Ismail Serageldin


A Busy Schedule in South Africa

25/07/2011 | Cape Town

Serageldin followed a very busy schedule in South Africa this week. First on his agenda was a lecture on the morning of 22 July at the University of Johannesburg, “In conversation with Youth. The shape of tomorrow: the seven pillars of knowledge”.

In the evening, at the Nelson Mandela Foundation, Serageldin gave a talk entitled “Knowledge beyond books: the rebirth of the Bibliotheca Alexandria”, which was followed by a panel discussion with Serageldin and the South African Minister of Science and Technology Naledi Pandor, and moderated by Professor Njabulo Ndebele.

Also at the Nelson Mandela Foundation, Serageldin gave the Ninth Nelson Mandela Annual Lecture on 23 July, and, leaving Johannesburg for Cape Town, his last engagement during his journey to South Africa, was a lecture on 25 July in a packed auditorium at the University of Cape Town law school, on the topic of “Universities and the Unfolding Knowledge Revolution: Preparing for the 21st Century”. Also on Serageldin’s agenda, between the lectures, were several media interviews.

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