Ismail Serageldin


Serageldin Delivers Keynote Address at 25th Anniversary Meeting of the European Federation of Biotechnology (EFB) in Basel

26/08/2003 | Basel, Switzerland

At the 25th anniversary meeting of the EFB, Ismail Serageldin delivered a rousing keynote speech under the title of Biotechnology on a North-South gradient. Serageldin emphasized that while biotechnology did not constitute a magic bullet for the woes of the developing world, it was one more tool in the toolkit that scientists needed to harness the best in Science d technology to tackle the problems of the poor and the environment in the developing countries. He specifically cited five areas where he contrasted how the views were radically different between the north and the south: health, food, agriculture, industry and the environment.  He went on to discuss the need for different IPR policies and warned that medicines would be the first flashpoint of disagreements if that were not done.  The speech was very well received, and despite its critical and sometimes harsh notes, received an extended ovation.


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