Ismail Serageldin


A Debate on Democratic Security at the Council of Europe

01/06/2015 | Strasbourg

Invited by the Council of Europe to  inaugurate a new  series of debates devoted to the concept of democratic security, Serageldin presented his vision of democratic security and its components in a presentation on  ‘Counteracting radicalisation and extremism – promoting mutual knowledge, understanding, tolerance and respect for diversity’. A frank and thought-provoking discussion ensued between Serageldin and the participants. A TV interview was also held with the Council of Europe TV Journalist.

 The council of Europe is an intergovernmental organization working to promote democracy, human rights and the rule of law. The debate was held for an exchange of views on ways to counter the rise of extremism and radicalization in Europe and beyond.


Click here to see the TV interview.


































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