and Private Medicine

 Ismail Serageldin    Download

Experiencing Alexandria - The City as Text and Context

 Ismail Serageldin    Download

Ancient Alexandria and the Dawn of Medical Science

 Ismail Serageldin    Download
2014 1 January

Arabic Computational Linguistics

Alexandria, Egypt

Dr. Serageldin delivered this presentation entitled “Arabic Computational Linguistics” at the Library of Alexandria.


Hassan Fathy : Egypt’s Visionary Architect

 Ismail Serageldin    Download
2013 29 December

On S&T Education for Sustainable Development in the Arab Region

TWAS-ARO Alexandria

Dr. Serageldin delivered this presentation entitled “On S&T Education for Sustainable Development in the Arab Region” at “TWAS-ARO Alexandria” at the Library of Alexandria.

2013 27 December

Report to Egypt’s Intellectuals


Dr. Serageldin delivered this presentation entitled “Report to Egypt’s Intellectuals” at the Library of Alexandria.

2013 23 December

Ismail Serageldin's Interview at the League of Arab States

An interview with Dr. Serageldin held on the occasion of “Arabic Document Day” celebration at the League of Arab States.

2013 16 December

Pascal and Science Four Episodes


Dr. Serageldin delivered this presentation entitled “Pascal and Science Four Episodes” at the Library of Alexandria.

2013 7 December

Opening Remarks at Club de Madrid – World Leadership Alliance Annual Conference, Brisbane, Australia

Club de Madrid – World Leadership Alliance Annual Conference, Brisbane, Australia

It gives me great pleasure to address you with my own voice as a concerned citizen of the world, as the first chairman of the Youth Employment Summit/Youth For Environmental Sustainability or YES represented here by its founding and continuing driving force, Poonam Ahluwalia, and also as the Co-Chair of the Board of the NGIC, a platinum sponsor of this event… To share this podium with WimKok, the President of the Club de Madrid, and Clive Palmer, The SG of the World Leadership Alliance and the President of the World Economic Council.

2013 4 December

Taming the Wild Markets: Steps Towards a Humane Globalization

Remarks delivered at the Panel for “Synergies to Master the Global Crisis” at the “Dialogue and Cooperation for Change”-Eurasian Interdependencies on Overcoming the Crisis-3rd CGDC Annual Meeting, Vienna, Austria

The recent crisis in the financial markets marks the end of an unprecedented era of naive belief that free capital flows and unfettered markets are the cure for all the world’s ills. That the private sector was going to solve all problems, if only governments would get out of the way, forgetting that monopolies, greed, and abuses of all kinds can occur if those entrusted with managing people’s money and assets are not supervised and held accountable for their actions.

2013 4 December

World Leaders and Former Leaders Convene at CGDC Annual Meeting

Serageldin joined a gathering of eminent world leaders at the third 3rd Annual Meeting of the Center for Global Dialogue and Cooperation (CDGC) held under the title “Dialogue and Cooperation for Change”- Eurasian Interdependencies on Overcoming the Crisis.

2013 3 December

Serageldin Signs MoU with Elsevier

The Library of Alexandria and Elsevier, a world-leading provider of scientific, technical and medical information products and services, have signed a Memorandum of Understanding to provide 150 researchers working in least-developed and low-income countries across the globe with access to ScienceDirect, Elsevier’s online scientific research platform with 11 million full text articles, and Scopus, an abstract and citation database containing 21,000 peer-reviewed journals from 5,000 publishers.

2013 3 December

Ancient Alexandria and the Dawn of Medical Science

Dr Ismail Serageldin had agreed with Sir Magdi Yacoub, 'a great modern day leader of medicine', to write an article on the contributions of the Library of Alexandria to knowledge and science...

2013 3 December

Public Health and Private Medicine: Looking Back and Looking Forward

This lecture entitled 'The Ibrahimian Lecture' was Dr. Ismail Serageldin's opening address to the Conference on Cardiovascular Diseases that was held at the Bibliotheca Alexandrina on 4 February 2002...

2013 2 December

On the Leading Role of the BA in UNL

Joining the board members of the Universal Networking Digital Language Foundations (UNDL), Serageldin attended the Board Meeting convened in Kuwait this week. At a meeting with the Board of Directors of the Arab Fund for Economic and Social Development (AFESD), Serageldin gave a presentation entitled “Who Benfitis from the UNL? The Leading Role of the Library of Alexandria”.

2013 24 November

Honor of the Golden Lion Bestowed on Serageldin

On the occasion of the inauguration of the new Patriarchal Museum in Alexandria, Pope Theodoros II, Pope and Patriarch of Alexandria and All Africa bestowed on Serageldin the Honor of the Golden Lion which is conferred on personalities, who have made significant contributions to the Pope and Patriarch for the Alexandrian Greek Orthodox Church.

2013 18 November

Serageldin Chairs WDL Annual Meeting

As Chairman of the Executive Council of the World Digital Library (WDL), Serageldin convened with the members of the Council for the 2013 Partner Meeting. The meeting opened with the welcome and introductory remarks of Serageldin and James Billiongton, Librarian of Congress.

2013 14 November

A Shared Commitment to Education

At a dinner arranged by the Alexandria Trust at the Royal Society in London in his honor, Serageldin delivered remarks on “Education and the Future of the Arab World”. His talk first covered the events in Egypt and the ongoing turmoil following the Arab Spring; and he went on to speak passionately of the vital role of education in the future of the Arab World. The remarks were very well received by the distinguished audience.

2013 13 November

Panel on the Importance of Biotechnology

A longtime advocate of biotechnology, Serageldin was invited to a Forum on Global Agriculture and Forestry held by the Institute of Plant Biotechnology Outreach (IPBO) at the Vlaams Instituut of Biotechnology (VIB) in Ghent, Belgium, under the title “30 of Years Plant Biotechnology”. He participated in the panel discussion Intensive but sustainable agriculture for emerging and developing countries

2013 13 November

STI Building African Capacities in Science, Technology & Innovation

Ghent, Belgium

Dr. Serageldin delivered this presentation entitled “STI Building African Capacities in Science, Technology & Innovation” in Ghent, Belgium.

2013 12 November

Environmentally and Socially Sustainable Development: New thinking, New measures, New policies


Dr. Serageldin delivered this presentation entitled “Environmentally and Socially Sustainable Development: New thinking, New measures, New policies” in Brussels.

2013 12 November

A Presentation on Sustaining Sustainability

At the Science and Technology Options Assessment (STOA) Annual Lecture 2013 held at the European Parliament in Brussels under the title “Sustaining sustainability: Making economics work for the global environment”, Serageldin gave a keynote speech on ''Environmentally and Socially Sustainable Development''.

2013 4 November

Serageldin Chairs Workshop of Water Futures and Solutions

The first Scenario Focus Group workshop of the Water Futures and Solution (WFaS) Initiatives: World Water Scenarios, organized by the United Nations World Water Assessment Program hosted by UNESCO and by the International Institute for Applied System Analysis, was held in Paris on 4 to 6 November.

2013 1 November

Keynote Address on How University Education Needs to Be Transformed

The conference titled "Graduate and Postgraduate Programs in Education in Arab Universities: Quality and Added Value" co-organized by the Arab Educational Information Network - Shamaa and the Lebanese Association for Educational Studies (LAES) and hosted by the Lebanese American University, opened with a keynote address by Serageldin on “The Radical Challenges University Education will Face and How it Needs to be Transformed”.

2013 1 November

The University of the Future: The Challenge and the Response


Dr. Serageldin delivered this presentation entitled “The University of the Future: The Challenge and the Response” in Beirut.

2013 31 October

The BA Saves the Collection of the Royal Tropical Institute

A Memorandum of Understanding has been signed by Ismail Serageldin as Director of the Bibliotheca Alexandrina, and Derk Vermeer as President of the Royal Tropical Institute— Koninklijk Instituut voor de Tropen (KIT) in Amsterdam, whereby the majority of the KIT library collection, almost 400,000 books and 20,000 journals, will be reallocated at the BA.

2013 28 October

Water and Sanitation in Africa and the Middle East

Egypt, Alexandria

Dr. Serageldin delivered this presentation entitled “Water and Sanitation in Africa and the Middle East” at the Library of Alexandria.

2013 22 October

On the Future of the University & its Governance: The Challenge and the Response

Alexandria Trust Seminar, Alexandria

Dr. Serageldin delivered this presentation entitled “On the Future of the University & its Governance: The Challenge and the Response” at “Alexandria Trust Seminar” at the Library of Alexandria.

2013 7 October

STS Population and Resources

STS, Kyoto, Japan

The debate on population and resources has been joined at least since Malthus and Condorcet… The former could not foresee anything except population growth hitting resources limit that would lead to famines and death. Condorcet saw that human imagination, science and technological innovation would be able to meet the needs of a growing population. Condorcet was right.

2013 6 October

Tenth Anniversary STS Forum

At the tenth anniversary meeting of of the Science and Technology in Society (STS) forum, Serageldin was keynote speaker at the plenary session on “Population and Resources”. The STS annual meeting is held on the first Sunday of October every year in Kyoto, Japan, and gathers top policymakers, business leaders, scientists, researchers, media leaders and Nobel laureates from all over the world, to address science and technology issues in the 21st century.

2013 3 October

Candidates for Chirac Peacemakers Prize Presented to the Jury

Serageldin met with the jury committee members of the Chirac Foundation to select a winner for the Chirac Foundation Prize for the Prevention of Conflicts. Having already convened twice this year to identify individuals committed to dialogue and mediation in tension zones, the committee of experts of the Chirac Foundation presented to the jury the proposed candidates.

2013 2 October

The Library Yesterday and Today at the BnF

At a celebration held by the Bibliothèque nationale de France (BnF), together with the Embassy of Egypt in Paris and the Friends of the Bibliotheca Alexandrina Association, to mark the 10th Anniversary of the Bibliotheca Alexandria (BA) Serageldin gave a talk entitled La bibliothèque hier et aujourd''hui.

2013 2 October

La Renaissance de la Bibliotheca Alexandrina

La BA, ce large et bel édifice, a été ressuscitée en octobre 2002, se revendiquant comme la digne héritière de son illustre ancêtre. Mais elle est également un vaste complexe culturel constitué de plusieurs composantes...

2013 2 October

A Talk on the Birth of a New Egypt at the American Club in Paris

At a luncheon held by the Paris American Club at the Cercle Inter Allié, Serageldin will today give a talk on "Egypt: Birth Pangs of a New Republic”. The Paris American Club brings together individuals and businesses for social gatherings and events, preserving a tradition begun by Benjamin Franklin’s “Sunday Dinners” in Paris in 1777.

2013 2 October

La Renaissance de La Bibliothèque d’Alexandrie

Celebration held by the Bibliothèque nationale de France, Paris
2013 2 October

La Bibliotheca Alexandrina: Apres dix ans

Paris, France

Dr. Serageldin delivered this presentation entitled “La Bibliotheca Alexandrina: Apres dix ans” in Paris.

2013 19 September

Shakespeare's Richard II: Reflections of the Undoing of a King

Dr. Ismail Serageldin is a lover of literature , and has always liked Shakespeare, finding in him a multi-layered complexity that speaks to us beyond the beauty of words and the power of the poetry...

2013 14 September

Discussing MoU with Carter Center

Serageldin met with President Jimmy Carter to discuss a Memorandum of Understanding between the Carter Center (CC) and the Bibliotheca Alexandria. Under this agreement the two institutions will collaborate on projects and initiatives such as organization of joint seminars, conferences, lectures, exhibitions, publications, educational and cultural films.

2013 5 September

Sessions on Shared Societies at NGIC

As Co-Chair of the Nizami Ganjavi International Center (NGIC), Serageldin presided, together with co-chair Vaira Vike-Freiberga, over the third NGIC Board Meeting held in Baku. The meeting was followed by the opening ceremony of NGIC & Club de Madrid’s High Level Preparatory Meeting: Framing the debate for the “Shared Societies Forum 2014”...

2013 19 August

The World Digital Library: A Memory of the World

At the UNESCO session of The World Library and Information Congress and the 79th Conference of the National Committees of the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA), Serageldin gave an update on the focus and development of the of the World Digitial Library (WDL), of which he is Chairman of the Executive Council.

2013 17 August

The Library of Alexandria: Past and Future

As part of a series of public talks organized by the National Library Board of Singapore, where notable librarians and authors coming to Singapore for the World Library and Information Congress are invited to engage the members of public, Serageldin gave a talk entitled “From Antiquity to Modernity : a look at the Bibliotheca Alexandrina and its re-engagement with the world”.

2013 16 August

Exploring the Role of the Book in Human Civilization

Following the success of the inaugural International Summit of the Book, held in Washington DC on 6-7 December 2012, with the theme “The Culture Of The Book”, the National Library Board Singapore (NLB) hosted the Second International Summit on 16 August 2013 with the theme “A Book By Any Other Name”.

2013 16 August

The Book in Arab/Muslim Civilization

At the Opening Session “The Meaning of the Book in Human Civilization”, Second International Summit of The Book, Singapore

Today, under the theme of “the Book by any Name” we are exploring the role of the Book in Human Civilization. Whatever the topic, whatever the platform, the Book is central to any civilization. Today, I will address two inter-twined aspects: the Book in the Arab/Muslim Civilization and the extension of that in the last 500 years into western Civilization.

2013 15 August

Information Literacy for Tomorrow


Dr. Serageldin delivered this presentation entitled “Information Literacy for Tomorrow” in Singapore.

2013 15 August

On the Future Challenges of Information Literacy

Invited to give a keynote address at the IFLA 2013 Satellite Meeting on Information Literacy & Reference Services, Serageldin addressed a packed hall at the National Library of Singapore with a speech entitled “Information Literacy for Tomorrow”. The meeting was held at the 79th Conference of the National Committees of the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA) ...

2013 14 August

High Level of Media interest in the Second International Summit of the Book

The international gathering of distinguished scholars at the Second International Summit of the Book, held in Singapore on 16 August, attracted much media interest. Before the start of the conference, Ismail Serageldin was interviewed by The Straits Times (English-language paper), and Lianhe Zaobao (Chinese-language paper).

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