Ismail Serageldin


On Sea Level Rise Adaptation in Alexandria

14/09/2011 | Venice

Serageldin is invited to speak at the international conference “Improving the Capacity to Assess and to Adapt to Climate Change in Urban Coastal Regions”. Organized by the Venice Water Authority through Consorzio Venezia Nuova with the assistance of Thetis and the Sustainability Solution Institute at the University of California at San Diego, the event brings together experts from around the world to exchange knowledge and discuss the best methods to assess the impact of climate change on coastal urban regions and identify suitable adaptation measures for development. In a session entitled “Building Best Practices Knowledge Action Networks”, Serageldin will give a presentation on climate change and sea level rise adaptation in Alexandria.

Follow Serageldin on Twitter on the subject of sea level rise. As a world authority on water he has much to say about this major global issue.

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