Ismail Serageldin


2010 16 February

The New Library of Alexandria: A Beacon of Knowledge


Dr. Serageldin delivered this presentation entitled “The New Library of Alexandria: A Beacon of Knowledge” at the Library of Alexandria.

2010 16 February

Innovative Ideas on Water Issues

As a renowned expert on water issues, Serageldin is invited by the Alberta Water Research Institute (AWRI) to give three talks on The Impact of Climate Change on Water Issues, as part of their Celebrating Fresh Ideas speakers’ series.

2010 11 February

Egypt: Challenges & Opportunities

Cairo, Egypt

Dr. Serageldin delivered this presentation entitled “Egypt: Challenges & Opportunities” in Cairo.

2010 7 February

A Full Theatre at the Supreme Council of Culture

The theatre hall of the Supreme Council of Culture was completely full, on the evening of the 7th of February, as many prominent personalities as well as a great number of young people attended Serageldin’s lecture entitled The Seven Pillars of the Knowledge Revolution.

2010 1 February

The Impact of Climate Change on Water Issues

Alberta, Canada

Dr. Serageldin delivered this presentation entitled “The Impact of Climate Change on Water Issues” in Alberta.

2010 30 January

On the Values of Islamic Enlightenment - in Al-Ahram

Serageldin wrote an article in Al-Ahram on the values of the enlightenment as reflected in the reformist movements in Islam in the last 200 years, and on the importance of reviving that humanist and caring tradition in a time where many young people do not know enough about that side of their heritage and intolerant voices are claiming to speak for Islam.

2010 26 January

A Keynote Speech on Science Communications

At the Euro-Mediterranean Innovation Marketplace, held from 26 to 28 January, under the patronage of H.E. Dr. Ahmed Nazif, Prime Minister of Egypt, Serageldin will give a keynote speech in a session entitled Science Communications: Challenges and Opportunities for the Euro-Mediterranean.

2010 21 January

Encyclopedia of Life Governance Discussions

As one of the governance participants of the Encyclopedia of Life (EOL), Serageldin meets today with the other members of the EOL to discuss its future governance, and to recommend a governance model that fosters international participation.

2010 20 January

Serageldin in Paris for TWAS Steering Committee Meeting

Serageldin will today attend the fourth meeting of the Steering Committee of The Academy of Sciences in the Developing World (TWAS). Members of the Steering Committee will convene at the UNESCO Headquarters in Paris to report on 2009 activities and to discuss a work plan for 2010. Serageldin is Vice President of TWAS for the Arab World.

2010 18 January

Knowledge Against Poverty: To Abolish Hunger


Dr. Serageldin delivered this presentation entitled “Knowledge Against Poverty: To Abolish Hunger” at the Library of Alexandria.


From Promise to Practice: Applications of Science and Technology in Food, Healthcare, Energy and Environment

 Co-editors Ismail Serageldin & Ehsan Masood    Download

The Shape of Tomorrow - The Seven Pillars of the Knowledge Revolution and their Implications

 Ismail Serageldin    Download
2009 29 December

Report To Our Distinguished Intellectuals: SOME of Our Projects In 2009

Alexandria, Egypt

Dr. Serageldin delivered this presentation entitled “Report To Our Distinguished Intellectuals: SOME of Our Projects In 2009” at the Library of Alexandria.

2009 29 December

BA Receives the First Shipment of the French Donation

At the harbour of Alexandria, Serageldin and General Adel Labib, Governor of Alexandria, together received the first shipment of the half million French books, sent as a gift from the Bibliothèque nationale de France (BnF) to the BA. Last November Serageldin had been guest of honor at a ceremony that took place at Marseille, celebrating the departure of this shipment at the gare du Canet.

2009 23 December

Martin Scorsese… The Legendary Film Director at the BA

In a BA event attended by a number of movie stars from Egypt and the Arab world, Serageldin interviewed Martin Scorsese, the legendary Film Director, and engaged with him in a dialogue on film as an art form, on the influences that shaped Scorsese’s passion for cinema as a child, the making of some of his favorite films, his techniques, as well as his endeavor in the World Cinema Foundation. The event was widely attended by fans of Scorsese and lovers of cinema.

2009 23 December

Cinema as an Art Form

2009 21 December

Serageldin on CNN

The Cable News Network (CNN) airs a special episode about the BA, a beacon for knowledge and culture in the Arab world, and a worldwide landmark of civilization. The TV program entitled Inside the Middle East interviewed Serageldin for an episode to be aired on 6 January 2010.

2009 18 December

Smithsonian Institution in Cairo Salon

The weekly Cairo Salon TV show, presented by Dr. Ismail Serageldin, dedicates a special episode to Smithsonian Institution. The episode will be aired on Friday, 18 December 2009, at 20:00 hrs., on Egyptian TV Channel One.

2009 18 December

Report To Egypt’s Intellectuals

Alexandria, Egypt
2009 14 December

Mrs. Mubarak Honors Dr. Boutros Boutros Ghali at the BA

Mrs. Suzanne Mubarak, Chair of the BA Board of Trustees, visited the BA on Monday, 14 December 2009, to attend a ceremony honoring Dr. Boutros Boutros Ghali, Former UN Secretary General, in recognition of his generous donation to the Library. Dr. Ghali valuable donation included an original copy of Description de l’Egypte, in addition to his personal archive of photos, documents and other material related to his term of office as Minister of State for Foreign Affairs and UN Secretary General.

2009 11 December

Serageldin Receives Honorary Doctorate from Trinity College

Serageldin was awarded an honorary doctorate from Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland, on Friday 11 December 2009. He received his parchment from University Chancellor Mary Robinson. Trinity College Public Orator Professor Anna Chahoud described Serageldin as a humanist, a scientist, an educator, a leader: a truly Alexandrian scholar”.

2009 10 December

Memory, Culture and Hope: Reinventing Relations between the West and The Muslims


Dr. Serageldin delivered this presentation entitled “Memory, Culture and Hope: Reinventing Relations between the West and The Muslims” in Dublin.

2009 30 November

A Donation of Half a Million Books from the BnF to the BA

As part of a cooperation agreement between the Bibliothèque nationale de France (BnF) and the Bibliotheca Alexandrina, the BnF, in partnership with the Cultural Council of the Union for the Mediterranean (UPM) and the SNCF (French National Railways), is donating half a million books to the BA. Serageldin was guest of honor at a grand ceremony that took place at Marseille, celebrating the first shipment of 35,000 books.

2009 19 November

Harvard University Revisited

As chair of the steering committee of the Gender Economic Research and Policy Analysis (GERPA), created by the Center for Arab Women Training and Research (CAWTAR) and the World Bank in 2005, Serageldin was invited to attend GERPA's Steering Committee meeting, and the Third Annual GERPA Conference: MENA Gender and Economics Symposium -- From Research to Action.

2009 14 November

Keynote Speech at International Conference on Darwin

Darwin's Living Legacy: An International Conference on Evolution and Society was inaugurated on 14 November 2009. The Conference is organized by the Bibliotheca Alexandrina Center for Special Studies and Programs (CSSP), in cooperation with the British Council from 14 to 16 November 2009, with the participation of 120 Academics from 30 different countries who explore the role of the evolutionary science in a range of areas including medicine, agriculture, biodiversity and environment.

2009 14 November

Reflections on Darwin: Reflections on Science


Dr. Serageldin delivered this presentation entitled “Reflections on Darwin: Reflections on Science” at the Library of Alexandria.

2009 12 November

The Future Of Scholarship

Alexandria, Egypt

Dr. Serageldin delivered this presentation entitled “The Future Of Scholarship” at the Library of Alexandria.

2009 6 November

Selecting the Winners of the First Conflict Prevention Prize

Serageldin met once again with the jury committee members of the Chirac Foundation to select a winner for the Chirac Foundation Prize for the Prevention of Conflicts. The jury met earlier this year with a committee of experts who proposed a list of individuals or institutions that have taken exemplary and urgent action towards prevention of clash in areas of potential conflict. Serageldin believes this prize will better international recognition of the efforts of those who work to prevent conflicts.

2009 26 October

A Keynote Speech on the Dialogue of Civilization

As one of twelve internationally renowned scholars and policy makers making up the board members of the Universal Networking Digital Language Foundations (UNDL), Serageldin will attend the 9th Board Meeting convened at the Arab Fund Headquarters today. On the occasion of the meeting, an International Symposium on the Universal Networking Language (UNL), will also be held today at the University of Kuwait, where Serageldin will give a keynote speech entitled The Dialogue of Civilization Today: Cultural and Technical challenges. Following the speech will be a roundtable discussion on the UNL as a bridge to the dialogue of civilizations.

2009 23 October

Charles Darwin in Cairo Salon

The weekly Cairo Salon TV show, presented by Serageldin, is dedicating two special episodes to the English naturalist Charles Darwin. The first episode will be aired on Friday, 23 October 2009, at 20:00 hrs., on Egyptian TV Channel One.

2009 20 October

President of Finland Talks at Panel Discussion Moderated by Serageldin

Serageldin will moderate a panel discussion entitled Women’s Participation and Empowerment for Peace and Security, which is being hosted by the Suzanne Mubarak Women's International Peace Movement (SMWIPM) in cooperation with the Embassy of Finland.

2009 18 October

Avoiding Water Wars: A Vision for a Water Secure World

Alexandria, Egypt

Dr. Serageldin delivered this presentation entitled “Avoiding Water Wars: A Vision for a Water Secure World” in the Library of Alexandria.

2009 18 October

The Beauty of Our Dreams

Opening Address at the Euromed Summit of Economic and Social Councils and Similar Institutions

Welcome to the Library of Alexandria. Like its illustrious predecessor, the modern library aspires to be more than a meeting place for people of different cultures, but also to be a house of wisdom. I hope indeed that our deliberations will yield the kind of wisdom that we need so badly to confront our challenges today. These challenges, especially climate change, are perhaps greater than any we have faced since the end of the cold war.

2009 3 October

Assessing Regional Climate Change Impact

As one of the forty founding members of the Science and Technology in Society (STS) forum, Serageldin is invited to speak at the STS Annual Meeting, which is held on the first Sunday of October every year in Kyoto, Japan. He will also contribute as speaker and rapporteur at three of the five sessions of the Regional Climate Change (RCC) Conference on Developing an International Framework for Regional Climate Change Impact Assessments Designed to Support Local Action, which is a special adjunct session of the STS forum Meeting this year.

2009 2 October

A Stellar Talk about the BA at the National Diet Library of Japan

At the National Diet Library (NDL) in Tokyo, Serageldin once again gripped the attention of his audience as he gave one of his stellar presentations on the BA, entitled From Papyrus to PDF: The Rebirth of the Bibliotheca Alexandrina. The lecture was attended by members of the NDL staff, as well as other librarians and was also open to the public.

2009 1 October

Video of “Muslim Scholars”

If you have missed any of the episodes of Serageldin’s daily five-minute program “Muslim Scholars”, aired during the month of Ramadan this year, you can see them on the webcast of the Bibliotheca Alexandrina.

2009 18 September

Serageldin Receives Standing Ovation at the University of Tulsa

At the Presidential Lectures of the University of Tulsa, Oklahoma, Serageldin captivated the audience in the packed university hall, with a presentation about the Library of Alexandria – old and new – entitled From Papyrus to PDF. The presentation received a standing ovation and was followed by a lively question and answer session.

2009 14 September

Two Honorary Doctorates Awarded to Serageldin by Azerbaijan Universities

Serageldin is being awarded two Honorary Doctorates by Azerbaijan Universities: Azerbaijan Cooperation University and National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan Institute of History. This is not the first time Serageldin is honored by the Universities of Azerbaijan. In December 2007 Serageldin received two honorary doctorates from Azerbaijan State Economic University and Khazar University.

2009 8 September

A Lecture by Serageldin at the Centennial Celebration of the National Library of China

Invited to attend the centennial celebration of the National Library of China, Serageldin will give a lecture at the Symposium on International Progress of Libraries: Global Knowledge Sharing, which will be held as part of the celebrations.

2009 29 August

Ibn al-Nadim

Dr. Serageldin introduces the achievements of Islamic civilization in different fields of science and knowledge. In this episode, he presents Ibn al-Nadim, one of the renowned scholars from the Islamic Renaissance period.

2009 29 August

Yaqut al-Hamawi

Dr. Serageldin introduces the achievements of Islamic civilization in different fields of science and knowledge. In this episode, he presents Yaqut al-Hamawi, one of the renowned scholars from the Islamic Renaissance period.

2009 29 August

Banū Mūsā brothers (Sons of Moses)

Dr. Serageldin introduces the achievements of Islamic civilization in different fields of science and knowledge. In this episode, he presents Banū Mūsā brothers (Sons of Moses), three renowned scholars from the Islamic Renaissance period.

2009 29 August


Dr. Serageldin introduces the achievements of Islamic civilization in different fields of science and knowledge. In this episode, he presents Al-Battānī, one of the renowned scholars from the Islamic Renaissance period.

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