Ismail Serageldin


Serageldin Speaks at Cairo Book Fair

15/01/2002 | Cairo
Ismail Serageldin spoke twice today at the Cairo Book fair. First in a stunning slide-illustrated lecture on the Library of Alexandria old and new, and then in a panel on Globalization with Sayyed Yassin and George Khoury of DW. Both interventions were very well received.

Serageldin Selected Man of the Year by the Kuwait Cultural Festival

10/01/2002 | Kuwait
The Qurein Cultural Festival of Kuwait selected Ismail Serageldin as man of the year. The National council for culture selected the Librarian of Alexandria for the breadth of his interests and achievements. He promised to deliver a special address in Kuwait.

Meetings with International Associations of Friends Deemed a Success

01/12/2001 | Alexandria
Upon return from a tour of the UK, France and Greece, Serageldin expressed admiration for the efforts of the friends associations and their efforts on behalf of the BA. During the trip he gave a number of lectures including a special address at the House of Commons on Globalization after the WTO round in Doha.

Youth Employment Summit Consultation

01/12/2001 | Alexandria
The organizers of the Youth Employment Summit (YESS 2002) a large conference due to take place in Alexandria next September met at the Bibliotheca Alexandrina with about 50 NGO activists in Egypt to discuss the future plans for the Summit in Egypt.

Drawing Lessons of Soft Opening, Serageldin Promises a Special Library for Children

05/11/2001 | Alexandria
Reflecting on the lessons learned from the soft opening, Serageldin announced today that there would be a special library set up for the very young (5-11 years old), a felt need not addressed by the young people library designed for the 12-18 year olds.

Soft Opening of the Bibliotheca Alexandrina Attracts 200,000 Persons

30/10/2001 | Alexandria
Ismail Serageldin, Librarian of Alexandria declared himself very pleased with the results of the experimental opening of the Bibliotheca Alexandrina, which attracted about 6-7000 visitors every day.

Soft Opening Starts with a Bang, Naguib Mahfouz Heads the List of Honorees

01/10/2001 | Alexandria
First Lady Suzanne Mubarak welcomed 1200 guests in a simple ceremony that marked the experimental or soft opening of the new library of Alexandria. She delivered awards to the many who have contributed to bringing the library to this stage and to the representatives of the many associations of friends that had come for the occasion.

Library of Alexandria Host Many Intellectuals

08/09/2001 | Alexandria
On the eve of the new soft opening of the Bibliotheca Alexandrina, Ismail Serageldin hosted some 70 of Egypts leading intellectuals in for a dialogue on the future of the Library and what their thoughts were on what it should do for them and for Egypt.

First Lady and Trustees Meet at the Library of Alexandria

01/09/2001 | Alexandria
The first Lady and chair of the Board of Trustees of the Bibliotheca Alexandrina met with the Egyptian members of the board of trustees to discuss the plans for the soft opening of the Library and the next steps in the librarys development.

Serageldin Selected as the World's Best Lecturer

07/06/2001 | Aarhus University, Denmark
Ismail Serageldin, selected by Aarhus University as the best lecturer in the world, delivered two lectures at the university today. He spoke in the morning on the Library of Alexandria and in the afternoon on the University of tomorrow. Both lectures were well attended and very well received.

Celebration of Adel Abu-Zahra at the Bibliotheca Alexandrina

01/06/2001 | Alexandria
Adel Abu-Zahra, secretary general of the Egyptian Association of Friends of the Library of Alexandria (EAFLA), has been honored by the international associations in Geneva as one of the ten most effective leaders of the civil society in the world.

First Meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Bibliotheca Alexandrina Held in Cairo

29/05/2001 | Cairo
The first meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Bibliotheca Alexandrina (BA) was held in Cairo. The members of the Board were received by the President of Egypt who reaffirmed the support of the Egyptian government to the BA and wished them well on their work.

Serageldin Confirmed As First Director of the Bibliotheca Alexandrina

28/05/2001 | Cairo
At its first meeting held in Cairo on May 28th, the Board of Trustees unanimously endorsed the recommendations of the search committee and selected Ismail Serageldin as the first Director of the Bibliotheca Alexandrina (BA).

Egyptian Association of Friends of the Library of Alexandria (EAFLA) Passes 500 Members

20/05/2001 | Alexandria
Ismail Serageldin told us today that he was delighted to learn that the membership of the Egyptian Association of Friends of the Library of Alexandria (EAFLA) was growing rapidly and that it had already reached over 500 members.

Egypts First Lady Announces New Directions for the Library of Alexandria

03/05/2001 | Alexandria
First Lady Suzanne Mubarak visited the Bibliotheca Alexandrina today and held a press conference at which she delivered a very important address that laid out the future path of the BA and announced the new governance structures of the BA.

Egyptian Intellectuals Meet to Discuss the Role of the Library of Alexandria in Promoting Dialogue and Tolerance

03/05/2001 | Aida Beach, Egypt
A three day event organized by the Coptic Evangelical Organization for Social Services (CEOSS) and the Egyptian Association of Friends of the Library of Alexandria (EAFLA) to discuss the role of the Bibliotheca Alexandrina in promoting dialogue and tolerance in the years ahead.

Serageldin Appointed to the Supreme Council for Culture

30/04/2001 | Cairo
Ismail Serageldin was appointed to the Supreme Council for Culture in Egypt. This august body comprises 22 persons in their individual capacity and a number of eminent ex-officio members.

Stellar Board to Guide the Library of Alexandria

22/04/2001 | Cairo
It has just been learned that the new Library of Alexandria is to be guided in its actions by a Board of Trustees that is a veritable who's who of eminent personalities. The Board is to be chaired by Mrs. Suzanne Mubarak, Egypt's First Lady, who has been the driving force for this project for a very long time.

Corals, and an Unusual Honor for Serageldin

11/04/2001 | Cairo
This story should have been filed last December... but we just learned of all the details ... We have known for many years that Ismail Serageldin is a very avid scuba diver, and a strong supporter of coral reefs and actions to conserve them.

Conference on Biotechnology in the Arid Zones Starts in Kuwait

09/04/2001 | Kuwait
A conference to discuss the applications of biotechnology in the arid zones started in Kuwait today. The conference was sponsored by the Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research (KISR) and included a large number of regional personalities.

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