Ismail Serageldin


Serageldin Delivers Keynote Address at International Water Conference

09/05/2004 | Bozeman Montana, USA

Ismail Serageldin delivered the keynote address at an international conference on water issues being held at this bucolic University town. Serageldin addressed the global water dimensions of the challenge, and positioned the small water systems at the heart of the required response if the Millennium Development Goals are to be met. The specialized aspects of the conference, dealing with public health and the problems of small water systems, enabled Serageldin to meet with top specialists in the field of microbiology and water. Serageldin said that it was his first visit to Montana, and that he thanked his host, Prof. Tim Ford for having given him the opportunity to meet the interesting participants and to see the fabled “Big Sky” of Montana.

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