Ismail Serageldin


The BA and Al-Azhar Co-organize a Seminar on Cultural Consensus

23/10/2011 | Cairo

The BA and Al-Azhar co-organized today a seminar entitled “Cultural Consensus in Light of Al-Azhar Declaration” at the Al-Azhar International Conference Center, Cairo.

Al-Azhar Grand Imam Dr. Ahmed Al-Tayeb and Ismail Serageldin, gave the opening addresses. The seminar also featured speeches by Dr. Ahmed Kamal Abu El-Magd; Dr. Abdallah ben Beh, Vice President of the International Union of Muslim Scholars; Shiite Scholar Hany El-Fahs; Dr. Mohamed Kamal El-Din Imam, Professor of Law, Alexandria University; Dr. Mona Abu Zeid, Professor of Islamic Philosophy, Helwan University; and Dr. Sameh Fawzy, Deputy Director of the BA Dialogue Forum.

The seminar explored sound basis for national consensus in light of the principles and guidelines stipulated in Al-Azhar Declaration, with special emphasis on the establishment of a modern State, supporting citizenship and freedom of expression, and improving education.


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