Ismail Serageldin


2015 3 October

Discussions on Disaster Risk Reduction

Discussions on climate change adaptation and disaster risk reduction were held at the 7th Regional Action on Climate Change (RACC ) meeting held in Kyoto preceding the Science and Technology in Society (STS) Forum meetings.

2015 13 September

Council Meets to Discuss Future Role of UAE Federation Library

Serageldin joined the first meeting of the Science Consultants Council held in Abu Dhabi this week.

2015 10 September

Building an Arab Knowledge Society

As Co-Chair of the Advisory Board of the Global Knowledge Initiative, Serageldin was invited to a brainstorming meeting of the Arab Knowledge Initiative.

2015 7 September

Celebrating the 13th Anniversary of the BA at the British Library

As part of the celebrations of the 13th anniversary of the opening of the new Bibliotheca Alexandrina (BA) Serageldin visits London to give a series of talks.

2015 1 September

UN Permanent Representatives Visit BA

Following the UN Permanent Representatives Retreat held in Alamein on 31 August, the BA hosted 50 UN delegates, as part of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs meetings organized to promote Egypt’s nomination for the membership of the UN Security Council.

2015 31 August

Keynote speech by Serageldin at UN Permanent Representatives Retreat

At the UN Permanent Representatives Retreat held in Alamein under the theme “Towards Enabling Multilateralism: Partnerships for Enhancing the Contribution and Participation of All Member States in the Work of the United Nations”, Serageldin delivered opening remarks entitled “Towards An Enabling Multilateralism: Rethinking the Current World Order”.

2015 23 August

Obituary: Mrs. Nevine Madkour, wife of Dr. Ismail Serageldin

It is with extreme sadness that I inform all our friends and acquaintances of the death of Mrs. Nevine Madkour, wife of Dr. Ismail Serageldin.

2015 7 August

Presenting the BA to the Minnesotans

Minnesota Friends of the Bibliotheca Alexandrina held a dinner gathering in honor of Ismail Serageldin. On this occasion Serageldin gave a presentation on “The Bibliotheca Alexandrina, Past, Present and Future”.

2015 28 June

President of Azerbaijan Awards Order of Friendship to Serageldin

President Ilham Aliyev invited Ismail Serageldin and Vaira Vike-Freiberga, Co-chairs of the Nizami Ganjavi International Center (NGIC) as his personal guests to the Closing Ceremony of the First European Games held in Baku this month.

2015 18 June

BA Establishes Six New Embassies of Knowledge

In the presence of the El-Sayed Abdel-Khalek, Minister of Higher Education; Ashraf Hatem, the Secretary General of the Supreme Council of Universities; and Yasser Al-Shayeb, Director of the Embassies of Knowledge initiative, Serageldin signed agreements with the Presidents of the Universities of Zagazig, Mansoura, Banha, Fayoum, Aswan and Suez, to establish Embassies of Knowledge aiming at disseminating culture and knowledge to university students throughout Egypt.

2015 1 June

A Debate on Democratic Security at the Council of Europe

Invited by the Council of Europe to inaugurate a new series of debates devoted to the concept of democratic security, Serageldin presented his vision of democratic security and its components in a presentation on ‘Counteracting radicalisation and extremism – promoting mutual knowledge, understanding, tolerance and respect for diversity’.

2015 29 May

AUB Confers Honorary Doctorate to Serageldin

In an award ceremony held during the 146th commencement exercises for 535 graduate students of the American University of Beirut (AUB), Ismail Serageldin was awarded an Honorary Doctorate of Humane Letters for his “enduring contributions to the arts, humanitarian and environmental causes, and conservation of the cultural heritage.”

2015 21 May

A Memorandum of Understanding Signed with MACAT

Serageldin signed a Memorandum of Understanding between MACAT International Limited, represented by its founding Director, Egyptian philanthropist Salah Khalil, and the Bibliotheca Alexandrina, to collaborate in the field of translation of seminal books, design of training and educational materials, organization of joint seminars, conferences, lectures, training programs, exhibitions, publications, educational and cultural films and other material.

2015 10 May

AUB to Award Honorary Doctorate to Serageldin

The American University of Beirut (AUB) has announced that the honorary degree of Doctor of Humane Letters will be awarded to Serageldin at the university’s 146th commencement exercises on May 29, 2015

2015 9 May

Serageldin Participates in Global Round Table on Morality in Politics

Serageldin was invited to participate as panelist at The Global Round Table (GRT) 2015 Main Event held at the renowned Pázmány Péter Catholic University in Budapest.

2015 8 May

MoU with The National Széchényi Library

Memorandum of Understanding between the Bibliotheca Alexandrina (BA) and the NSZL , was signed by Ismail Serageldin as Director of the BA and László Tüske, as Director-General of the NSZL wherein both libraries agreed to promote and facilitate close co-operation and further cultural relations of both countries.

2015 29 April

“Rethinking the Prevailing and Failing World Order”

The third Global Baku Forum titled “Building Trust in the Emerging World Order”, organized by the Azerbaijan State Committee for Work with Diaspora, the Nizami Ganjavi International Center (NGIC) and the Club de Madrid, brought together current and former presidents, prime ministers, and statesmen, as well as global scholars and experts

2015 29 April

Closing Remarks

Building Trust in the Emerging/New World Order, Baku – Global Forum
2015 27 April

Thumbnail Sketches

Building Trust in the Emerging/New World Order, Baku – Global Forum
2015 20 April

Nizami Bust Unveiling Ceremony

A bust of Azerbaijan’s prominent poet Nizami Ganjavi was unveiled today in a ceremony held by the Bibliotheca Alexandrina (BA) and the Nizami Ganjavi International Center (NGIC).

2015 7 April

President El-Sisi meets with Serageldin

Following is a press release by the Presidency on President El-Sisi’s meeting with Ismail Serageldin:

“President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi met with Dr. Ismail Serageldin, Director of the Library of Alexandria, who presented a number of the Library’s activities and projects

2015 18 March

MoU with V-Dem

Serageldin signed an agreement with Staffan I. Lindberg and Abdalhadi Alijla from “Varieties of Democracy Institute” (V-Dem).

2015 11 March

BA and EdX Sign Educational Agreement

Serageldin signed an educational agreement with edX, whereby the Library of Alexandria and edX have become partners to bring an educational platform within reach of young people in remote areas of Egypt, to empower women and fight extremist ideology.

2015 10 March

Serageldin in MIT for Libraries Visiting Committee Meeting

This week Serageldin joined 17 members of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Libraries Visiting Committee for their biennial meeting. At the end of the two day meeting, which included lunch with the students, the committee presented a report to the Institute Administration.

2015 6 March

BA and Institut d’Égypte Have Common Mission

In partnership with the Singer-Polignac Foundation, the Cultural Office of the Embassy of Egypt in France co-organized a conference entitled L'Egypte, hier et aujourd'hui,presenting three aspects of Egypt from both a historical and a contemporary perspective : theLibrary of Alexandria, the Institut d’Égypte and the Suez Canal.

2015 20 February

NGIC Convenes in Preparatory Meeting

The Nizami Ganjavi International Center (NGIC) convened once again in a preparatory meeting for the third Baku Forum on Shared Societies to be held in April of this year together with Club de Madrid (CdM) on the theme Rebuilding Trust in Wider Europe – A High Level NGIC/CdM Initiative.

2015 18 February

World Bank Roundtable Discussions to Combat Poverty

Jim Yong Kim, President of the World Bank, invited Serageldin to a roundtable discussion hosted at the World Bank Group headquarters in Washington DC, with a cross-section of faith-based organizations and religious leaders to foster dialogue and greater collaboration in the common pursuit of combatting poverty.

2015 2 February

The Cities of the Future

“... The cities I dream of are humanist creations where buildings are designed for people and their idiosyncratic needs and technology is woven into the very fabric of the urban tissue, to serve the residents, recycle waste and protect the environment..."

2015 13 January

On Challenging the Extremist Currents

Serageldin has written an essay representing his reflections on “challenging the extremist currents in our midst, challenging them intellectually, and reclaiming our cultural heritage from those who would usurp it and use it for their own political ends”, and also on “the role that the Library of Alexandria, joining with all the cultural institutions of our society, can play in confronting extremism and violence”.

2015 5 January

Confronting Extremist Ideas with Ideas

This week Bibliotheca Alexandria hosted a three day Regional Conference for a Comprehensive Arab Strategy towards the Confrontation of Terrorism and Extremism.

2015 3 January

Confronting Extremist Ideas with Ideas

Alexandria, Egypt

The Challenge: A Cultural Program to Reject Extremism and Violence

 Ismail Serageldin    Download

التحدي رؤية ثقافية لمجابهة التطرف والعنف

 Ismail Serageldin    Download

Cities of the Future

 Ismail Serageldin  
2014 10 December

Strengthening BA Ties with Sweden’s Cultural Institutions

In a five day visit to Sweden, Serageldin held several fruitful meetings with the heads of major cultural institutions in Gothenburg and Stockholm, such as the National Library of Sweden, the National Museums of World Culture, the Tällberg Foundation, the Swedish Institute, and the Stockholm International Water Institute.

2014 25 November

Dialogue on Democracy

In a policy dialogue entitled “Democracy and Human Rights in Decline”, organized by the Club de Madrid and the Robert F. Kennedy Center (RFK) Center, with the Bertelsmann Stiftung as knowledge partner, Serageldin joined fellow panelists in a discussion on the state and the future of democracy.

2014 21 November

Chirac Foundation Honors Winners of Peace Prizes

As a founding member of the Chirac Foundation, Serageldin participated in the ceremony held at at Musée du quai Branly in Paris to award the winners of the Conflict Prevention Prize and the Culture for Peace Prize.

2014 16 November

Serageldin Appointed Advisor to Egyptian Prime Minister

Egyptian PM Ibrahim Mehleb has appointed Ismail Serageldin as his advisor in matters concerning culture, science, and museums.

As per his request, Serageldin will not be receiving any payment or allowances.

2014 4 November

A talk to MIT Egyptian Student Association

Serageldin will give a talk today to the MIT Egyptian Student Association (ESA). The Lecture, entitled "The Library of Alexandria: Rebirth and Revolution", will be held in classroom 34-101, EG&G Education Center, MIT, at 6:30 pm, and will be followed by questions from the audience.

2014 29 October

Serageldin Chairs WDL Executive Council Meeting

As Chairman of the Executive Council of the World Digital Library (WDL), Serageldin convened with the members of the Council for a meeting held in Rome on 29 October 2014.

2014 13 October

Insights on Digitization at the International Summit of the Book

The third annual meeting of the International Summit of the Book this year convened in Paris at the Grand auditorium, Quai François Mauriac. Organized by the Bibliothèque nationale de France (BnF) in partnership with the Centre national du livre (CNL), the conference laid emphasis on the role of translation as the source of a European way of thinking and on digitisation as a new memorial space

2014 8 October

Innovative Approaches in Addressing Climate Change

Hundreds of policymakers, business leaders, and researchers from all over the world participated in The First Annual Conference of Innovation for Cool Earth Forum (ICEF) which was held on the Prime Minister of Japan, Shinzo Abe’s proposal to establish a new international conference to discuss global cooperation to address climate change.

2014 6 October

Serageldin Chairs STS Plenary Session on ICT Impact

At the annual meeting of the Science and Technology in Society (STS) forum (, Serageldin chaired a plenary session entitled “Dialogue among Political Leaders, Scientists and Industrialists (Society Changed by ICT – Security and Privacy –)”. The discussion focused on how the ICT revolution, with both the big data that it produces and handles, and the social connectivity it provides, is transforming social and economic relations on a global scale.

2014 3 October

Serageldin Shares Insights with JST Advisory Committee

At the invitation of Dr. Michiharu Nakamura, President of Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST) , Serageldin participates today in the JST Advisory Committee Meeting. JST is a major funding agency in Japan under the authority of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology.

2014 1 October

Chirac Foundation selects winners of a new Peace Prize

Jacques Chirac, Former President of France, invited Serageldin to sit on the Jury selecting the winner(s) of the Chirac Foundation Culture for Peace Prize. Since the inauguration of the Chirac Foundation in 2008, Serageldin has been a member of its Honorary Committee and has served on the jury of the Chirac Foundation Prize for Conflict Prevention, which rewards women and men committed to fighting on a daily basis so that tensions do not escalate into serious conflicts.

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