Ismail Serageldin


2013 2 October

La Renaissance de La Bibliothèque d’Alexandrie

Celebration held by the Bibliothèque nationale de France, Paris
2013 2 October

La Bibliotheca Alexandrina: Apres dix ans

Paris, France

Dr. Serageldin delivered this presentation entitled “La Bibliotheca Alexandrina: Apres dix ans” in Paris.

2013 2 October

A Talk on the Birth of a New Egypt at the American Club in Paris

At a luncheon held by the Paris American Club at the Cercle Inter Allié, Serageldin will today give a talk on "Egypt: Birth Pangs of a New Republic”. The Paris American Club brings together individuals and businesses for social gatherings and events, preserving a tradition begun by Benjamin Franklin’s “Sunday Dinners” in Paris in 1777.

2013 2 October

The Library Yesterday and Today at the BnF

At a celebration held by the Bibliothèque nationale de France (BnF), together with the Embassy of Egypt in Paris and the Friends of the Bibliotheca Alexandrina Association, to mark the 10th Anniversary of the Bibliotheca Alexandria (BA) Serageldin gave a talk entitled La bibliothèque hier et aujourd''hui.

2013 2 October

La Renaissance de la Bibliotheca Alexandrina

La BA, ce large et bel édifice, a été ressuscitée en octobre 2002, se revendiquant comme la digne héritière de son illustre ancêtre. Mais elle est également un vaste complexe culturel constitué de plusieurs composantes...

2013 19 September

Shakespeare's Richard II: Reflections of the Undoing of a King

Dr. Ismail Serageldin is a lover of literature , and has always liked Shakespeare, finding in him a multi-layered complexity that speaks to us beyond the beauty of words and the power of the poetry...

2013 14 September

Discussing MoU with Carter Center

Serageldin met with President Jimmy Carter to discuss a Memorandum of Understanding between the Carter Center (CC) and the Bibliotheca Alexandria. Under this agreement the two institutions will collaborate on projects and initiatives such as organization of joint seminars, conferences, lectures, exhibitions, publications, educational and cultural films.

2013 5 September

Sessions on Shared Societies at NGIC

As Co-Chair of the Nizami Ganjavi International Center (NGIC), Serageldin presided, together with co-chair Vaira Vike-Freiberga, over the third NGIC Board Meeting held in Baku. The meeting was followed by the opening ceremony of NGIC & Club de Madrid’s High Level Preparatory Meeting: Framing the debate for the “Shared Societies Forum 2014”...

2013 19 August

The World Digital Library: A Memory of the World

At the UNESCO session of The World Library and Information Congress and the 79th Conference of the National Committees of the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA), Serageldin gave an update on the focus and development of the of the World Digitial Library (WDL), of which he is Chairman of the Executive Council.

2013 17 August

The Library of Alexandria: Past and Future

As part of a series of public talks organized by the National Library Board of Singapore, where notable librarians and authors coming to Singapore for the World Library and Information Congress are invited to engage the members of public, Serageldin gave a talk entitled “From Antiquity to Modernity : a look at the Bibliotheca Alexandrina and its re-engagement with the world”.

2013 16 August

The Book in Arab/Muslim Civilization

At the Opening Session “The Meaning of the Book in Human Civilization”, Second International Summit of The Book, Singapore

Today, under the theme of “the Book by any Name” we are exploring the role of the Book in Human Civilization. Whatever the topic, whatever the platform, the Book is central to any civilization. Today, I will address two inter-twined aspects: the Book in the Arab/Muslim Civilization and the extension of that in the last 500 years into western Civilization.

2013 16 August

Exploring the Role of the Book in Human Civilization

Following the success of the inaugural International Summit of the Book, held in Washington DC on 6-7 December 2012, with the theme “The Culture Of The Book”, the National Library Board Singapore (NLB) hosted the Second International Summit on 16 August 2013 with the theme “A Book By Any Other Name”.

2013 15 August

Information Literacy for Tomorrow


Dr. Serageldin delivered this presentation entitled “Information Literacy for Tomorrow” in Singapore.

2013 15 August

On the Future Challenges of Information Literacy

Invited to give a keynote address at the IFLA 2013 Satellite Meeting on Information Literacy & Reference Services, Serageldin addressed a packed hall at the National Library of Singapore with a speech entitled “Information Literacy for Tomorrow”. The meeting was held at the 79th Conference of the National Committees of the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA) ...

2013 14 August

High Level of Media interest in the Second International Summit of the Book

The international gathering of distinguished scholars at the Second International Summit of the Book, held in Singapore on 16 August, attracted much media interest. Before the start of the conference, Ismail Serageldin was interviewed by The Straits Times (English-language paper), and Lianhe Zaobao (Chinese-language paper).

2013 14 August

What Happened in the Library on the 14th of August

On 14 August 2013, amidst the unfortunate violence and turmoil that Egypt has witnessed lately, the Library of Alexandria, a neutral cultural institution, was subjected to a number of attacks. The brave and heroic staff of the Library''s Internal Security team, alongside the Egyptian Police Force, protected the building from these irresponsible actions.

2013 13 August

Censorship In The 21st Century: New Threats to A2K

Gotenborg, Sweden
2013 28 July

Shakespeare's Henry V: Modern Reflections on a Medieval Hero

Dr. Ismail Serageldin has always liked Shakespeare, finding in him a multi-layered complexity that speaks to us beyond the beauty of words and the power of the poetry...

2013 27 July

Birth Pangs of Egypt’s New Republic

The Egyptian Revolution corrected its path on the 30th of June 2013 when unprecedented numbers of Egyptians, in their tens of millions, signed individual declarations asking President Morsi to step down, and took to the streets and said “No” to the rule of Morsi and the Muslim Brotherhood (MB). The Morsi supporters were a much smaller minority on the scale of Egypt, and were largely concentrated in two squares in Cairo and the Qaid Ibrahim Mosque Area in Alexandria, with scattered bands elsewhere. In the face of this overwhelming public disavowal of the government and in the absence of a formal procedure...

2013 27 July

Egypt’s Ongoing Revolution – Part II: On Violence and the Path Ahead

The Egyptian Revolution is ongoing. It got its second wind and corrected its path on the 30th of June 2013 when millions and millions took to the streets and said “No” to the rule of President Morsi and the Muslim Brotherhood (MB). Then after the first few days from June 30 to July 3, after President Morsi was toppled and the interim government was installed, vast numbers of the people began to abandon the streets, and were ready to turn the page, and start a new chapter. But the escalation in the rhetoric of the Islamist supporters of Morsi continued...

2013 27 July

Egypt’s Ongoing Revolution – Part II: On Violence and the Path Ahead

The Egyptian Revolution is ongoing. It got its second wind and corrected its path on the 30th of June 2013 when millions and millions took to the streets and said “No” to the rule of President Morsi and the Muslim Brotherhood (MB). Then after the first few days from June 30 to July 3, after President Morsi was toppled and the interim government was installed, vast numbers of the people began to abandon the streets, and were ready to turn the page, and start a new chapter.

2013 19 July

The Library of Alexandria and the Ongoing Egyptian Revolution

Remarks Delivered at the Gulbenkian International Prize Ceremony, Lisbon, Portugal

It is a privilege to be with you here in Portugal, in Lisbon and in the Gulbenkian Foundation. I hope that this occasion will mark the beginning of a more extensive collaboration between the Foundation and the Library of Alexandria, and more generally between Egypt and Portugal, a pioneer in managing a successful transition to democracy.

2013 19 July

Gulbenkian Prize Awarded to BA and Serageldin

From among 70 nominations, the international jury of the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, presided by Jorge Sampaio, Former President of Portugal, chose the Library of Alexandria and Ismail Serageldin, as its director, to be the winners of the 2013 Calouste Gulbenkian Prize.

2013 16 July

Serageldin to Sign MoU between BA and Nizami Ganjavi Center

Ismail Serageldin, on behalf of the Library of Alexandria, and Nazim Ibrahimov, Minister of the State Committee for Diaspora of the Republic of Azerbaijan, on behalf of the Nizami Ganjavi International Center (NGIC), are to sign a Memorandum of Understanding between the Bibliotheca Alexandrina and the NGIC.

2013 11 July

On the Future of Universities: The Challenge and the Response


Dr. Serageldin delivered this presentation entitled “On the Future of Universities: The Challenge and the Response” in Panama.

2013 11 July

Keynote Speech in Panama on the Universities of Tomorrow

Serageldin was keynote speaker at the opening session of the V Meeting of University Networks and Councils of Rectors. His presentation entitled “Tomorrow’s Universities and the Seven Pillars of the Knowledge Revolution” was very well received. The meeting was organized by the International Institute for Higher Education in Latin America and the Caribbean (IESALC), which is a UNESCO organization devoted to the promotion of higher education.

2013 6 July

Egypt’s Ongoing Revolution – Part I

Egypt is once more doing things its own unique way. After millions of people went into the streets and in 18 days that shook the world succeeded in toppling the regime of Hosny Mubarak after 30 years of rule, they came back again in their millions into the streets and squares of Egypt and toppled Mohamed Morsi after one year of rule.

2013 18 June

STI Building African Capacities in Science, Technology & Innovation


Dr. Serageldin delivered this presentation entitled “STI Building African Capacities in Science, Technology & Innovation” at the Library of Alexandria.

2013 18 June

The Poetry of the Magnificent Sage

The Nizami Ganjavi International Center of Azerbaijan, invited Dr Ismail Serageldin to give a lecture on Nizami Ganjavi, which was delivered on 3 May 2013, in the city of Ganja at the Azerbaijan State Agrarian Academy Auditorium...

2013 15 June

Serageldin Welcomed as New Member of Royal Academy of Belgium

Serageldin is invited to the Welcome ceremony of the new Members of the Royal Academy of Belgium for the class of Technology and Society. He was elected, in March 2013, a member of the Académie royale des des sciences, des lettres et des beaux- arts de Belgique, ARB, (The Royal Academy of Science, Letters and Fine Arts of Belgium).

2013 12 June

Egypt, The Arab World, and The Future

Washington, DC
2013 12 June

Once Again at the Library of Congress

After the huge success of Serageldin’s lectures at the Library of Congress (LoC) in December 2012 and March 2013, he is once again invited to the prestigious library to give a lecture on "The Arab World and the Future of Egypt". The lecture takes place today at 6:30 in the Members Room of the LoC. It will be attended by Members of Congress.

2013 28 May

The Story of the BA at the British Academy

As part of the Lecture Series of the Egyptian Cultural Bureau in London, Serageldin gives a talk at 6:30 pm today, at the British Academy’s central London venue just off Pall Mall (10 Carlton House Terrace). The lecture is entitled "Rebirth and Revolution: The Story of the Bibliotheca Alexandrina".

2013 14 May

Flame of Peace Awarded to Serageldin

In a ceremony held at the BA, Herta Margaret Habsburg – Lothringen, President of the Flame of Peace Organization, presented the Flame of Peace 2013 Award to Ismail Serageldin. The event also witnessed the inauguration of the Flame of Peace Monument. Made of wood and mounted on stone, it is a symbol for peace, bravery and perseverance.

2013 8 May

Serageldin Opens the First South Caucasus International Forum

As co-chair of the board of the Nizami Ganjavi International Center (NGIC) Serageldin opened the first South Caucasus International Forum on ‘Shared societies’. In his opening address Serageldin said “… the forum will discuss the clash of civilizations, shared values, norms, regulating our societies”. The Forum, which was attended by Azerbaijan President Ilham Aliyev, was co-organized by NGIC and Club de Madrid.

2013 25 April

Presentation at APS Annual Meeting: A Great Success

At the annual meeting of the American Philosophical Society (APS) , Serageldin gave a presentation entitled Rebirth and Revolution: the Library of Alexandria in the 21st Century”, which was very well received. Present at the meeting were his peers in the Society, which has 1022 members of eminent scholars from a wide variety of disciplines.

2013 18 April

Keynote Speech at NCL in Taipei

To celebrate its 80th anniversary, the National Central Library (NCL) in Taipei held an international conference under the theme “A New Paradigm for Globalized Knowledge and Library Development”. The directors of national libraries throughout the world and scholars and experts from Taiwan were invited to speak at the conference.

2013 10 April

On the Resilience of The Delta

2013 4 April

Shakespeare and the Burden of Leadership

Dr Ismail Serageldin always liked Shakespeare, finding in him a multi-layered complexity that speaks to us beyond the beauty of words and the power of the poetry...

2013 3 April

Reissuing Essays on Islam

Upon the request of many of his friends and former colleagues Dr. Serageldin has been asked to reissue the essays he had written on Islam, 20—30 years back and that are out of print. Their request is based on the fact that the subjects in these essays are STILL VERY RELEVANT TODAY.

2013 8 March

The Rebirth Of the Bibliotheca Alexandrina


Dr. Serageldin delivered this presentation entitled “The Rebirth Of the Bibliotheca Alexandrina” in Washington.

2013 8 March

Lectures at LoC on the Future of Egypt and the Future of Libraries

Serageldin gave three lectures at the Library of Congress (LoC) this week. On 6 March he spoke before a packed auditorium on “The Arab World and the Future of Egypt”. Large audiences returned to the LoC on 8 March for two more lectures by Serageldin on the topics: “The Loss and Rebirth of the Library of Alexandria” and “The Knowledge Revolution and the Future of Libraries”.

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