Ismail Serageldin


First ever EU sponsored TEMPUS conference held in Alexandria

13/10/2003 | Alexandria

Mrs. Suzanne Mubarak with Mr. Romano Prodi, Minister Moufid Shehab and Ismail Serageldin inaugurated the first ever TEMPUS-MEDA conference held in Alexandria.  In lieu of his opening and welcoming speech, Ismail Serageldin presented a multi-media presentation on the Library's past, present and future.  The stunning visual presentation was very well received.


The conference will help establish the framework for higher education collaboration between Europe and the MEDA region.   A highlight of the conference was the presence of the "groupe des Sages" appointed by Mr. Prodi to address the dialogue of cultures, and its chair, Mrs. Assia Alaoui of Morocco delivered a brilliant lecture in French on the panel's findings which was then followed by a round-table discussion by the entire "groupe des sages".

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